Monday, March 14, 2011

Nanny 911

OMFG! OMFG! What the hell is wrong with this nasty mental mom??? After watching all of this episode, I think those kids need to be removed from her care. This is horrendous. Usually these nanny shows are just good birth control ads, but, this is too much. These kids are in danger.


Tony Van Helsing said...

What the hell is someone like this doing with kids? I wouldn't trust her to wipe her own arse.

Dirty Disher said...

I cannot believe anyone allows tiny children to not be safe from a charging tusked bore in thier own home! And I'm an animal lover. Geez, these poor kids.

just wondering said...

With a warning like that I'm not even going to watch. I have nightmares about things when I have no control over the outcome.

Corina said...

the kids eat off that damn floor because they realize their mother likes the pet more than the kids!! disgusting..

Dirty Disher said...

The mom throws pig food on the sofa for the fucking hog!! OMFG!

Anonymous said...

Uh...the father is as much to blame as the mother...

Noelle said...

I'm speechless that's nasty! Poor kids.

Dirty Disher said...

The father's an idiot who should take the kids and run.

Alison said...

Before I even clicked on the link I thought "I bet this mom isn't as bad as the one who owned the pet pig" and then it was actually her.

Besides this woman, I think the most pathetic thing I ever saw on this show was an episode about a mom who was a professional nanny and a father who was a police officer. They couldn't control their kids at all! How the hell can you be a nanny and a cop and still let small children walk all over you?! The Nanny 911 told the mom "If you were my childrens' nanny, I'd fire ya!" Ha!

Bayou Jane said...

Damn, I was a good mother! All I have to do is tell my son now!

Frimmy said...

Omg that woman is a fraud as a mother and that man should have taken his kids out of there and got them somewhere safe a long time ago.

Angie said...

How long do you suppose it took Mommy to bring the pig back inside? How does social services not get involved in cases like this?

Dirty Disher said...

I think nanny threatend to call the law and that mom had that hog back inside as soon as she left. That pig is dangerous.

Unknown said...

holy fucking shit!

Anonymous said...

I know it's wrong, but I can't helping laughing that the kids mimic the pig by drinking out of the pig's water dish. That's just proof how badly socialized those poor kids are. That woman is a disaster--she makes octomom look almost normal.