Wednesday, March 9, 2011

House Hunters..bitching never stops

I've been sick all week, I called in sick to work and I've been laying around watching TV again. It always pisses me the fuck off. So today I'm bitching and I have a right to, unlike those stupid people on that House Hunters show. What the fuck is wrong with those people?? They always bitch about a pink bathroom. It's like, "Oh, my gowd, we'll have to gut it, we can't live with a pink bathroom, it's so out of date!" And I throw things at the TV. I mean, shut the fuck up. It's an old house you're paying over half a million bucks for and that's the third full bathroom I've seen so far and it's clear down the hall from the master. Who gives a fuck? And they never ever stop bitching about wall paper. It's freekin' PAPER! That's why they call it wall-PAPER. You can fix it in an afternoon. Those whores should have to live in my house. I'd be glad to get a pink bathroom. My house is such suck I don't even think it's cleared for human habitation. Stupid House Hunters. Oh, my, gowwwwd..the wall paper is not attractive!! Just shut up. Loser whiners.

And then there's Holmes On Homes where this Holmes dude fixes homeowners problems. The one I watched yesterday had this super stupid couple who bought an old 3 story 19th century home and someone had knocked out all the interior walls and made the whole thing a modern "loft space." They took out ALL the structural supports and it was falling down..but, it sure looked pretty. Goddamn goofballs. Who the hell would think that's a good idea? Holmes had to gut it, attic to cellar. As soon as they stepped in the front door, I was like, uhh oh. And I didn't even know what the show was about. I don't think people this stupid should be allowed to own houses.


miss tia said...

i like that pink bathroom....and gee, PAINT???

people sometimes just want an excuse to spend more money....

i can't even imagine the idiots taking out all the structural supports....they're lucky the house didn't collapse on 'em...

sorry you have been sick all week...

Dirty Disher said...

The house was collapsing. And why are all the houses so expensive? They act like a million dollars is normal. For a house here that would cost 50 grand tops. Uggg they drive me nuts. And what the fuck is this obsession with hard wood floors? Noisy, dirty and most of them don't know the difference between real wood and some cardboard lamimate shit. I hate them..and I hate the stainless obsession in kitchens. God. I want to kill them. They all want the same thing.

CatsPaw said...

AMEN, sister! I live with a bad foundation, a leaky roof, drain issues and a host of other problems and one lousy bathroom. My son was in there the other day and I was out here jumping around like I had St Vitus' Dance hoping to get in there *in time*.

I watched one of those shows where the couple looked at a $300k+ house that was just *everything* they wanted, but the dipshit wife would only agree to it if they could spend another 50k to rip out the new granite and cabinets and put in some more to her liking.

Glad you're feeling better. It's crap like this that keeps us alive.

Daphne said...

Sorry you've been sick!! I don't watch house hunters, but I could look at Mike Holmes for a while....and Damon...I could stare at him for a long while.

tricia said...

What gets me with house hunters is that everyone wants double sinks in the bathroom! I have been married 26 years, and I can wait for a few minutes, to brush my teeth in private, thank you! Do you both have such time management problems that you have to be in the bathroom at the same time??? I would love to see ONE couple excited about looking at a new home, instead of whining!
PS: I have the bug too! I got it at work, and now I have to take sick days.. I think if work MAKES you sick, than you should not have to use your sick days!

Peg said...

They should have my bathroom. Then they would have something to bitch about. It's horrid. I raised 3 boys in this house with 1 bathroom. Someone's in the shower and you gotta pee? Oh well, close the curtain all the way and listen to me pee or hurry the fuck out.

I'm hoping to redo the bathroom this Spring. It still won't help it much.

Dan Zinski said...

People bitching about stuff? Imagine...

cyberisis said...

Tricia - I hear you about the double sinks! I don't need to share everything!

Noelle said...

My great Grandma had a pink bathroom like the picture it was bigger and the bath tub and the toilet pink too. She pinked it all up with fuzzy rugs and toilet sets. Of course after she died grandpa her son. Ruined it just like you describe. Tore out that big pink tub.

It might be smart to have a pink bathroom maybe men would think they were in a ladies room and be neat. yeah probably not.

Feel better soon.

Glad you are back even for a just a minuet.

twinner said...

I don't like Mike Holmes. He walks in a house, takes a look around and if he sees one little thing wrong he tears the house apart, because "if one things wrong, everything must be wrong". My husband, the electrician can't watch, he yells at the tv. I have also heard stories that the tradespeople on the show have to pay for everything out of their own pockets and don't always get the money back. But they get the MH stamp of approval.

Melissa said...

Sending healing thoughts your way, DD. Having just got over my bug, I know how awful you feel. Sorry. Wish I could send you soups and a hot water bottle.

Anonymous said...

If the tradespeople paid for stuff, didn't get the money back or some type of compensation, do you think they would still help him out job after job?

twinner said...

The tradespeople get great publicity being on Holmes, I guess that is why they come back. Here in Canada, it seems that if Mike Holmes says something about construction, it becomes golden. He has his own line of tools, clothes and his own magazines. He also hosts "Handyman superstar challange" with another contrator Jim Caruk, who I love, he seems down to earth and has a wicked sense of humour.

CJ said...

Normally I like House Hunters, it's great mindless entertainment. But if I hear one more person say IT'S SO SPACIOUS !!!
I will probably throw something through my TV. When will these idiots figure out that white appliances work just as good as stainless steel.

Frimmy said...

Black and stainless steel appliances are endless work because everything shows. Every fingerprint, every smudge. I stick with white, it may not be cutting edge trendy, but I end up with free time that would otherwise be spent polishing the damn appliances...and double sinks is just another sink to clean. If you have someone doing this work for you, then I get the appeal. I don't.

Glad you're back DD. I hope you continue to feel better.

Anonymous said...

Where the fuck do these people get all there money from? That's what I want to know. I've worked fairly hard most of my life but I still only have one bathroom which I share with three adults, son still living at home with g'friend because renting and/or buying too expensive. Don't know how it happened but Melbourne has become the most expensive city in the world to live in. :-(

twinner said...

My bathroom has a clear glass bowl sink. Very chic and cutting edge. It was there when we bought the house and it looked so nice. Now I know that it is a pain in the neck. It is meant for a powder room where you only wash your hands, not for everyday family use. Water marks and toothpaste residue are horrible. I would change it in a second if I could, but will suffer with it and clean it everyday.

Dirty Disher said...

Twinner, I see those sinks on the show and laugh picturing them covered in kid spit and toothpaste.

My bathroom has all y'alls beat. It has one wall of exposed pipes I cover with a lace curtain and the toilet sits up on a slab to make the sewer work. My feet dangle when I go. The medicine cabinet was wonky so they put styrofoam behind it and you can see it when you sit on the can. My shower breeds spiders.

Anonymous said...

I am currently living in one of those big houses with four bathrooms, two of which have double sinks. The foundation leaks, there was a trade strike when it was built and every goddamn pipe was put in wrong and has leaked over and over again. We have spent over a hundred grand on this overpriced pile and can't wait to dump it.

This is what happens when you buy a house for as an investment, based on "location". We were well off when we bought it, well guess what the recession hit and now we're broke.

It is NOT worth it. NOT. Not ever. I'd do anything to live in my first little house with the sound foundation and one bathroom. We had no space but used what we had wisely, we could afford everything and were happy. Now I have to move to a shitty apartment and hope to god someone buys this fucking McMansion.

Lesson learned.