Monday, December 29, 2014

Family Christmas photos

Top one is all three grandkids together. Gabe was more interested in getting back to his presents, he's seen the baby already. Lissa was making faces at Lila Snow. I was worried because there had been some jealousy there, but, then she actually held Lila and fell in love. She even spent a ton of her own money on Lila and said she was going to cuss less so Lila doesn't learn bad words. I about fell over, so it's all cool.

There's yours truly holding the baby. That first photo, I used the erase tool to take out my brown spots and a zit. I put that on Face Book and everyone said I looked great, so I told them I photo shopped it. But, people on Face Book don't read what you write, that place is such an egotistical fool's paradise. The second one is reality, warts and all. I look like a haggard sick old bag, because that's what I am. But, I have to tell you, Lila Snow is the most adorable baby ever. She is so tiny, I changed her little tiny diaper and I can't believe they make pants that small. She smiles too, real smiles. When her dad and I were playing the guitar, she opened her eyes and grinned. I adore her.

The next one is Alex and Sarah, those two are just happy together and happy to be parents. It warms my heart. I hate mushy stuff, but, really, they are the happiest little family and they both accept Lissa as part of it. She spent Christmas night with them and came home happy.

Next, my beautiful daughter, Casey J and her husband Dan. Casey really is the sweetest girl in the world. She didn't get that from me, but, I'm glad she is. Dan is a true smart ass and quite funny, he cracks me up. He is so much like me, you'd think I gave birth to him. They've been together since she was 16! I remember telling her boys come and go, but, I was wrong. They're still together, married now and parents to many animals. Someday, they'll have real children. That's just something I know.

Next up is a Christmas photo that had me rolling on the floor. Dan, sleeping with the pets. I told Casey that should be her Christmas card next year..or mine.

Then we have Gabey with Lila. He loves being a big brother for a change. He hams it up for the camera though. I can't hardly get a pic of his real smile. But, trust me, he is the sweetest, most polite little boy I have ever known. He makes me proud, like when I take him to daycare, everyone fawns on him because he's just so easy and nice to everyone.

Then, that's Casey J and her cat Lainey. I rescued Lainey in an ice storm as a starving tiny kitten and Casey and Dan took her in. She was named, by me, after a character on that Alley McBeal show. 'Member that? That's been a LONG time ago. Lainey is getting old. She's a real nice cat.

Lissie Lou doing duck lips. WTF is it with girls and duck lips? Sigh. It drives me crazy. So does Nicki Minaj. Everything here is Nicki Minaj. I've had to listen to every song on her new album. I hate them all. I retaliated by making the kid listen to CCR, Cindi Lauper and other stuff I like. It backfired, she is now a Marilyn Manson fan and asks me to play him constantly. It's okay, I love him, but, I have to be in a Marilyn mood. She loves that song 'Tainted Love', so do I, but, not at 6 am.

Last, is our demon cat from hell. He's getting big. He is going to be a huge tom cat one day. I am so mad at him right now. He stole the chain from the necklace Casey got me for Christmas. It has a kink in it, so I took it off to straighten it out and he stole it! It was really nice too, delicate silver and now it's lost. I'll find it eventually, but, he really pisses me off. Last night he thought it would be fun to jump inside a bag of cat litter and scatter it over two rooms. I spent an hour cleaning that up. That's not even close to all he's pulled this week, but, this morning he wanted, demanded, his tuna. I told him to go fuck himself. He can eat dry Friskies all day. He aint gettin' shit from me. In fact, I kicked him out in a snow storm. He thinks it's great. He's out there acting like an asshole and won't come back in. He's knocking on different doors and then running. Some game he came up with. He actually knocks too, not scratching like most cats do. He really is nuts.

So, we had a great Christmas, Lis got lots of money which is her favorite and lots and lots of new makeup. We didn't get overloaded like usual. And I just bought simple things for everyone and a couple of good presents for each kid. Lissa's favorite presents from me were the new Twister game. You can hook your phone or iPod to them now and a pink framed full length mirror because the cat broke our old one. Girls need mirrors. So, I am not flat broke and everyone is happy. Lissa got to spend one night and day with her dad and Sarah and two days with her Grandpa Black and his wife Laura who is so good to Lissa, I just think I'm blessed to know that woman. She is no longer a 'step', she's a real grandma. And they have a teen daughter, Sonya, who Lis loves and looks up too. She stays in Sonya's room and they have pajama parties. They get up to all kinds of minor trouble and have a lot of fun. And I don't know if I'm supposed to tell this or not, but, Lis started her period over there. I guess it's okay if I tell it, she's not the least bit embarrassed or shy about it. Laura took care of her and showed her the ropes. She's actually excited about it. Gawd, she's only 10. I'm glad that she could be with Laura when it happened, if she couldn't be with me. Growing up is hard. At least she has duck lips and Nicki Minaj..and a ton of assorted family to help her along.

I scored some nice stuff too. Casey sent me a bag of awesome lotions and potions, some Astrological cards, which I haven't figured out, but, man, are they pretty. And of course, her handmade ceramic tiles. They're beautiful and I want to use them in the new house. Oh, and that great silver necklace I will wear when I figure out where this son of a bitch cat stashed the pretty chain. I got tons of cookies and cakes from Alex's mom, so I didn't have to bake and Laura got me an awesome fruit scented candle and a bag of trail mix. I don't know how she knew I love trail mix, but, I do. Also fruit scented anything. My mom got me a compact of pretty eye shadow, which I can't see to put on. Oh well, it's the best thing she's ever come up with. She's a notorious bad gifter. I got her a Ginny Vogue doll, 1957, she really loved it. I also got her that Johnny Cash movie, the one with Reese Witherspoon. When I told her she could borrow our laptop anytime to watch it, she was amazed that computers can show movies. When I told her she could full screen it, she flipped out. My friend Glena dropped off hot homemade cinnamon rolls! Oh man, they were delicious. I even bought old Aunt Bitch face a pair of slippers, which made her cry, because she's so damn mean no one else got her anything. Her tears didn't move me and no, you can't hug me. Eww, gross. I got the slippers at Alco's going out of business sale for $3 bucks. Which is two bucks more than I wanted to spend on her. Aint I a bitch? I got my brother a bag full of instant coffee and biscotti. He can't complain about that. He's always calling because he's out of instant coffee. Gross. Anyway, it was a nice quiet Christmas that didn't break the bank and everyone is happy. I got some time to myself, which I really needed. Raising a kid alone gets stressful sometimes. I'm happy to have her home now though. She slept with me last night because she said no one has done spider check in her room. So, that's what I have planned for today, so she will go upstairs and I don't have to listen to her snore. Now that 'Aunt Flow' paid her a visit, she thinks she's an adult. Yeah, an adult who won't sleep in her room because she thought she saw a house spider in the corner. ~Eye roll~

I hope you all had a good one too, I'm glad it's over and we can take that tree down. The cat has fucked it up anyway. It's all good. I have some great kids and awesome grandkids at every age now. I even have great inlaws, on every side. You can't do better than that.

PS..Lissa DID get to see her mom on Christmas morning. But, only for an hour. I just couldn't leave her there any longer in all good conscious. She hadn't heard from her mom in a long time and she was bummed about it. But, she did call on Christmas morning, so at least Lis saw her for a little bit, which is good. When her mom doesn't call or visit for long periods of time, she gets kind of angry at the world. So, she's happier now. She loves her mom so much. I don't know what's going on with that, but, I really hope she starts calling more.

Lissa and her momma, Krystal. Krystal has legitimate reasons for not being around all the time. I promised her I wouldn't tell and I won't. But, I do understand. But, in all honesty, she should call more. Just a phone call makes Alissa feel and act better. She doesn't understand it all. Sometimes I don't either, but, I am over my anger and just trying to understand and keep in touch. I try very hard to keep that bond going. I don't want Lis to lose her mother.

Cute photo Krystal took of Gabe and Lissa. These two are very close. They have a bond most people don't understand, but, Lissa took care of Gabe a lot. She made sure he was fed and dressed and okay when things got bad. Sometimes she doesn't understand that she doesn't have to do that anymore. He's her brother, not her child. We have to remind her sometimes.


connie45 said...

Such a truly beautiful family you have! Its heartwarming that everyone can rely on everyone as a support system, especially for you and Lissa. I hope being surrounded by so much positive can ward off some of the nearby negative. Sounds like you had a lovely Christmas! Had to show Marina the evil cat! Our cat is so old that imagining a cat so rambunctious and willful - sounds like a whole lotta fun to her!

Anonymous said...

OK Casey is your daughter, and Gabe is Lis brother. Does he live with his father? How are you grandmother to LIla Snow and the other kids? Do you have another child, one of Lila's parents?

Erin said...

Beautiful family DD! And that Lila - I wish I could hug and hold her. I miss having a baby around. So glad to hear that everyone is doing well and that you had a good Christmas.

We had a great Christmas. Billy is starting to really understand Santa now so it was really fun this year. Can you believe he's about to be 3?! We are having his birthday at a local flight museum because he's obsessed with airplanes.

Jane said...

DD, I love all the pics. You and Casey J could be twins.
For all the bad times you have had in the past, life seems to be giving you true joy and happiness. You deserve it. Your family seems to be tight and loving. And how lucky to have the kind extended in-laws.

Here's is hoping you have more for the coming year.

Dirty Disher said...

Connie, I'll have Lissa explain to Marina what a pain this cat is. We love him, we do, at night he sleeps with Lis until she dozez off, then he comes down and sleeps with me. He definitely has love for us. But, all day long he destroys and steals things and gets in trouble. He's just full time work following him around getting him out of things. He also gets stuck in things and has to be extracted. It's hard to leave him alone in the house and he can't be crated. We've tried and it makes him worse. He has destroyed 2 phones and 1 iPOd. The only thing he hasn't touched is any of the guitars because I told him I'd kill him and I think he knows I mean it. He can't even go outside now because he plays the knock and run game on all the neighbors. It's annoying.

Dirty Disher said...

Border, Casey is my daughter and my only bio child now. She is so precious to me. But, her husband Dan is my child too, I love him like my own. Alex is Gabes's bio dad and Lissa's adopted dad. If Gabe is Lissa's brother he IS my grandson and I love him the same as I do her. Sarah is Alex's soon to be wife and I adore her. She is the only person I've met who is as sweet hearted as my Casey. She is my adopted daughter, just like Alex is now my adopted son. If Lila is Gabe's bio sister, that makes her my granddaughter and Lissa's little sister. I swear I do not feel any difference between these kids, they are all mine and I love them. We have made our own family. The judge told us we have to let Gabe and Lis see each other on the regular, but, we don't need a court to tell us that. PLus ALL the family on Alex's side treat Lis just the same as Gabe and so do Sarah's folks. They are just the best people to hang out with. And Caseys husband Dan has great family too. JUst super nice people. His mom really helped me get through the loss of my own son. Sarah's mom is a doll and she has lost a son of her own, so we have that in common, plus she's an adorable flower child and we have common interests. I love spending time with her and her mother who is a crafter and a sweetie. Sometimes, you make your own family, it works for us. I love all my grandkids and when we're together, I'd have a hard time telling you which ones are my bios and which ones are just blessings. It just makes no difference to me. Or to them, I am just Grandma Pat and they love me unconditionally. Oh, then we have Krystal's family, her dad, her stepmom, her sisters, her big sister's children..they are all awesome too. They happily stay all night back and forth on the reg. It's just a crazy big family and I am happy to be part of it. They are my support system. Casey's dad and his husband Dennis are very good to us too. They can always be counted on to move furniture and such, that I can no longer manage. They even help my mother. Those guys are great. That is my family, all of them. But, the kids are the real deal. They are mine.

Dirty Disher said...

Erin, thank you. Yeah, little Lila Snow is just so precious, I have a hard time putting her down, even when she's fast asleep. I'll bet little man Billy was a hoot with the Santa thing. That is so much fun. Be sure and let me see pics of his airplane birthday, that will be something!

Dirty Disher said...

Jane, yeah, I am lucky to be part of all these people lives, for the sake of my granddaughter. She needs them all and all their diff perspectives. They are all open minded too and don't blink an eye at my Pagan beliefs. It's all good, 'specially for her. She has tons of loving Grandma's and you can't beat that.

iambriezy said...

Beautiful family! Everyone looks happy, which is great to see after the year you've all had. Happy New Year!

Dirty Disher said...

Thanks, Briezy! I think it will be a good year with a new house and everything just getting better.

Dirty Disher said...

Anon Troll, you will not insult these children. It is ridiculous and unacceptable. If you want to rag on me, fine, but, don't you dare touch my children with your vile ugliness. You are a waste of space and the worst kind of human shit.

Angie said...

I love the concept of making your family out of the people that you love and who love you back. As I've gotten older, I've come to realize that just because you share DNA, does not mean they are bound to you. It seems very unnatural to see people treating blood relatives so poorly, but it appears as though something just goes very wrong emotionally with those individuals. Accepting it and giving your love to the ones that want and deserve it is the way to go. Your people are very lucky to have you, Pat.

P.S. The kids are adorable :)

Anonymous said...

Pat, you look beautiful, and it's true. . . your daughter looks just like you.
What a nice family! I'm glad you have such a nice group around who love you.
Lissa's mom is beautiful, too.
It's really warming my cranky old heart today, to see such a lovely and loving group.
You're right. 2015 is going to rock!

Anonymous said...

I always wonder how people can flat out lie about kids looks. I mean I know it is not socially acceptable to say they are fugly. But Alissa is. Her nose is witchy big and not symmetrical and her chin is huge. She has Casey's chin and maybe Pat's.

Tia said...

I don't know any healthy 10 yr old that has started their period!!!!

Damn Pat, that is young.


Frimmy said...

Jesus your anons are stupid, Pat. You must get some great laughs!

"A girl can start her period anytime between the ages of 8 and 15". First thing on the Google list. man that was hard.

Also, all children are beautiful. That is all.