Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dirty towel blues

Eric Clapton was caught at an LA laundromat washing a load of towels. Really? I sure as fuck don't see that at the laundromat. All I ever see is the weird guy who wears tin foil on his head and shits in the machines.


miss tia said...

i saw that too! unbelievable! he's totally keeping it real!!!

Unknown said...

Is he washing Towelie the towel. Odd that he would be in a laundry mat. His washer and dryer must of broke.

PeggyAnn said...

omg. I am never going to the laundromat again.

Noelle said...

Is this for real?

Dirty Disher said...

Yep and so was I about the dude shitting in the machines.

Noelle said...

Oh! I believe all the Loundromat stories. My family has run Laundry Mats for years. Some of the nastiest messes you can imagine. Real lack of consideration for others.
I'm having trouble believing Eric Clapton would need to go to one. ?

just wondering said...

Yeah, I saw that on TMZ and I had an OMG moment, too. That's really cool, though. Good to see that some celebrities know how to keep it real.

Dan Zinski said...

If I saw Eric Clapton in a laundromat I'd go up to him and ask why he hasn't made a decent album since 461 Ocean Boulevard in fricking 1974.

Bayou Jane said...

I just think it's good that he is able to do that without being bombarded by 100 cameras. He's not a showboater and should be allowed to live as he wants. He's earned that right. Who knows! He might consider this fun (in a weird way that we can't understand).

OT...we are in the middle of Mardi Gras weekend and we have a category 1 going on over here. Parades are being called off and will have to be put in to a time slot in the next 2-3 days or called off. That puts a real big DAMPer on things. Pun intended!

Dirty Disher said...

Noelle, guess who's laundromat the shitter was in?

Bayou Jane said...

I would give anything that I have (including my son) to see Eric Clapton before either he dies or I do. I hope I have the time. You never know.

Anonymous said...

Bayou Jane-

I hope your wish comes true and you see Eric Clapton.

I'm recovering from surgery and it's just hit me how strong and resilient you are, BJ. You've been through a lot and you just keep moving forward, always with a sense of humor.

In fact, most of us here on DD have weathered some pretty shitty stuff. Pat, I hope you remember every day how much the community you've built means to us all. I think I can speak for everyone. I post sporadically, and try to follow everyone's lives. Pat, you've endured more than most ever will, but you continue to give and I hope this is blog healing for you.

Bayou Jane-you rock. You have a lot of strength and dignity. I don't know how long it's been since you lost your husband, but everytime I see you post, I think of him and admire how you keep moving forward. I mean that in the most respectful way. I hope your wish to see Clapton comes true. Stay safe in LA.

So DD and Friends, thanks for being there for me. I wish I could hug each of you, and I'm not a big hugger. I'd hug you twice, Crabbie.

Beth aka Sprite

PS-No pharmaceuticals on board, yet, this morning : )

Bayou Jane said...

Thanks Beth. Someone mentioned here once before that we seem to be a group of people of a kind who have found each other. We have all had pain in some way, shape, or form. Some of you have dealt with a childhood I could never dream of. Some of you with physical pain and some with emotional pain. DD has given us the chance to offer comfort to each other and for this I am greatful. It does make life easier. Sometimes you can tell a stranger (and I really don't think of ya'll as strangers) things that you can't tell your best friend. Just to have a place to bitch is wonderful! Beth, I hope you are doing better and to all my friends, thank you! My husband died 14 months ago and you all have made it easier just by being here.

And let's face it, where else would you find stuff like you find on this blog? (example--the stalking story)

I love you all!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello All.

I haven't noted any new posts or comments.

Is Pat ok?


Noelle said...

I hope DD is ok. She or someone really should check in.

I was afraid you were going to say that about the Laundramat....eewwwww.