Thursday, March 3, 2011

Open Post

They playin' my jam jam jam...They playin' my jam jam jam.. (yawns)..they playin' my jam jam jam..(are we done yet?)...turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up...(farts)...

I spent hours trying to find something intelligent online. I never found it. But, I have Tigers blood and Adonis DNA and I cured it with my brain. Today is old lady check day, my own personal hail. What are you up to?


miss tia said...

gotta run a couple errands today myself.....then back to studying....

the difference between february and march has been like night and day....march 1st and viola! the sun is out and shining all day....

Dirty Disher said...

Cold here, looks like more snow.

miss tia said...

we're suppose to get rain the next two days but the sun is out today....very nice to see the sun....

Noelle said...

I have 65 degrees yes! Cleaning some junk out of the basement boring...

I called some gutter people to repair a leaking gutter right in front of the doorway. They bring a step ladder. ? the problem is two stories high. ?

Had a door knob and lock repaired today too. Wow getting it done.

Hope you folks don't get anymore snow. yuck, time for spring!

Study on Miss Tia!

Heidi said...

It is in the 20s here today but the sun is shining.
I am here just mentally planning my veggie garden and I am thinking I might try to make some of those cement planters that you talked about DD last year.
I have some cement work to do in the yard so I might as well try that too.

It is supposed to be warm this weekend! I cannot wait.

Dan Zinski said...

I'm getting the shakes cause I have no booze money until next Friday.

Dirty Disher said...

I just got ma pills. Ahhh.

miss tia said...

dunno if i'm gonna get any studying done today or not....had some weird egyptian pop ups on my desktop and i'm running a scan--been running 6 hours now.....i could study, but i'd be distractulated.....i might try to do 30 words at least....did 80 yesterday!! YEAH!!!!

learned that apparently someone i went to high school with started a rumor that i am now a professional dominatrix....that really cracks me up.....i think that says more about them than me....they are a christian conservative tea bagger....if i WAS a dominatrix, i bet most of the customers would be christian conservative tea baggers....

Noelle said...

@Miss Tia- Are they still in high school? :) I'll play.
They're just jealous.

On a serious note. To each their own.
Pretty sure that schmuck knew what he was getting into when he put on the dog collar. :) snap.. lick my shoe...snap...

Been a long day I think I'll have a drink. :)

Dirty Disher said...

I wanna be a professional dominatrix!!!!! I could beat some ass.

Bayou Jane said...'s time to go making the social rounds. Drop in on friends and neighbors.

miss tia said...

yeah i dunno where they got that from, but it's funny as hell....

i once dated a guy who was into s&m and he loved being dominated but it really sort of bored me after awhile.....

STILL trying to get that virus off my desktop.....ugh...gonna run another deep scan overnight and hopefully that'll work....don't want to deal with this again all day tomorrow!

Melissa said...

I'm trying to get the virus out of my system! Have been sick since last Friday and can't seem to kick it. It started with sore throat, then down to the lungs and coughing left right and center. Pink eye linked on top of it (from the congestion) and I have not had a good night sleep in that many nights.

So fucking sick of it. Did the Netie Pot, Ibu and fluids and refuse to go to the doctor who will tell me that I need to drink lots of fluids and rest. Which I have been doing with no result.

Sorry for the boring as hell comment but needed to vent.

Dirty Disher said...

Melissa, good thoughts! Get well.

Tia, I wanna be a PD if I get paid! That shit's too boring to do for free.

Unknown said...

LOVE that picture. How adorable.

Anonymous said...

Melissa my husband and I had the same thing. Get some vicks vapo rub--
also, We thought we had pink eye as well but it was just part of the cold. He is over it now but it has lasted 4 weeks for me--but I'm a smoker so maybe that's why I can't shake it. But it went like this:
rash on eyelids
rash on chest
rash on inner arms, hairline, ears.
bad cough
sore throat
ears hurt
feels like you can't pop ears
bronchitis type cough
itchy rash is back--then fades
recovery (I hope)

I know it is a disgusting thing to write symptoms like this on a blog but I was seriously scared part of the time I had it because this was such a bad cold---and I want to help ANYONE else that is going through it.
Theraflu and benedryl helped as well.
Take care Melissa!

Melissa said...


4 weeks? 4 WEEKS?????? I don't think I can do 4 weeks like this!?!? Have done the Vicks vapo rub, ibu, netie pot, cough drops. Will have to go to the doctor if it doesn't get better by Monday/Tuesday. The worst is the cough and it is so bad at night. Was up from 2:30 and coughed straight through to 11:00AM. I am so exhausted and my lungs hurt!! As does my whole body from coughing so much. I am a smoker too but I can tell you that I absolutely do not feel like smoking because my lungs are so painful.

No rashes so far and my eyes seem marginally better.

Oh what a fun post this has become!! Sorry, DD. Thanks for the well wishes and Sally thanks for the advice.

Angie said...

My dad passed away seven years ago today. This is when I realize how FAST time is flying by, anniversaries of events that seem as though they occurred only yesterday. It scares me.

On a happier note, my granddaughter is about a month away from making her grand appearance. I'm SOOOO excited! :)