Friday, December 19, 2014

December depression

The goddamn lights. Sigh. Every year, the same thing. Half the goddamn lights never work and it's always the new strings. This year, I thought, instead of digging through storage hell, I'd just get a couple strings of new ones and call it good. I bought the new mecury ones. Oh, they were gorgeous. They worked for half a day. The motherfucking pieces of shit. So, I went and dug through storage and grabbed two strings of old ones..the ones from the 50's and 60's. Yep. They always work. They sure did too. Then I noticed that old string of stupid yellow rope lights which hasn't worked in years also lit up. At least half of it did. The middle is burnt out. God damn. The only way to get them out of there is to crawl behind a jungle of vines (impossible) and find the plug or cut the god damn trumpet vine to the ground and pull them out. It's always some shit, isn't it? I do like the old string of red berry cluster lights I picked up at a yard sale and strung in the vines. I can see it from my desk. It looks like bright berries on the dormant vine. The rest of it can suck my ass, as can all of December.

I hate December. Oh, and my mother moved Aunt Bitch Face in with her. Oh, yeah, that's right. That old bitch is now living on this property and I have not set foot in my mother's house in weeks. Not with Satan now in residence. And no, I will not haul that old bitch to the store or anywhere else. I can not wait to get the hell out of here.

Today was the school 'holiday' Winter concert and I just got back. I brought Lis and a friend home. I took them out to eat and they were loud and obnoxious, par for the course, but, they were having fun. When we got home, mom called and said, Eric's dad was over there (that fucker has been there all day, blocking the driveway) and wanted Lis to come over. I was out trying to fix the god damn lights when I heard the girls open the door and he asked "So, what do you want for Christmas?" in his smarmy voice. The dumb bastard didn't even realize he wasn't talking to his granddaughter, he was talking to her friend. Yeah. I just shook my head. He probably wouldn't have known his own kid either unless I pasted a label on his shirt. Not that I think he can read. I hollered at the girls and told them they had 10 minutes to get home. Merry fucking Christmas.

I haven't even gotten to see Lila Snow yet, much less hold her because the kid gave me her shitty cold, which she is now over. Lissa thinks I'm being mean and doesn't understand that newborns have no immune system. This is one of those colds where masses of snot make rattle noises in your throat and your lips are chapped clear up to your nostrils. Nice.  I miss Lila and I haven't even met her yet.

So, sorry to be such a downer, but, I hope you'll excuse me until this whole month is OVER. I do hope you guys have a Happy Solstice (which is tomarrow) and a Merry Christmas or whatever you celebrate. Maybe I'll be more cheerful when it's finally over. I have to go now, the cat just knocked over the entire Christmas tree. I heard it. It just keeps getting better, doesn't it? Maybe he also took a big dump under it again. That seems to be his version of decorating. Which, when I think about it, is as good as any.


Dan Zinski said...

I'm concocting a sleeping potion that will allow me to hibernate until about January 3rd.

Dirty Disher said...

Why the 3rd? Taking no chances with that 2nd day, eh? Why not just wake up in June when there's no snow to shovel or ice to break?

marnie said...

Hang in there. I also hate December, but god forbid you say that to anybody, and they call you a 'scrooge' or whatever. UGH

Dan Zinski said...

I don't want to get greedy, I just want to miss these two suck weeks until things get back to normal.

Dirty Disher said...

My normal is only slightly better.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry the season is a bummer for you. It's been a bummer for me, too.
I just put the tree up today. Just didn't feel it this year, but it was the right thing to do for my son, and we will have family dinner here on Christmas eve, so there is that.
Tiny little misshapen tree, but I fully decorated it. White lights this year, that's a first. It's what my mom always did. I'm also using her decorations for the most part. I have it up on a table, because Emma is likely to go after it. The table won't stop her, but it might slow her down.
I have a lot of cleaning and fixing to do around here, and I'm just struggling with it. A number of times in the last few days I have quietly said very unkind and sometimes downright profane things about my husband for leaving me with a fixer upper still in progress.
I bought large outdoor ornaments to hang on the bare limbs of the trumpet vine, but they are still in the package. Maybe tomorrow.
Tonight I think I will clean all the clutter off of the tables, and make up the gingerbread house. I got out the tablecloths, so maybe I'll get them on the tables. I need to find the Christmas dishes, too. No point in having them if I don't use them this time of year. I think I know where they might be.
I haven't done any baking yet, either. Cookies hang in the balance this weekend. Maybe yes, maybe no.
Emma has been eating more and more books. She pulls them out of the bookcase and chews them up, even when I'm home. I have no explanation for it. I also do not have another place to put them. Another issue to ruminate on. She also gets me up as often as a baby would, pretty much every night. Last night she wanted out at 3 am, but then wouldn't come back in. It took over a half hour to get her back in, with her dancing around just out of reach, jumping, growling, lunging and barking. I went back inside several times, but then she would bark, and I would come back out to get her in, but she wanted to "play" more. My neighbors are nice people, and I don't want to wake them unnecessarily.
I did go to see The Hobbit: Battle of Five Armies day before yesterday. It was awesome!!! I didn't know that our local multiplex theater (about 6 or 7 blocks away) was renovated at the end of summer. All of the seats have been converted to king-size recliners! Padded foot rests, fully reclining, wide aisles so no-one has to move at all to let someone past! They also now serve beer and wine. It truly is awesome. I think I'll go back to see the movie again sometime this weekend. It is a visual feast for someone who is well acquainted with, and loves the Tolkien books. Too much to take in at one time. Seriously. . . I should see it several times, and have wine and mini-corndogs while I absorb the intense art experience, don't you think? I don't want to miss anything important. Maybe I should do this every day for awhile. Just to make certain that I really catch all the nuances, you know. . .
I hope things are looking up very soon for you, Pat.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for that shitty white trash kid that is living with you, who probably would have been better off in foster care. because of her you can buy your shitty dump of a house.

a 10 year old with a chapped face? help her moisturize it and take the hell care of her.

I bet she looks mongrel

Anonymous said...

It's good to know I'm not the only one in a depression. All us depressed sorts should get together and go to that movie theater with Christina. My dog, who always lived with dog doors, now has to be let out the front door, which I do every hour or so at night. But he seems to have to go about 1 or 2 in the morning. Paces around and whines. So I let him out again. Of course it may be that some dog has come into the yard and he wants to play. There are a lot of chihuahua types that run the streets and can come right through the wrought iron.

I think the manager is going to get some new tenants for the other half of this duplex. It all be a problem. They will have to remember to close the gates, and if they have kids, they just won't do it. The manager has been known to show people my side of the duplex. If I ever find out he did it again, the wrath of me and everybody I can enlist will be upon him, or he may do it while I'm actually here, in which case he may be shot. I have to go out today, dammit, and get food. Maybe just take out and some goodies.


Jane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dirty Disher said...

Anon o fuck. Lis is turning into a beautiful young lady and that's no lie. Taller, curvier, and her hair is long and gorgeous now. She is over her cold, as I said, if you could read. It is ME who has the lung mung now and it's on it's way out. I have antibiotics so hopefully soon, I can go visit Lila Snow and hold her. She is the cutest baby! I already got her a years wardrobe when our shop moved and phased all the fancy baby clothes out. I got huge discounts and went overboard. So, now, I just buy her fun stuff. The three children in my life are the best parts of it. I guess you can never understand that.

Dirty Disher said...

Border, I wish you great energy through this month, I think you need some extra. Who does that manager think he is?? I'd have words with him. Or just punch him in the head. Oh, and you could send me a nice chihuahau once I get moved. Niki will be staying with mom. We share him now, but, he likes her house better. He has become a whiney, yappy, spoiled turd since living there. The old ladies are stone deaf, so they have no clue what an asshole he has become. Gawd, I thought dogs were supposed to be loyal. Guess not all of them. A nice quiet little dog would be welcome in my new place. This cat of Alissa's is the devil. He is a big good looking devil who is set on making my life miserable. Maybe a nice quiet chihauhau who chases cats? Heh heh.

Frimmy said...

This festive season is not horrible for me. I have way more trouble with Mother's and Valentine's.
I hope you're 100% better soon

Dirty Disher said...

Christina, I have some outdoor ornaments I am usually proud of, but, this year I can't even be tempted to put them up. This place is more depressing than usual because I know I'm so close to leaving it behind. This place is fine, storage and cheap rent for some guy, but, for a woman, it stinks. It's butt ugly, unfixable and right next door to the old hos.

Dirty Disher said...

Thanks Frim. I hope you have a good and fun one.

Angie said...

I like Christmas, but it tends to magnify the sad in your life.

Anonymous said...

I'll do you one better. Last Sunday, my cat got up on my electric cooktop where I'd MISTAKENLY set down a paper bag full of chocolates, cookies, etc., which I intended to hand out to my favorite waiters, waitresses, bartenders, etc. at my favorite Mexican restaurant. On a mission to get to the cat treats in a bowl behind the bag, he somehow managed to turn the burner on. ON HIGH!! (It's really insane how this happened because you have to push down and turn to turn on the burner!!). As I walked toward the kitchen to get a bottle of water, I noticed that it was WAY TOO BRIGHT in there and when I walked in, the bag was entirely engulfed in flames. Took me two hours to clean up soot, water and melted chocolate that was ALL OVER MY FUCKING KITCHEN.

It's really fortunate that this happened when I was home. I could have lost EVERYTHING (including my beloved pets).

So yeah - I'm with you. TOTALLY over the holidays!!



Anonymous said...

Oh, hey now. Lookee here!! 50 Shades of Crazy has returned. Just saw her post.

Keeping it charming and classy, as always . . .


connie45 said...

It's going to be a hectic and tiring next few days. At least the tamale making is done and my share of the little pieces of masa treasures are safely tucked in my freezer! Im not bummed really, just not feeling it the way I'd like to- especially for my kids sake.

Hope that cold clears out of you Pat and you get to hold that beautiful baby girl soon! What a sweet Christmas package she is!

Jane said...

Angie said it best, Christmas magnifies the sad.

Dec. 19th my son got in a head on collision. Some dude looking at his phone. (Friends, please don't worry about your phone when driving!) It was 5 years ago to the day that my husband died. (Still hurts---when does that stop?)

I had posted before but was afraid the grinch would make a smart ass remark and I couldn't take that right now.

DD, I hadn't thought about the fact that you could rent your place out when your house is finished. A little income is better than none. It would be perfect for a young single man who might play the drums and loud music being right there next to your mom and bitchface. Get my drift?!!!!

Jane said...

PS...And Linda, I'm glad you caught that before it got out of hand. I

L., 50 Shades of Crazy---I like that.

sally said...

Have to say I don't mind the ubiquitous sads at Xmas. Because for 2 weeks a year I feel like I have something in common with most everybody else.

Noelle said...

I hate it too. Being in retail really kills it. You get to see all the assholes in action and listen to bad christmas songs for weeks. ADD i was born in this month an my mother cleverly named me Noelle. So people are extra cheery expecting me to be really into it just cause that's such a nice holiday name. blah!!!!

Anonymous said...

I really am depressed this holiday season, and it's good to know I have lots of company. Sometimes it feels like you're the only one, ya know?
Mentally I have been referring to myself as the "mayor of suck" for some time now.
Jane, I am so sorry that your son and the others were in that accident. I wish them all a speedy recovery, and I wish the guy that was playing with his cell phone rather than watching the road, broken fingers.
Border, I know what it's like to struggle with dog arrangements. I hope that your landlord has an epiphany regarding boundaries, and that you get someone in next door, who values your dog, and is vigilant about closing the gate.
Pat, I wish you a speedy, lovely winter, so that in absolutely no time, you are moved into your beautiful new home. I also wish you a return to health and comfort.
Linda---what a crazy thing to happen! It's amazing how things come together to make something totally wrong happen, sometimes. I'm very glad you were home to save your home and animals.
Have a happy holiday, everyone!

Dirty Disher said...

Angie, you DO have a way with words. That was poetic.

Linda, that is so bizarre! I thought my cat was the only demon feline, but, it sounds like he has a rival. At least Indie hasn't set the house on fire yet. He can't read this blog, but, I'm damn sure he reads my mind. I'd better stop thinking about your comment. OMG.

Dirty Disher said...

Connie, thanks. Yeah, Lila is a pretty sweet Christmas/Yule gift. I see new pics every day. But, this cold just hangs on. I hope you have a great holiday.

Jane, you just made me realize I should cheer up. Compared to what you've been through, my life isn't that sucky right now. Oh, and if this place gets rented, that will be up to the old lady. My name on a deed here means jack shit. That's how my family works. But, they will NOT be getting their paws on the new place. I've made that clear.

Dirty Disher said...

Awww Sally, it does make one wonder why this holiday is so huge if all it does is depress half the nation? I think Stephen King should write about that. He could nail it.

Noelle, that made me laugh. I always liked your name, it suits you. Plus, you know you love being a fire sign. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Dirty Disher said...

Christina, cheer up, it's nearly over. Aww, happy happy, merry merry to you.

50 shades of Keeeee-razy, I haven't gotten a child support check yet. Can you call the courthouse and put a rush on that for me? I know you can do it! Thanks

mary_mary said...

I love this. You should read read this story on This American Life (on NPR.) I am sorry everything is irritating right now, but you craft a fine tale! I hope you have Merry Solstice overall; I wish you were here to sit and laugh and smoke ciggies in front of the fire. I wish you were to drive through Xmas Tree Lane and marvel at the lights. xo

panonymous said...

Oooo Can I join in on sitting and smoking? I do both of those real well.

Merry Christmas Pat. It's almost over. The new year HAS to be better.

Dirty Disher said...

MaryX2, OMG, I'll bet the light show there is fantastic. We plan to drive around town tonight and just see what locals put up. But, it's sparse, people don't decorate much here, it's weird.

Merry Christmas Pan. Hell yeah, smokes and a fire, doesn't that sound great?

mary_mary said...

Google Hastings Ranch Xmas 2014 and hit Images to see the photos. We drove through it last night and really enjoyed. Rosie came along, too, and she even seemed to perk up her doggy eyes and ears to the sights and sounds.
And yes, Pan, please join in smokes, fire and of course, rum and eggnog.
For Xmas dinner we are going to Chinatown for Chinese (just like in A Christmas Story) and after that going to see the new Tim Burton film, 'Big Eyes.' I am a huge fan of Margaret Keane. xo

Dan Zinski said...

Well at least the worst of it is over.