Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New piercings

Since there is no place to get a  gun piercing around here and I was in the mood, I gave myself a shitload of new ear piercings using the old needle and thread method. I will NEVER do a stud piercing again, that was ridiculous and got horribly infected. It hurt like a mother and I couldn't sleep on my left side for weeks. But, my first piercings I did myself when I was like, 13 or 14 with a needle and thread and they were fine. I did find out that as the years passed the holes stretched out and now I can't wear a tiny stud in them, because the whole stud will slip through. That's because I had no advice and I used a big darning needle to make a nice sized hole. This time I used the tiniest needle in my sewing kit, and plain old sturdy thread.

I put two more holes in each lobe, going up (they already had two and one had three). Then I pierced what they call the orbital on each side. It has a lot of cartilage and I thought it might hurt, but, it didn't and the needle went through pretty easy. The others didn't hurt at all either, though it was tough pushing the needle through. I ended up getting a pot holder to give me some traction and shoving hard several times to get it done. However, there was no pain at all. It hurt much less than when a nurse gives you a shot in the arm. Some people recommend ice to numb and a potato in back to catch the needle. I didn't bother with that stuff. I mean, geez, it's just a little fat or cartilage. I figured, how hard could it be? I was right. Not bad at all.

I left a couple inches of the thread and tied it off in a circle. It's been two days and they are just fine. No pain, no infection and the threads move freely. I soak them in isopropyl alcohol every day and pull the thread through. I figure they'll be all healed in a month and I can remove the thread and put in my earrings.

I want three more piercing going up the side of the lobe and I want to pierce that thing there they call the tragus. It feels thick and full of cartilage, so I don't know how that will go. I'll let you know when these new ones heal. But, so far, I am happy and pain free. If you feel like trying a needle piercing, I think you should just do it. Be sure and use a small, sharp needle. Clean it well with the alcohol and soak the string too. Dip your fingers in the alcohol too, just to be sure everything is very clean. I swear to you, it doesn't hurt at all. In my opinion, it hurts much less than the gun peircings, which don't hurt when they do them, but, get pretty sore afterwards when you have to keep twisting that stud. The string is much more gentle.

Now, I'm wondering how hard it would be to pierce my eyebrow? I've always wanted an eyebrow piercing. I might have to Google that.


Erin said...

You're brave DD. I used to do acupuncture and when she put the needles in my ears, it hurt like hell. No way could I do that to myself!

Anonymous said...

How long before period kid has a whole row of piercings?

Jane said...


iambriezy said...

I had an eyebrow piercing. It didn't hurt at all when I had it done, the piercing guy just pinched my brow and shoved the needle through. Just a prick through the skin under and over the brow, you don't feel anything in-between. I say go for it!

Dirty Disher said...

Erin I have always wanted to try acupuncture for pain, but, no one does it around here.

Anon rag, you act like the kid did something wrong by starting something natural. WTF is wrong with you?

Jane, no oww, I swear.

Briezy, thanks, maybe I CAN do it, if I look up some vids.

Anonymous said...

You are brave to do those piercings. I did a couple of my own many years ago, but it did make my knees wobble a little (if I'm completely truthful about it).
I don't think I want any more except maybe the tragus area. I like tiny hoops with a bead, there, but I'm not sure how that would feel since I use a stethoscope many times a day.
Maybe one of these days. . . and maybe some day a very tiny diamond in my right (or maybe left?) nostril area. Maybe.

Erin said...

I enjoyed the acupuncture for the most part. I did it for my fertility problems. The most interesting part of it was sometimes it did hurt like hell and other times it was wonderful - and that's with the needles in the same places. They all said it had mostly to do with how I was feeling emotionally. So if I wasn't doing well emotionally, it hurt more. It was very interesting. I really enjoyed it.

Susan/KyliesMom said...

Hot darn, you're brave!! My sister's daughter pierced her nose with a safety pin and Orajel once, and my sister was furious...all I could think was, crap kid, you're brave!!

iambriezy, I'm curious...didn't the eyebrow piercing bleed a lot?

iambriezy said...

S/K Mom...

Not a drop of blood from what I remember. It was really quick.

panonymous said...

I got my nipple pierced when I turned 40. It didn't hurt at all. I got my belly button done when I was about 35. That hurt more than the nipple. I took them out a few years ago when I had surgery. I know the belly one is still open. I don't feel like digging round to see if the nipple one is still open too. LOL I found out I have a horrible allergy to nickel.

My sister did first ear piercing with a needle and thread back in the early 70's. That's how everyone did it.

panonymous said...

One more thing. I'm waiting for a piercer to figure out how to pierce the skin in front of my ear so I can pull it up and attach it to my ear, maybe the tragus, for a cheap mini facelift LOL

If someone could figure out how to do that they'd be rich.

Frimmy said...

I have several piercings in all different areas and a few different gauges and have had many more that I've let grow in. Every last one of them hurt like hell. I'd have more if I didn't have to have someone else do them for me but there's no damn way I can do my own. You have my genuine envy for your tolerance to pain.

Jane said...

I hope everyone's New Year celebration was a happy one. It was for me. I had no plans but was excited when I found the RHPS was on. At the stroke of midnight, Eddie roared in on his motorcycle. It was perfect. Of course, I cried at the end, but I always do. Yea, Tim Curry as a transvestite can still turn me on. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing!

Jane said...

Donna Douglas (Ellie May Clampet) died New Years Day. She was 82 and a died in a Baton Rouge hospital. I guess the only one left is Max Baer. I think he is still alive, not really sure.

Dirty Disher said...

I did the piercings the day after Christmas and they are almost healed already. No problems at all. I think they're about ready for earrings. I like em.

Dirty Disher said...

I just did a post on Donna, thanks.

Dirty Disher said...

Pan, you are too funny. I may actually try that.