Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Urkel mother fucker

Chris Brown smashed a chair through a window at the Good Morning America studios all because a reporter had the nerve to ask him about the Rihanna restraining order. Golly gee, these insensitive reporters just don't know when to stop. He's a new man.
I'd love to interview him. "So Chris, did it hurt your fist when you jacked Rihanna in the face? Did you cry like a punk baby when she hit you back? If you could continue to hit girls, who would you enjoy hitting? How many times did you have to hit Rihanna before she shut her goddamn mouth? Do you hit girls on the first date or do you have to have a relationship before they get on your nerves enough to punch their lights out and bite them? How long did it take Rhianna to figure out you're mentally deficient? Was it before or after you pounded and punched her? Are you getting pissed now? Are you going to punch me?" Little retarded punk.


Anonymous said...

ABC needs to file charges against him and throw his tatooed ass in jail. Let him simmer there for a while.

Dirty Disher said...

I just think he's such a punk, no one should bother with him anymore. He doesn't deserve a career. He needs to go work in a car wash.

Daphne said...

He's from Tappahannock which is 10 minutes from where I live. Such a wonderful way to represent the Northern Neck! What an embarrassment. Even after all the shit he's done, the female's scream and yell and fawn all over him. The last time he was home, he went to Wal-Mart...for what?!?! To make some type of scene, I imagine. He was all over town in his green Lamborghini. The thing of it is, he used to be a good kid. Used to be.

miss tia said...

he probably told the chair after wards "it was all your fault bitch"....

he needs his punk ass thrown in jail....he hasn't changed, he's been found out for what he really is....a pussy woman beater with an anger problem....

Dirty Disher said...

He seriously looks mentally retarded in most of his photos. NOT attractive.

sally said...

He's a piece of shit.

Dan Zinski said...

And to make matters worse he apparently approved the questions that supposedly made him so mad. So there you go.

Alison said...

So much for all that anger management therapy he supposedly did.

miss tia said...

and remember he got into some violent smack talk when he posted his completion certificate for his anger management on twitter too?? i forgot who the violent smack talk was with....some unknown to me rapper i think....

A-Gran said...

Those are excellent questions, DD. I, for one, would love to hear somebody ask him that. Beating Rihanna made him a household name. You'd think he'll realize that's always going to be attached to him now.
Having been in violent relationships, I can assure you that the only thing these child-men understand is swift and blinding violence. That's the only thing that they fucking understand and I would love to be the bitch to explain it to all of them. Fuck a punk bitch boy who isn't smart enough to fight with his words. Fuck him in his little, stunted ass.

A-Gran said...

Miss Tia, it was the chair's fault for not getting out of the way sooner....

miss tia said...

yeah, i'm sure later he sent the chair flowers and candy and a card saying "baby i only beat you cuz i love you so much".....