Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Eggs cooked in children's pee

Spring eggs hard boiled in children's urine have been a treat in this part of China for thousands of years and now culture officials want to take it worldwide.

Chef Lu Ming said: 'The urine is gathered from local schools and the very best comes from boys under 10 years old. They pee in buckets and we collect it fresh every day,'

Then the eggs - which have official cultural significance status - are boiled in the wee, first with their shells on and then with them off for a day and a night before they're ready to be eaten.

He said: 'The eggs are delicious and healthy. They stop fevers and can help you concentrate if you're feeling sluggish or sleepy.
Yeah, the rest of the world is dying to get this treat. I'll let Miss Tia take it from here.


Angie said...

That is straight up nasty.

Daphne said...

Different strokes for different folks, but that's just friggin nasty!

Anonymous said...


Melissa said...

Who the hell thought this one up????!?!?!? I am gagging right now.

miss tia said...

i just got up and this is the first thing i read....GAG!

you know it....

FUCK CHINA!!!!!!!!!!!

Frimmy said...

Gag, indeed

miss tia said...

and you know OF COURSE the preferred pee would have to be MALE....we know how the chinese hate the women folks and allow abortions for female fetuses and turn a blind eye if you murder a baby girl....


Anonymous said...

Pedobear heaven.

Noelle said...

Yeah I can see the rest of the civilized world jumping all over this. The pee won't be hard to collect young boys will really dig that gross out project. But I see a lot of eggs going to rot. This is really weird and gross.

just wondering said...

They eat dogs, too. I agree with miss tia - Double fuck China!!

twinner said...

Picture someone sitting around one day looking at a bunch of eggs thinking what could they cook them in. Oh I know little boy pee.

Dan Zinski said...

I cook everything in pee. Not sure what the big deal is.

Frimmy said...

I have a Chinese friend who is Christian. She says if Adam and Eve where Chinese they would have eaten the snake. No issue.

I have a book of China with a photo of someone grilling dog pieces like it was chicken. In the back ground puppies (as livestock) were playing. The accompanying commentary by a Chinese person said that Chinese will eat anything with four legs, except a chair.

SolitaryAngel said...

Crabbie, you crack me UP!!!

I saw a photo once of a Chinese man eating a nice breakfast of orange juice, oatmeal, and HUMAN BABY LEGS. He had the leg up to his mouth, about to take a bite...after this photo, I agree with Tia....FUCK CHINA!

Why can't these fucked up fuckers just eat NORMAL food? Why do they have to come up with all this stupid shit that normal people wouldn't touch in a million years? How the fuck does eggs cooked in piss translate into a cultural thing?
Why couldn't it have been CHINA to get the earthquake/tsunami? At least then the disaster would have served a purpose.....

Unknown said...

This post ruined my whole day yesterday.

A-Gran said...

I don't understand why it's OK to eat a cow but not a dog? I wouldn't eat one because I've lived with dogs and cats but I don't necessarily think it's all that shocking. If you haven't been raised to think of dogs and cats as pets then what's the big deal?