Friday, March 11, 2011

Outrageous Kid's Party on TLC

I watched this show on TLC last night that has to be cancelled on account of BORING. Some fluffed up idiot mom spent $32,000 on her kid's 6th birthday party. It was princess theme and everyone had to dress like a fool and ride in a Cinderella coach pulled by horses. It was just stupid because I've already seen ignorant excessive kid's parties on the real housewives. And they're boring. Plus, they seemed to do things just to piss the kid off and make her seem like a real greedy brat when really, she was just a little kid. The cake decorator charged like, three grand for a cake and the kid ordered a blue one. Blue is her color. Of course, the cake showed up and was purple and the kid pitched a fit. Hell yeah, she's six, hopped up on sugar and asked for blue. I'd be pissed off too. There is nothing more boring than a kid's party, unless it's your kid. This shit is lame.
Of course, TLC is the channel where brood sow Kate Gosselin is a star and they made a whole show about a fat guy walking up four steps. Why wasn't I surprised?


just wondering said...

I can't believe they have the balls to produce this crap while 10% of the country is still out of work and can barely feed the family. TLC is just disgusting.

Dirty Disher said...

TLC IS disgusting. I guess people want to see disgusting. Why else would Kate Gosselin exist? I wonder what her ugly ass is up to? Probably still boring and bitchy.

Unknown said...

My daughter loves princess things. But the HELL Im not going to shovel out that much cash to have a extreme bday party. I saw Beds for kids that were made like chariots castles and etc. The lowest one was 35k. you could buy a car with that.

Oh DD Kate is helping the world with hunger now. She is going charities and becoming a SAINT. bwwwa she changing her image.

just wondering said...

Fucking Kate+8 were flown first class to Tennessee and limo driven in to feed the hungry. Oh, and of course it was filmed for the show so she will also be receiving her paycheck for the gig. Of course she left the second they had enough on film.

I went to see her here in South Bend last year and booed her while she was speaking. I flipped her the bird and told her she was a crappy mom.