Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Paris Hilton sucks

Paris Hilton fucked up and told someone she doesn't like black guys, she thinks they're gross. I guess she was making out with Vin Diesel at some point and when they got into a well lit place she saw that he was part black and got rid of him. She said one percent black is enough for her, it's gross. Well, first off, what the fuck was she doing making out with a stranger she'd never seen with the lights on? Fucking whore. And she can say she never said it, which I'm sure she will, but, there's film of her HERE dancing like an idiot and saying the same kinds of stuff. I heard her use the word nigger once and faggot three times in the vid. She also insults some girl by calling her a "poor broke bitch from Compton" and a "public school bitch." I don't know why anyone is surprised, this is how she was raised. If you're not rich and white, you aint shit in Paris's book. Too bad she's a lame whore who can't read the book, because SHUTTHEFUCKUP has too many syllables for her.
The only reason I posted this is because I am really going to enjoy her next efforts to clean up her tarnished image. It should be more fun than the three stooges fucking meth monkeys on the Jersey Shore. Dumb whore.


miss tia said...

making out with vin diesel?!??! was he auditioning new beards? or was he attracted to her manly size hands and feet?

Dirty Disher said...

LOL! It was dark.

CatsPaw said...

Such a vacuous waste of air. Girl can't dance either.

Daphne said...

Paris Hilton vs. Chris Brown

Bayou Jane said...

At first, I couldn't tell if she was dancing or just trying to stand up.
Do you think that shiny stuff on her chest was real. That was a lot of bling to be flashing around. I'm naive enough to believe that it's real. And she probably wouldn't care if she lost it.

Who is she to comment on any school? Didn't I hear that she was a dropout?

Daphne...I really would love to see that. But would it be fair to Chris? I could see her kicking him with her big feet. Like an ostrich!

And I sure hope she wasn't making out with Vin Diesel!!! I like him and wouldn't want to she him all full of diseases.

Frimmy said...

Well, personally, I haven't seen a black man I thought was attractive. My taste runs to everyone else as long as he's tall. Or she, in the case of Tilda Swinton. I certainly don't think black men are gross, it's a personal taste thing, not a racial bias. She has no business talking that way. Paris is trash and the one who is gross.

Unknown said...

She might have just ruined Vin Diesel for me.

Unknown said...

Agree with Daphne and Bayou. i thought Van is like maria he is half black. She is so DUMB. She will always have $$$$$$. But that can never buy you class baby. Your brought up with it. Only the little people pay taxes RIGHT???

Dirty Disher said...

She's an uneducated herpes encrusted mess.

sally said...

Paris is ignorant and too detached from reality to realize she can't say negative things about minorities in this country. She has such a sense of entitlement and massive ego that she believes EVERYONE is beneath her: black, white, asian, latin, poor, lohan, middle class, middle aged, working class, nicole richie, aunt kyle,....etc.

I just wish her silly fans would realize her disdain includes them and then maybe we would all be free of her.

Tonya said...

Paris Hilton is still alive and newsworthy?