Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Gay Grandma writes Abby, and a great Jesus site I found

Oh, Dear Abby has a great one today..a letter from a heartbroken grandma, HERE, who had raised her son, from age 4, as an openly gay woman. The son grew up, married and had a daughter and everything seemed peachy. But, as soon as the son himself had a son, he and his religious wife (and her religious family) shut Granny out. He told her he has to protect his son from anyone gay.

Abby's response is a classic. After her usual speech letting us know how tolerant SHE is, she suggests that the woman go find some LGBT young people to mentor. You know, to work off those maternal feelings of missing her grandchildren.

Are you kidding me? Call a meeting. Demand it. Go talk to those fuckers and (if it's a Jesus based religion) ask them what Jesus said about gay people? The answer is, not a damn word. Jesus said, we were all, male and female, made in the image of God, and we are all loved by him. Gather some damn facts about their stupid religion, learn about it, and come to the meetin' prepared to fight verbally and win. Get her crazy ass parents to come too. Ask the son if he's happy with the person he turned out to be? Uhh, did he forget who raised him? This shit is nuts. And mentoring to replace grandchildren, one of whom you know well? Umm, how about a lawyer. You may have Grandparents rights in your state. Shut up, Abby.

And I didn't blog yesterday because I found THIS site, while asking another religious question. It was so good, that I forgot my question and read there all day. It's the Uranthia book, (I think that's pronounced Urr-an-cha, which means Earth) it's a spiritual and philosophical book that originated in Chicago sometime between 1924 and 1955. I haven't explored it all yet, and no, I am not changing my beliefs that all religions are bunk, but, I started with 'The Women Who Followed Jesus' section and I was entranced with the stories, because past 'Ruth' I realized they were basically just elaborations of the Bible stories most of us know. They do give biblical references on there too.

I, personally, have always wondered many things about the women in the Jesus stories. See, I know there's no proof Jesus ever existed. I know the Babble was written hundreds of years after he died, so no one who wrote it (those damn monks), could possibly have met him. But, if he did exist, he must have been quite a charismatic character. I mean, people just look into his eyes as he speaks and suddenly follow him and change their ways, right? And woman are all over him, all the time, but, the bible just skims over that, dismissing them. The Uranthia book just makes more sense, really. Jesus must have been hot as hell. And you know he wasn't blond and blue eyed either. Oh, there we go. Now I remember what I was originally lookin' for, I wanted to know who made the first image of Jesus. Turns out no one knows, for many reasons I won't list, but, the present image is thought to be a copy based on the Gods, Zeus and Apollo. Yeah, I bet they were too. How else would you see this dude? How about Middle Eastern? Doh.

PS..Check out their art section. I loved the new Jesus images.


Anonymous said...

Yea. They said he was "perfect", which would imply, without imperfection. So, I agree. He was most probably very very handsome and buff. A carpenter back in those days did everything by hand. It was labor intensive. Can you imagine him at 33? What a hunk! He was probably mobbed. LOL. Like a celebrity. Thus the hatred from the zealots and the gov't officials. I enjoy The Divenci Code, just because it raises the question as to whether he was actually a celibate man or not. I would guess, not. 33, good looking, people clamoring for him, and not have sex? As if. Charlie Manson thot he was Jesus, so does Kanye. They wish! Just like Jay-Z is 'Hova. Have a seat you asshats.


Noelle said...

WHY is a gay woman asking Abbey for advice? but really no one should.

Anonymous said...

Oh crap! I totally spaced the whole Dear Abby thing. LOL. Good point @ Noelle.


Dirty Disher said...

Rox, yet, no doubt he would have been buff and hot as well as a charismatic speaker. Well known, well regarded, and yeah, women would have adored him. I always wondered if he wasn't married. Hebrew men, back then, were required to take a wife at age 21. I personally think, if he was real, he married Mary Magdalene. She was clearly one of his Apostles. I don't need Da Vinci to tell me that. Though, he saw it too.

Fuck Manson and Kanye. Douche bags. Both about as crazy as the other.

Dirty Disher said...

Noelle, Rox, naaa, I put two posts together because they related in my mind. My mind is a strange place to live. Dear Abby has lost it. All she does now is advise counseling and hawks her self help booklets. I read there for the commenters. I like those people.