Friday, January 30, 2015

Gwyneth Paltrow with her confusing advice to old news

Goopy is at it again. Now, she tells us, we simply MUST steam clean our hooha. She actually said it cleans your uterus. This is the part that has people laughing. Well, that and the mental picture of Goop with a steaming vag. Goop's problem is that she doesn't understand things, but, she still tries to explain them. Oh, that, and she jumps on every douchey fad out there. Douchey, heh heh.

Vaginal steaming has been around for a long time now. In fact, I think it's ancient. I did a post on it here a long time ago. Herbs are used to balance the female innards. Mugwort is the main ingredient in the steam. And it IS Mugwort, not, Mugworth, as she spelled it on her Goop blog. I saw this on her blog several days ago, and I just didn't have time to fuck with her then, now all the gossip blogs are on it. But, all of them seem to be to busy laughing at her to do any research.

Of course she's ridiculous, she always is. Besides the misspelling, her claim of 'cleaning the uterus' is absurd in the literal sense. Herbalists have known for centuries that Mugwort balances hormones, in most women, sometimes in a spectacular way. It was used to calm the effects of PMS, including mood swings, bloating and cramp pains long before anyone had ever heard the term 'PMS'. Most importantly, it's a uterine stimulant which can bring on a delayed menstrual cycle. When you think about that last part, it gets interesting. If it can balance hormones, then it can help some women to get pregnant. If it can bring on a late period, then mixed with other herbs, it can surely induce an ending to an early unwanted pregnancy. Women have always done what they had to do, they just didn't talk about it with men.

Why can't someone like Gwyneth do a bit of research before she spouts off on her nationally read (and ridiculed) blog? If she would just stop sounding so damn dumb, she might be more respected. Just because you pay thou$ands for something anyone could do at home with a pot of hot water and some plants, does not make you an expert. If you decide to steam your hooha, and you are trying to have a baby or not have a baby, go to an expert. Go to someone who knows what they're doing. Otherwise, you could hurt whatever plan you have. If you aren't concerned, in any way, about pregnancy, and just think it sounds relaxing, have a go at it. Personally, I'd pass. Aside from general hygiene (baths or showers) the human vagina is self cleaning. It's set to auto-clean all the time. Don't we all know that by now?

Okay, I just tried, several times, to get on to her blog, Goop, and it seems to be offline today. Interesting. Perhaps she had finally seen how idiotic she sounds and is fixing it? Or is that too much to hope for? Yeah, probably. She's most likely busy penning a new article on how superior she is to mere peasants or where to buy adorable children's socks for less than $1,200 dollars per pair. Or perhaps she's working with genetic experts to clone the world's most famous goat, so she can eventually reveal the secrets to her fabulous home made, homeopathic, free range, organic pizza cheese. Which cures cancer and causes rapid weight loss while making your hair shiny.


Erin said...

That is so interesting - what you had to say about it - not goop. I love that you take something and then research it to give us the true and correct information. I learn so much here.

Btw - did you ever get the emails I sent you in December after I visited the Goop store here in Dallas?

Dirty Disher said...

Erin, I will go look today. My email box is ruined with spam. I have to change the addy. Sorry and thanks.

Anonymous said...

Even my snobby, discerning daughter thinks Goopy is a supreme moron

Dirty Disher said...

LOL, yeah? Well, there you have it!

Anonymous said...

I think I'm steamy enough.
It's a little scarey that some women will probably try this without researching it any further, and may injure themselves. I'm talking about women who may not know they are pregnant yet, etc. Goopy should stay out of medicine. (Which this, essentially is.)
I have to say I have never heard of this before. Interesting, but I don't think I would ever try it. I'm a "less is more", and "don't fix it if it ain't broke" kind of person.

Anonymous said...

Just watching CNN and was going to turn it to National Geographic for the puppies while I'm shopping.
There is a breaking news story that Bobbi Kristina Brown was found unresponsive in her bathtub. Her husband supposedly started CPR. This makes me so very sad. She is so young.

sally said...

I know what she means. My ovaries are a MESS. I've gotta get in there with a toothbrush and some Comet and give those mothers a good scrubbin'!

Dirty Disher said...

Christina, you understood what I was saying and said it better. Thanks.

I heard about Bobbi, that IS sad. I hope she gets better, I read she is still in an induced coma because of brain swelling. So, sad.

Dirty Disher said...

Sally, just have them removed and put in a jar. That's what I did. I shake the jar now and then to get estrogen.