Monday, December 1, 2014

Grandpa of Madonna's adopted daughter says she betrayed them

I had some sympathy for this man, at first, when he was talking about how him and his ex wife would love to see their granddaughter, Mercy, and how Madonna promised to keep her close to her roots when they signed the adoption papers. You can read it all HERE.

But, then down farther in the article the old goat talks about Malawi family obligation and tradition and how white foreigners steal their children and forget these important obligations. His words, 'A child like my granddaughter Mercy, if she succeeds in her career, she is expected to share that success with all of us. That is how our extended family system works.'
Yeah, Gramps, I guess little Mercy's career is pretty hot right now since her mom is one of the biggest pop stars in the world. This man lives in total poverty, I get it. But, the shit he says about Madonna, well, if I was her, I wouldn't throw him a dime or a goat either. If either Grandparent had really wanted that kid, they wouldn't have signed the papers and she wouldn't have been in an orphanage in the first place. She could have helped him sell pots by the road and grown up like most children there, with her family. My opinion of him hasn't changed, he just wants money.

Mercy is Madonna's well dressed, well fed, well educated and well loved daughter now. She does not belong to these Malawi people anymore. Madonna raised her, they didn't want to.


Jane said...

That child has a career? Is being a kid a career?

DD said...

Being Madonna's kid is, I guess.

Anonymous said...

While I didn't really like how Madonna went there and picked out a child that she just probably thought was pretty, this is an obvious money-grab. At the same time, I understand that the grandfather and the rest of the family are probably living at a poverty level we can not really comprehend, here. Most often, we at least have the ability to grow things, if nothing else, but every time you look at pictures of much of Africa, you see fairly barren areas, and people who have, literally, nothing. I know there are areas where people are doing well enough, but it must rankle them when a child is picked out by someone, and raised elsewhere at such a different economic level.
I don't know if it truly is the custom and obligation of a child to support parents or grandparents, if they prosper, or if it just sounds like a good idea now.