Do you believe Shia Lebeouf's claim that he was raped by an unknown woman during his performance art piece, called 'I Am Sorry'? I have thought about this a lot. First, I thought, doh, men can over power most women in a heart beat and to be raped, doesn't he have to umm, you know, get hard? And wouldn't an erection mean that he enjoyed it?
Then I realized that this dude's head is not in a good place, in many ways he seems lost and fragile to me. He told people in this performance, they could come in and do anything to him and he was not allowing himself to say one word. She whipped him and assaulted him in some sexual way. I do believe that. Women are, on some occasion, as perverse as male perverts, though we all know, male perverts dominate the market. Anyhow, this fucked in the head dude, who has been exposed all over the net as a plagiariser (how humiliating) and who has some personal problems anyhow, is sitting in this crazy scene, and yeah, I see a whip there, and this female nut-ball comes in and starts doing her thing..and then, unzips him and pow. I've decided he didn't have to be hard to be raped. Maybe she had a 'hot dog down the hallway' problem and just, you know, snuck it in. Hard, soft, it doesn't matter really. Maybe this, maybe that. It was assault. This dude should have screamed and fought when she unzipped him, but, maybe he honestly didn't see it coming. Maybe those girls Cosby assaulted should have screamed and fought. Some did, but, is it fair to say they didn't fight hard enough? Or they shouldn't have drank those doped drinks he gave them? Woulda, shoulda, coulda. None of it matters, only that we support victims of sexual assault and realize they don't owe us explanations or details. They owe that to the court system, if the predator is caught. But, not to us. No is no and no one has the right to take what they want from another person. Sometimes, being speechless can be understood to mean no. No. Such a simple word. Or look. Or movement. Let's throw it all out. He didn't tell her she could do those things and she knew that wasn't the deal.
So, I am coming out as a supporter of Shia Lebeouf and saying, straight out, yes, I believe he was raped. I believe it should have been reported sooner or they (his management) should have had a camera on him for safety and evidence. He should have had better security. What the hell were they thinking? BUT, I highly disagree that this 'I Am Sorry' stunt was performance 'art'. It was stupid and has been done many times before by many and has resulted in other assaults. If you remember, Yoko Ono did this same sort of performance art many, many years ago, when she let members of the audience come up with sharp scissors and cut her dress off while she sat morosely. It was chilling. Look it up. So, in my eyes, Shia's performance is more plagiarism and just another absurd antic of his, like the paper bag over the head on the red carpet. It is not 'art'. You can't copy the Mona Lisa over again and call it art. I am tired of people calling everything 'art' anyway, but, a blatant copy can not be and will never be 'art'. So, he should not have been there in the first place. BUT, that doesn't matter does it? We would never say that to a woman who was raped. And I won't blame him for his own sexual assault. It wasn't art, but, it WAS rape. You don't have to agree with me, believe me, I had to think on it awhile, but, anyway, this is just my opinion.
I really hope he gets the help he needs to get his head straight after this. Rape, in any form, is gross, humiliating, scary and it fucks with your head for years..or forever. No one deserves that and no one should go unpunished for it.
Apparently, the woman was made to leave and they just "let her run away"? WTF? Nobody held her? Nobody called 911? right? no guards or cameras on him? So odd and badly done. I really don't believe him. I think it's more of his "I'm not famous anymore" "don't look at me" nonsense, so everybody DOES look at him. He's playing the game. He's not stupid. This will get him even more attention. He's such a hypocrite. And yes, this gag was done way before Shia even was born. And better. He is still working. He is in Brad Pitt's "Fury" which look's awesome. Brad Pitt can make a WWII movie that I always love. & I'm not a big fan of his. Like Tom Cruise, they just make damn good movies. I too wondered if he got hard. Cuz if he did, was he mad that she was forced to leave, before he finished? LOL. So many questions, so few answers. Something probably happened that was kind of off, but I don't believe him calling it "rape". He's just jumping on the GD overcrowded band wagon. Nothing makes any sense anymore.
I believe him despite those facts. I believe this stunt was not well thought out and his management team should be fired. They should have anticipated this, by a male or female. I think he's talented, but, really fucked up in the head and I don't believe anyone would tell something so humiliating, unless it was true. Even a stunt queen like him. I can totally see it happening.
LaBoof is a tit.
First, I have ti admit that I don't know anything about all of this. Did this just happen? I will have to look it up.
Second, I believe Shia needs help. He has been off for quit a while now. And his manager needs to be fired if he is encouraging him to do these stunts.
Third, I think Melvin said it best.
I think it was a stunt gone wrong, and when he realized the lady was on top of him, trying to 'get it on' he definitely knew what was going on and could have thrown her off of him. He could have stopped it, IMO, simply because he is the bigger, stronger one (I am assuming). I think he was so into his dumb art act that he sat there, going along with it, and realized later that he didn't like what she did. Very strange.but it has people talking about what constitutes rape, and can a woman really 'rape' a guy under these circumstances? He was physically able to stop the act, I think. Just because he felt stupid later, doesn't mean it was rape.
STD's!!!!! Ewww. That alone would instantly make me throw a person off of me, if I was able. And he was. the bit was that he would endure what came at him. This is probably on purpose and a publicity stunt, even more-so than the art(?) thing itself was. Since she did escape, unhindered, I believe she was "in on it". Cuz who would let that happen if they could stop it? And were there NO other passers-thru in there at that time? This didn't just last 10 seconds. Other people would have seen this, right? STD! No, he's a bullshitter. Fame whore. Who "hates" fame. LOL. riiiight.
Marnie, you make a good point, except when the genders are reversed, men have been found guilty of rape based on manipulation to get sex. Strange when you think about it.
And yes, he IS a tit. But, he's not right in his head and I believe him on this one.
What if someone, who was allowed to get that close, had stabbed or shot him? Or used a filthy needle to inject some disease into him? Apparently nobody was protecting him. This could have ended very badly. Tragically. Was he blindfolded or head in a bag? I think he's nuts anyway. But to do this w/o any protection nearby, that's insane. Especially, in NYC.
I'm kinda hating the "prove you're not a robot" thing. Ugh.
I don't like him as an actor and I also think there is something off about him. I don't think it's art or at least good art but I'm fine with other people liking it. How do we define rape? Non-consensual penetration? Non-consensual sex? Any type of sexual abuse? There is probably a legal definition but as far as I'm concerned any type of sex act including non-consensually putting your hand on someone's genitals counts as rape & I believe him. I understand that sometimes both men & women can become involuntarily aroused but that should not be considered consent. BTW I'm originally from NYC, really there aren't any more crazy people there than anywhere else & you have to admit most mass murderers and serial killers are from other places. It was a great place to grow up and I would like to move back someday.
I read the article. He continued with the performance after he was raped. Now, I know he is a little off, but why didn't he stop the performance? If you were raped, would you finish a five day performance? Maybe the performance didn't get as much attention as he thought it would and he decided to tell all to get that attention. I'm not saying it didn't happen, but the timing is weird.
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