By J. Boehm
Aren’t we taught there is good in every person?
But some are so evil you couldn’t imagine
Living with us in greater numbers than you can fathom
With no conscience to hinder their action
Their charm and wit gets us every time
Along with abundant compliments sublime
They will make you feel sorry for them too
With sad stories they never even went through
Every word they say is a lie
They are experts at feigning a cry
You may have reached out to a human shell
Believing all the lies they tell
If they hook you because of your trusting nature
You are not to blame for your kind gesture
They are practiced masters of deception
For those who have not yet learned the lesson
I got that off a website called 'LoveFraud', it's HERE. I've been reading there for hours. It's fascinating. It not only helps identify Sociopaths, Psychopaths and Narcissists, but, there are endless stories on there and comments are awesome. There is legal advice and notification of new laws and all sorts of info.
I got there through Dear Abby today. As usual, I started out my morning with a cup of coffee and the news, and Abby. I don't think Abby is the sharpest pencil in the box, but, I love Abbyland comments. I've told you all that before. Amazing posters, she has. Anyway, today there was a letter from a woman who was afraid of her partner and Abby helpfully advised couseling. Really? I was thinking 'get the fuck out'! Seemed a lot of Abby readers agreed with me and one of them posted a link to 'LoveFraud'.
Sociopaths, Psychopaths (what is the difference in those two?) and Narcissists are so fucking common, you wouldn't believe it. Or maybe you would. I guess people don't believe it because not all of them harm anyone or do anything illegal. They are just cold, uncaring people who go through life doing what's best for themselves. When we think of those types of personality disorders (they are not mental illness's) we think of serial killers and pedos, etc. But, the truth is, there is a huge gray area of these monsters. The ones who aren't killers or rapers, they are just destroyers. They may be out there looking for someone like you, or maybe they have found you. They don't always have to have a reason. It's not always about sex, money or things. Sometimes it's only about control. About the game. It's actually very common. Has it happened to you?
PS, there is a helpful picture of someone who may be a Sociopath. Yeah, that made me laugh too. We also assume, or I did, that LoveFraud is about men who con woman and ruin their lives, but, the perp could also be your relative, a friend, your boss..whatever. They are everywhere.
Yes, it has and you're doesn't have to be a life threatening situation. Sometimes it's just something simple, like destroying your family. Just because they can.
Interesting that you should post this. I have been dealing with someone at work who is bent on destroying me, and I suspect she would fall under this description. I don't know for sure, and the latest attack is still a little too fresh for me to look at the link. It might trigger another panic attack. It is so hard to deal with, and I have tried various means of handling things, but I am done. I have submitted some of the information for evaluation by higher up folks in hopes of making my work environment tolerable.
They really are everywhere. I have a couple of narcissists in my life. It's funny how quickly they turn on you when they don't get their way.
Gee, personality disorders vs. mental illnesses. It seems to me that in so many cases, it would be impossible to tell the differences. Just where, between the two, is the line drawn. One can bleed into the other so easily. Which one is worse?
Dr. Phil wrote a really excellent book on how to spot people like this. It's called Life Code. I highly recommend it--it helped me get rid of some real assholes in my life.
It was tough for me to do, because I was raised by a warped mother who insisted I be "nice" NO MATTER WHAT, no matter how I was treated. But my life IS more peaceful because I finally did draw the line with assholes, and better late than never!
I've known so many awful people in my life. I've seen them do such awful things, sometimes to me. I'll read the article you sent a link to later.
I have a relative who is a shrink and she shockingly says someday it may be possible to ID a psychopath at birth and the very best thing to do is to kill it then and there rather than them grow enough to ruin most of the lives around them. It's a shocking thought but if they are destined to be like this, no matter how great the upbringing might be, it's something to contemplate seriously.
The most dangerous people on earth and the quintessence of evil. I am the scapegoat for a family of malignant narcissists and psychopaths. These three score full marks on the Hare PCL.
My father: Malignant Narcissist and psychopath. He has a body count too. Mostly young men. See, he's homosexual but being a narcissist he can't have that get out. Think Randy Kraft. He chose simple-minded women for 'relationships' and has eleven children total yet other people are worthless objects and props to feed his sickness. Idolizes Jim Jones and considers John Wayne Gacy a 'sloppy amateur'. Calls himself a 'womanizer' and he's telling the 'truth' in the way that psychopaths do. "Womanizing' was what he did to his male victims. Little 'truths' wrapped up in massive lies. Confessed every sick crime he has ever committed when he tried to murder me back in 1987. Also confessed that I was to become him. Think 'Animal Farm'.
My mother: Malignant Narcissist. Threw a dinner knife in my face when I was eight. Fed me to my father in vain hope that he'd come back. Too many sick incidents to mention here.
Younger brother: NPD and DID. He got our father's wire in the blood. Got his cowardly and sneaky nature as well. Put it this way. He wanted to be a cop. They turned him down because he failed the psych tests. He also claims my accomplishments for his own. Climbed to adulthood on the knives he stuck in my back.
I survived though. I suffer from C-PTSD, Stockholm Syndrome and NVS. The idea was for me to either die or become my father. Thing is though that with all the heinous abuse I suffered I never became that creature and instead learned self-awareness, deep introspection and sometimes debilitating empathy. All that makes me Enemy Number 1. I hold all the filthy family secrets and that makes me terribly dangerous.
I didn't remember anything about anything until two years ago. The Pandora's Box in my head that contained all that I know and have seen and been forced to participate in exploded and all hell broke loose. The revelations almost killed me. I've looked far and wide for others who have suffered the same things I have and can't find anybody with a comparable story. According to my various head doctors it's because they're dead. Either by their own hand or ultimately that of the psychopath. I survived. Not bragging, just stating.
I could have gone vengeful on these sick fuckers. Still some nights I sit on the edge of the bed and think to myself that I could leave, go and ice each and every one and still be back before my wife wakes up with the alarm clock. I don't. Know why? Because I won't. Anyway, no prolonged physical torture I could devise could ever equal the things that have been happening to me since age two. I instead have spoken to the law and now agencies both here in Canada and also the big boys down stateside are looking very closely at my father in particular. Cold cases though and with all this terrorist shit happening the cold cases are back-burnered. Knowing that I know everything has really messed up their grand illusion and they have no idea when the hammer will drop. Whether it's me come to collect or the law to finally put a stop to them...they'll never know a minutes peace.
Beware the psychopath and remember this fact. Not all narcissists are psychopaths but all psychopaths are narcissists. Your life may depend on knowing this. And don't think that you can see through them. Too many people think that they can see through lies and that makes them that much easier to fool.
I always tended to attract extremely self-centered people as friends in my life for some reason. People who have no awareness or empathy that even pain, birth or death does not even gather a response other than negative or none at all. I don't want to use the term narcissist because I am not sure if they are really that and I don't want to think that I attract such people. I do believe that when you are at your lowest or most fragile, people do pounce on you during that time of your life. I know that true friends do not disregard your feelings or life moments, but it is very hard to end relationships that connect you to your old stomping grounds. When family is all gone, sometimes being with self-centered people is better than being totally alone, if that makes sense. That and the guilt of ending 20 year relationships.
I have been reading some English translations of Charlie Hebdo cartoons. Man, they are something. I know some news people like to stir up controversy to sell papers, but these guys were really poking the giant snake. They are to the extreme. I know the paper has been fired bombed and other things have happened there including the resent killings. I'm only surprised that this has not happened everyday. And the people who work there must live in constant fear. I know I would.
Has anyone read any of these cartoons?
I have read a few, but I don't really care. I am a Catholic, and almost everyone takes pot shots at Catholics. It just comes with the territory. I don't particularly like it, but it comes with freedom of speech.
I think the jihadi murderers are just big ol' babies. They must have little to no faith to think that the cartoons drawn will actually harm their religion. The only good thing about this is that a few so-called "moderate" muslims have come forward to say they do not approve. Normally, the silence is deafening.
I love that many cartoonists have put their own feelings in cartoons about the murders. Many of them are very thought-provoking and clever.
I absolutely defend the right to express yourself. The guys who did this are nothing but murdering scum. No multitudes of virgins for these assholes. Only ancient, crusty hookers. Male ones. Heh heh heh.
Christina, one of the cartoons was about the 72 virgins. Basically it was a man (mohamed ????) looking over a cloud saying something like...Enough already, we're running out of virgins!
LOL! That is pretty funny, Jane!
I really love the symbolism of the pens held aloft in the street gatherings and in many of the cartoons.
The truth is, these murders have made many more cartoonists come out of the woodwork. Most have never made religious-type cartoons directed at Islam, but they are now. The murderer's plan backfired. Serves them right.
Je Suis Charlie (and I don't even speak French)
I am watching the news as I write, and one of the colleagues of the victims said that if he stopped expressing his views in cartoons as they had been doing, it would be as if his friends had been murdered twice. A lot of truth in that. . .
Thank you so much, all of you. I am not going to answer you all here, I am going to address you all individually in a post, because I want to make sure you read me. You heal me.
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