Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bethenny Ever After.?

Did anyone else watch this? Does anyone else think the next one will be called "Bethenny Gets Divorced"? Yeah. I thought maybe she'd calm down with the wedding and birth out of the way, but, she's still manic and frantic. Now, it's his cloying parents in her face. He can't stand to hurt them and she can't stand to go there every other week. She offered to trade him the second child he wants if they can all move across the country to California. His mom heard it, got a hurt look and turned to her hubby and asked, "Can we move to California?" Fuck me. This is never gonna work and the show made me nervous. Like, you're just waiting for Bethenny to lose her marbles and blow up. She's so high strung, she should become a drunk or something. He's a mama's baby boy with cloying parasite parents who won't back off.


Angie from NJ said...

I thought it was just me. She seemed very harsh when dealing with his parents. He looked pissed off at the dinner table. I believed her looked at her in a different light so to speak. Like what the f did I get myself into and did I marry Cruella Deville.

Even though she grew up with an f-up family and has an abrasive personality it was no reason for her to act like that. And she wonders why it took her to 40 to find a prince. It would help if you didnt act like a $#%&*!

miss tia said...

offering to have a second child to get a husband to do something?!??!!? uh yeah.....divorce court here they come.....

Dirty Disher said...

Angie, I saw it the other way. That mother of his is a manipulating control freak!! Bethenny had to nip that shit. Jason knew she was nuts when he married her. I think she'll get tired of his hick ass though.

Double LY said...

Thank you DD. That's the way I see it too. Not that Bethenny is a saint, but she's 100% truthful all the time. Don't want to hear what she has to say - better not ask.

The mother was so passive-aggressive and trying to get Bethenny to commit (for LIFE, basically) of how often they would visit, which holidays, etc. Are the grandparents retired? Go the fuck to New York, stay in a hotel so you aren't up her ass all day while she's trying to work (assume she runs her business(es) from home) and Bethenny probably won't give a shit how much you see the baby. Driving to bum-fuck Pennsylvania for Halloween? Screw off granny. Packing up an infant for a trip every other weekend is nucking futz.

Gee, can you tell my in-laws are similar? What a rant!

Bayou Jane said...

DD...I'm sending you an email. It is an article from a local paper on how there are some words being changed in the bible---this is a large catholic area. Thought you might be interested. Look at the change in the "virgin" Mary reference.

There was no place to type in dirtydisher in a subject box---no subject box.

Is it still snowing around there?

It is gorgeous around here and I can't be out enjoying it----long story. Put up another PISSED OFF section and I will explain!!!

Hope you are doing well!

Dirty Disher said...

Double LY, I know, right! Like, who the fuck cares how a 4 month old spends Halloween?

Dirty Disher said...

Okay, Bayou, I'll go find the email. Thanks! Oh, it's nice here, it's 37 degrees.

Heidi said...

I agree with you DD. I think the fact that they have to travel for hours to visit should be a clue that it should be a once every couple months visit..send pictures in emails, talk on Skype for christ sake!

I believe any FIRSTS are for the parents only if they so wish it.

Barbara in VA said...

Actually, I was very surprised when she was so in your face with her husband's parents, and I thought they took it very well. They are probably not used to that kind of "shock and awe", rapid delivery of her every thought type person.

They should move to CA if they want to. The parents will be able to visit, and if CA is where they want to raise their family -- so be it. But Bethanny has almost lost a fan here because she is so wound up, so shrill and full of demands. I know I couldn't take that personality in a spouse. Yikes!

Barbara in VA said...

Also, sorry I didn't say this before, it isn't up to Grannie if the couple and their kid(s) move to England. She is probably used to being the Queen Bee and getting her way with her husband and son. If she wants to visit them where they choose to live, that's what she can do. They can't have their lives revolve around packing up the kids to see Grannie every holiday.

I wasn't aware until I read it here that his folks were so intrusive. Bethanny has to speak her mind or she'll burst!

Maureen Gavin said...

I thought B. was terribly mean, hateful and rude to the in laws. My view of her, after this episode, has changed dramatically.
Maybe we're weird, I don't know, but I knew exactly how the Hoppy's felt. I have never spent one holiday away from my grandson, nor will I ever. My daughter would be lost without having her whole family around for them. It seems strange to me that there are people who don't feel that same way. Not that it's right or wrong, just that's it's different.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the episode! I guess the empathy B. had for her in-laws losing their other son has worn off. I can't believe she can't schedule time for them with the baby while she is working, win-win.

I thought his mom was very sweet and touched to go dress shopping with B. but that was ages ago. I can't wait to see!!!! Where can I watch the episodes?