Thursday, December 11, 2014

The State's war on sustainable communities and individual rights as well

Earlier this year, Texas state brought several SWAT teams to a sustainable community and threatened to shut it down. Each one of the community members were initially handcuffed at gunpoint. It was called “The Garden of Eden Community,” and was totally self sustainable. No drugs or weapons of any kind were found.

HERE is a video where Quinn Eaker tells us about the mission of the Garden of Eden and how recent pressure from the state has harassed, intimidated, fined, and is threatening the existence of their community. Please watch the vid..and then judge him.

This is not an isolated incident, in Florida, Robin Speronis just had her off grid home declared illegal. Officials cited the International Property Maintenance Code, which mandates that homes be connected to an electricity grid and a running water source.

Robin is not some freak growing skunk weed in her closet and shitting in her yard. This is an intelligent hard working self sufficient woman who has been using solar energy, propane and recycling rain name a few of her resources. In the end, she was found not guilty of not having a proper sewer or electrical system, but was guilty of not being hooked up to an approved water supply. If their water supply is anything like our town's, she'd be better off never hooking up to it.

Here in Iowa, in order to sell your country home now, you must be hooked up to rural water. Rural water is terribly expensive, it's not like a town bill, which is bad enough. No, rural water seems to be made of gold (it's the same water as in town, by the way)...and anhydrous ammonia. Among other disgusting things. Also, putting in the pipe system for the rural water is so high priced it's an outrage. ALL of our water, with a few private well exceptions, is contaminated. Idiots in charge will tell you it's because of meth makers. Which is ridiculous. The anhydrous ammonia is not only used to make meth, it is a chemical fertilizer which farmers and companies have been allowed to dump, in huge amounts, into our soil for decades. It runs right off into all the water supplies. Besides, the meth heads steal the anhydrous from the dang farmers in the first place. So, doh. It was going into our water anyhow. I guess the 'officials' never thought we could reason that one out. And this shit is only one of our farm chemical contaminates. Our water is not safe, it never meets standard testing. We get the shitty letter every year informing us that, hey, they don't think it will kill us, but, they wouldn't give it to babies. Thanks, town. So, YOU figure out why in hell someone who has a perfectly safe well is required, by law, to hook up to the skanky water, pay a fortune for it and like it or lump it or they can never sell their house.

Officials here will tell you that ALL Iowa wells are contaminated. I've even found that 'fact' on the net, on Iowa sites. That is not true. When I lived in my farmhouse, I had my well tested twice. It was pure, safe and clean. It had been a dairy farm, they never grew crops. They protected their animals and the well was worth much more than the house and land. Yet, if I had stayed there, they would have forced me to hook up to their shitty contaminated town water or never sell the place. Why?

Who makes the chemicals that are ruining our water? Oh, I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count. Who is it that is declaring it not only owns the genetically altered hybrid seeds it produces, but, is also now allowed to own wild seed? Yeah, you heard that right. If they own it, no one can plant it unless they get it from THEM. Even if it grows wild all over hell. In fact, these bitches can now sue you if their seed drifts onto your property and grows. Even if you never wanted their monster food in the first damn place. Anyhow, the wild seed owning thing has taken root in Africa as a start, but, will soon be here, if we ignore it. And these crazy plant/seed owning laws they've lobbied for are making it damn near impossible for anyone, anywhere, to save, reuse, share and develop plant varieties without breaking some damn law. This is only the beginning. Soon, it will become almost impossible to grow any of our own food, because of these laws. And that is what is intended.

Now, more and more laws are being made in different states forcing us to hook up to the very utilities this sickening company has ruined. Where does it end? It won't. It will only get worse, until we are all owned by them..the chem company and the utility companies. I haven't been on here this week because I've been sick again. After several doctor visits and this and that, I seem to be on the mend, but, I hope I'm making sense. If I looked hard enough, I know I would find a connection between that damn chem company and the utility owners, besides them owning us, I mean. And greed. Well, no probably not greed. It's all about greed, isn't it? They (the man) are always making decisions for us based on what they tell us is good for us. But, we already know it's not good for us. Don't we? 

You might think because you don't live on a farm, or in the country, or grow your own food, this won't affect you. But, it will. It will. You think the big guys won't pick on someone as small as you or me, who just grow some of our own food? Yes. They will. We are already being lumped into groups, like that lady in Florida was or the people of the Garden Of Eden were. Like the survivalists are. Like anyone who doesn't get in line and do exactly what 'they' say. They are taking away rights every day. They will continue to chip away at our freedoms one stupid law at a time and one single independent individual at a time, until we are all prisoners. The war on the home gardener started a long time ago. Our government calls us 'agri-terrorists'. Not to our faces, of course. That would be rude, wouldn't it? You don't want to be outwardly rude to your slaves, that never works out well. The trick seems to be to make the silly slaves think you care about them and that they have a voice. Oh, yeah, it cracks me up too.

I used to be self sustaining. I can not do that anymore. I am not physically able. But, the thought that my grandchildren may never know that freedom makes me so sick and so sad I can hardly handle it. This shit is so damn depressing. I am starting to understand the so called loons who move to the mountains, live in caves and eat bark. Pass the fucking pinecones.


Anonymous said...

Hey there stranger! Hope the house is coming along. I'm sure it's been keeping you very busy and tired. We are on a well. But also on a hill. But, surrounded by fields. And yes, it will probably kill us all someday. Our county has the highest cancer rate of the state. We even have crop dusters flying low over my work! Because corn fields are f'g everywhere. I keep my dogs inside when they spray the fields with that spaceship on wheels thingy or when the crop duster is flying. My dad was a crop duster before WWII. I know what they use now is very poisonous and Monsanto doesn't mind killing the bees at the same time. Because, bonus...they now have the genetically altered bee TM as well. Noooo, that couldn't possibly be a bad thing! Evil monsters. Anyways, the govt doesn't like anybody they can't listen to or monitor. They think these people are terrorists, just because they aren't on the grid. And they are in bed with Monsanto. Our govt's is insane anyway. I hate it. But OT, that guy totally looks like he knows where to get the best weed. Just sayin'...


Anonymous said...

Oh, PS: when I went to ur site on my PC, you have one post on there from 2007. Maddox plays a joke on Angelina Jolie. No other posts. But the header is the same Xmas ornaments. But from my iPad, I got the new post and it looks normal.


Dan Zinski said...

That guy's hot.

Jane said...

We got one of those letters about the quality of our water recently. It said that several months back a parasite was found in the test waters. This parasite was a brain eater. But everything was okay now! WTF!!! It also said the the only way the parasite could travel to the brain was through the nose. It was really nice to find out about this after the fact. I can't believe companies are allowed to operate so haphazardly.

Dirty Disher said...

OMFG! The bees! I forgot about the bees. Gesus, we are doomed.

Dirty Disher said...

Melvin, I knew you loved hippies.

Jane, jebuz fuckall Christ on a crutch! A brain eating parasite? Holy mother fuck. Maybe that's what happened to our government. Bitches got they brains ate.

Frimmy said...


Jane said...

DD, it was played off like it was no big deal. The chance of it happening was very low---so they said. The fact that they sent the letter was enough for me. I haven't heard anything else about it and my neighbors don't seem concerned. Maybe it's because their brain has been eaten. I don't drink the water. I don't like the smell or the taste.
Aren't we always told to go green. Seems like these people have it under control and now they are being told they are wrong. I which the powers that be would make up their minds.

sally said...

The well thing around here is about property taxes. They force you to make "improvements" to your house so then it's worth more and they can tax it more. They don't care about anything but money.

Here, a few years ago they forced the country folk to replace sand point wells with drilled, deep wells. Now the water sucks and smells like sulphur. fuckers.

Here, it's illegal for a licensed plumber to work on a sand point well. So if your well dies, unless you can fix it yourself you are shit out of luck, have to pay at least 5K for a new one.
Govt. sucks.

Anonymous said...

I came. I saw this. I read it. I'm really thinking….

Anonymous said...

Lots of ppl have been arrested for harvesting rain water. Yes. And WTF? I know!
I wouldn't drink it, it's full of chemicals. But you might be able to use it for something. Remember the BS videos last winter of all the "Plastic fake snow"? And how it didn't melt when a lighter was held to it? It just turned black? I tried it on my snow and it does turn black, but it was melting on the plate, regardless. I wouldn't drink the snow either. Our skies are F'd up with chemicals. It falls on us, with or w/o rain and snow. Crazy weather everywhere now too. I'm glad we are not as cold and have no snow at the moment.


Unknown said...

Saw the video and I wanted to cry. I want to build something like a greenhouse so that I can grow veggies all year round. There are certain things that we always use that we could potentially keep on rotation. When you have food and sustainable power and water taken care of, you don't need anything else. That's what sucks up most of your budget anyway. It's criminal.