I just finished watching THIS and it's a good one. I've been on documentaries all night, couldn't sleep again. This one kind of got to me. This shit is not safe for work, btw, or probably home either, it's graphic and in parts, gross. But, I always approach these things without much judgement. I mean, if anyone has ever offered you a whole lot of cash to do something you never would have thought up yourself, and you shout, NO!, instantly because your morals are so high and you're late for your bible studies or whatever, good for you. Me, I always was amazed and it took a few seconds to sink in and mull about..and then say, no, thank you, because you know you can never take that shit back. Once a ho, always a ho.
But, part of me (on bitter days) thinks those Manhattan hookers and madams have the right game. They may have played it right. THESE hos, in this documentary, are some sad ass dumb shits for the most part. How the fuck are you gonna sit there and talk shit about 'easy' money and 'the finer things in life' when you can't even repair your used car? That $20 bucks a pop shit is retarded. Walkin' around in freezing cold with your bare ass hanging out all night?? For $20 bucks a pop? And some of them give most of it to their pimp anyhow?? You have to be kidding me. That sounds far from easy money, that sounds like a whole lotta work. In fact, it sounds like charity. Everything they earn should be deductible. Stay in school, learn basic addition and subtraction. You know they have schools in the Bronx. If they didn't, we wouldn't have gotten all those great, cough, made for TV movies I remember.
I started out with THIS, its 'Taxi, To The Dark Side' about the atrocities of Bagram and Gitmo and the Bush administration's bending or re-writing of the Geneva Convention rules. Because the maker of that film, Alex Gibney, has a new one coming out that's getting major buzz and it's all about Scientology. I'd never sat down and watched it (Taxi) before. It's informative..and gross. Sometimes, I just play follow the links all night. You'd think I'd get smarter, wouldn't you? Some one should make a documentary about that. They could call it, 'Dim Bulb Up All Night' , (aka, never gets brighter).
That documentary haunts me. It does a good job of showing how creepy some of those men are. They did a follow-up, 5 years later I think.
You should watch Just, Melvin: Just Evil.
watch "there's something wrong with aunt diane" sometime- Id love to hear what you think at the end
Melvin: Just Evil made my heart die a little.
Sharing some good docs here, if you care to watch:
Cutie and The Boxer
Jiro Dreams of Sushi
I Think We're Alone Now
Shut Up, Little Man
Meet The Fokkens
Those creepy sex stories! OMG, for every freak out there wanting you to hurt them, there's prolly 6 of the one's who want to hurt YOU that way. Fuck that shit! 50 shades of kiss my ass! Come near me with a restraint and I will have your nutsack in my yard sale purse so fast you won't even have time to kiss yer balls goodbye.
I've seen Just Melvin, years ago. Stuck with me, because that shit is too close to home. Nuu uhh. Aint havin' it. Don't even want the soundtrack running up in here (or in my head).
MaryX2, thank you for that list. Only one I've seen is Little Man.
I would rather watch documentaries than anything else. I watched Hookers at the Point when it first came out on HBO. If I'm not mistaken there is a follow up on it too. There's another one called Pimps up Ho's Down.
One of my favorite docs is
The Wonderful Whites of West Virginia.
Another good one was on PBS Frontline called Country Boys.
You're right. I watched Pimps Up, Ho's Down the other night and laughed my ass off. Some of them have such game. Ice T is a weirdo. I can't believe I ever liked him after seeing him talk about what he really is. Or IS NOT, that's more accurate.
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