Monday, March 14, 2011

Do you believe in Astrology?

I believe in Astrology, to a point. I just don't understand how it all works. I have this..friend..I guess you'd call him..even though we don't hang out or anything. He's sort of like a mild stalker, I used to be cautious of him because he's such an oddball, but, this has been going on for years and now I'm used to him. He's harmless and a fan of Tarot reading. Anyway, his hobby is Astrology and he really gets into it. He's like some savant with the charts and stuff. He drives by and puts these complicated 12 page charts in my mailbox and I have no idea what they mean. Last Summer he left some and they had Japan circled and the words "quake" and "tsunami" with arrows pointing at it. He said Pluto was in retro and a bunch of stuff and he calculates it all with this elaborate math system. I guess he was right. He even had the timeline almost to the day. Now he says it aint over. I talked to him yesterday and he says we can expect more of the same, in the same area. And he says it will effect us this far inland in the US with extreme weather patterns. He makes me wonder just how much he knows and wish he could communicate it better. It's like talking to a computer that only speaks HTML or something.


miss tia said...

there is also the super full moon approaching....that is when the full moon is the closest to the earth...last time it was this close to the earth was in 2004 and there was 9.0 earthquake and tsunami....considering how the moon affects the tides, i don't see how it could NOT affect tectonic plates....

i totally believe in astrology but not in the daily horoscope stuff, that is bunk....birth chart stuff, yes; future progressions, yes....i'd like to know how your friend figures those charts.....i can do some future projections but it IS very complicated and it does involve math, as you said, an elaborate math system....

Dirty Disher said...

You should see these charts! They're just unreadable to me. Strange. He also builds pyramids and swears by them. And I mean, big ones. The last one cost him like 60 grand and he puts altered seed plants in them. He's a farmer.

Noelle said...

I'm hoping to do some super moon Moonbathing, should be our fist day on the Lake. Got snow today that shit better straighten out. supposed to be in the 70's by midweek. yay!

I believe in astrology too. Found too much true to dispute. Kind of cool.

Your friends predictions are damn scary. Is is better to know? Guess it depends on how well one copes with the stress of worry..

miss tia said...

oh i totally believe in pyramids too!!! i've read about the power that pyramids hold....i think i'd get along with your friend! :)

Speak To Me said...

I want to hear more about pyramids. Sounds interesting.

Dirty Disher said...

I don't know a lot about pyramids, but, he says they have certain powers and what he does is store all his seed in them. He sits in them too. His crops always do well, even when it's not a great year. He seems to rotate on a diff basis than most farmers. And he always saves tons on crop insurance because of his predictions. He knows where to buy protection and from what.

Anonymous said...

astrology is bullshit.
a) the signs have moved in the last 2000 years, astrology never accounted for that.
b) there are 13 signs, not 12
c) 2000 years ago, uranus, neptun, pluto were all 'none existing' for astrology.. but back then it was 'as correct' as today. Btw, Pluto is not a planet.
d) tsunamis and quakes are common for Japan
e) 'the big one' hasn't still occured.

Anonymous said...

oh and about that 'supermoon' crap. The moon hasn't much influence at all. There were no 'supermoon' when Haiti happened. Or the quake of 1906. Or most other big quakes.

SolitaryAngel said...

Anonymous, your ignorance amuses me to no end! Tell me, do you believe the planet is only 6,000 years old? Is the world flat in your mind? LOL

Pat, you really attract the loser nutjobs, haha.

This guy sounds like he has a mild form of autism, like Asperger's Syndrome. I would love to know more about the stuff he tells you!!

miss tia said...

yeah, anon is pretty ignorant....ancient architecture is based on astrology and the PYRAMIDS....and i didn't earthquakes only happen during a super moon...geesh....learn to read....

i totally believe pyramids have powers....powers that we don't really understand how/why they work....they've done studies on pyramids and how wine kept in a pyramid shape will taste better....razors will take 5 times longer to rust if kept in a pyramid shape....

Alison said...

I believe in it, too bad I have the lame sign Virgo which everyone says is the sign of people with anxiety disorders and mental health problems...maybe it's no wonder I have so much trouble.

Even now that they shifted the signs I am STILL a freakin' Virgo!

miss tia said...

the sign shifting is a bunch of bull and that guy doesn't know what he's talking about.....he should be ignored saying there's another sign and all the signs should be adjusted....

Unknown said...

That is crazy and a little scary. Are more disasters happening now or is it just better documented through the media now? Our world seems like it is on a collision course with disaster.

Bayou Jane said...

OT...I have worn a chain and pendant most of my life. They all were symbolic for that part of my life. My last chain broke where the chain met the heart pendant---it was given to me by my husband. I'm thinking now is a good time to change the tpye of pendant that I will wear. Crystals give healing powers---but which one should I pick? I need all the healing power I can get. My birthstone is a clear stone--diamond, white topaz, ? I had even thought of "the phoenix rising" (out of one life into a new one). I need a new pendant to go with my new life!
I'm open to all sugestions. Mostly something that will bring me peace and remain sharp in the brain! I wonder how you say FUCK ALSHEIMERS in Japanese!

Dirty Disher said...

Jane, I would suggest feeling the stone, then choosing.

Anonymous said...

SolitaryAngel learn to read, which is true for the rest of you gals too.

I don't claim that the earth is 6000 years old. I claim - and astronomers do so too, that the earth axis moved the last couple of thousand years. A LOT. And astrology NEVER compensated for that.
You think you are a 'lion'? You are wrong. By a whole sign.

Same for the moon:
Earth quakes and other catastrophes happen all the fucking time. No matter where the moon is. So that supermoon stuff is nothing but bullshit. As you would know if you would use google for 5 minutes.

And now the pyramids crap. Yeah, pyramids have magical powers! They are very stable and don't fall over easily.
That is pretty much the only thing 'special' about pyramides and the one and only reason the egyptians used them for their huge buildings - it was the only geometric form stable enough for a building that size with the means at their hands.
People, get a grasp and stop believing bullshit.

miss tia said...

yeah, anon, i'll agree with you about people needing to stop believing in bullshit, but when will millions give up christianity and other religions???