Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Rest In Peace Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth, hands down the world's most beautiful actress, died today of heart failure. She was surrounded by family. Liz became famous when talent was also a requirement for fame and leaves a large body of work behind. I was watching A Place In The Sun last night and she was a vision in it. I plan to look up some more of her films tonight. She was bawdy, outspoken, and made creative use of profanity and a belly laugh. She smoked, she drank, she Twittered and she married almost every guy she slept with. She was 79 years young and she had three Oscars. Have a great time in the next life, Liz, and say hello to Richard for us. We will miss you.


miss tia said...

She truly LIVED her life....and what a legacy she is leaving behind...

a truly beautiful person inside and out....

Anonymous said...


Dirty Disher said...

Yep, I was thinking, she really made use of the life she had. She lived well and big and she started the fight against AIDS.

miss tia said...

and though i truly believe michael jackson DID molest little boys, i have to give her credit for remaining loyal to him as a friend when all his other 'friends' abandoned him and i believe she was a 'true' friend and not an user and hanger on as she was a far larger star than him.....

Anonymous said...

Yes, I thought that her loyalty to Michael Jackson was stellar too. He was such a talented and lost soul, lonely at the top. RIP Liz.

Frimmy said...

Very well said, DD.

RIP, Liz

Anonymous said...

I usually don't give a rats ass about dying celebs but this one has made me very sad today. She stood up for AIDS when the government (Ronald Regan) pretended it did not exist. She was beautiful, talented and lived her life for her. She was truly a one-of-a-kind treasure.

If you have a diamond wear it today in memory of Liz. If you don't have a diamond just sparkle like one, just as she did.

just wondering said...

Breathtaking review of her personality, movies, and life.

notherrealname said...

Yes, she was stunning. Her fight against AIDS and her deliberate choice to use her fame and celebrity to bring attention to a disease that the government wanted to ignore, made her much more than a beautiful actress. Then she became someone to respect and admire.
Acting? BFD. Getting out and rabble-rousing and fund-raising? I admire that.
Elizabeth, you were gorgeous, smart and classy.

Unknown said...

Fantastic Photo DD. Liz was one of the best Dames classic beauty. She was amazing beyond words. I will deeply miss her. A reminder will be smelling white diamonds. Peace be with her and her family.

Tonya said...

I was really sad about this too. Elisa and I had a running joke that Elizabeth Taylor would outlive us all. We were wrong.

Who of the movie STARS are left? I can't think of anyone else.