Saturday, January 31, 2015

Suge Knight charged with murder

HERE is just one of many articles. Suge ran over two people and killed one. Witness' say it was deliberate, his defense claims it was accidental and he was afraid for his life. I have no idea and won't pretend to. I am an old white chick from the Midwest, but, I love hip hop. I do follow a lot of it and read and watch all the big (no pun intended) biographies. I may know a tiny bit more than the average grandma, but, hey, it's not so much because I can relate to growing up in the hood (though, I do, Guntown IS a hood), it's because I simply like the music.

Suge Knight has a rap sheet longer than my arm. The dude is tough, I'll give him that. He's been shot. He was shot at a Kanye party once, but, he was also shot multiple times at a Chris Brown party, twice in the abdomen, and he walked out to the ambulance on his own. This guy has been in many, many altercations. The biggest thing anyone needs to know about his past is, he was driving the car when Tupac was killed, shot several times, in his passenger seat. No one was ever arrested for that murder. Suge barely got a scratch. Notorious B.I.G. was murdered the same way shortly after that. No one was arrested for that either. You can look up the connections there, if you want. I won't go into it.

It's well known that Suge Knight is a criminal, but, so are a lot of them in the game. He may be the worst, I don't know. But, violence in the rap game will never stop. It's part of it. The sad part of it. I don't like it. It takes the focus off the music, when that's where the real shit should go down. West Coast, East Coast, what color is your coat, bullshit has to stop. How come the authorities can't find anyone responsible when it comes to these guys? Will Suge do time..again? Or will Suge get off..again? Seems like the independent record labels ARE gangs to me. Who's affiliated with who in production can get you killed as quick as stabbing lyrics. I wish they'd all learn to use their words to battle. Then leave retribution to the next album. I admire the rappers who have learned that and live by it. Maybe I don't know 'nuffin'. You may be right. I am watching to see how this turns out. It's going to affect a lot of people who are pressured by labels to take sides.

I am oddly amused by Suge being arrested for this. Not amused by him, oh no. Just the way it went down. He strides up, confidently, shakes hands with authorities, like they're long lost hood rats and goes into custody, not in handcuffs, but, still smoking his stogie. Who does that? Who lets him? Strange, isn't it? It's a different world.


Anonymous said...

He may spend the night in jail and then he'll be bailed out....all the Gollywood types are....Just ask Paris Hilton and Lindsay Blowhand. Least we not forget OJ who was acquitted in city of stars.

Dirty Disher said...

Yeah, they set his bail at one million, I heard. That seems light considering who he is, who he knows and that he IS charged with homicide. 10% of that? Please. Sort of ridic, really.

iambriezy said...

I met him in Vegas a few years ago. I literally ran into him when he stopped in the middle of the casino and I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Slammed right into his back. He was nice and took a pic with me. Wish I could find it. But as far as this shit goes, how many kills does it take to qualify you as a serial killer? Jeez. I think he's there.

Dirty Disher said...

That's a great story. I would have wanted a pic too. I'd love to see that pic. Yeah, he's a bad ass and not in a good way.

Dan Zinski said...

Suge is trying to catch Chris Kyle.

Dirty Disher said...

Tryin' to make killing anyone you beef with legal? Gotta protect yer posse? Yeah. Okay. No comment.

Anonymous said...

I don't really follow hip-hop, but I did like Tupac. I always thought the way they handled his murder made me think payoff, but who am I to say?
When I heard about this on the news, I immediately thought "oh, sure. He was in fear of his life". No way was this accidental.

Frimmy said...

I've seen Briezy's picture with Suge. That's all I'm saying.

Anonymous said...

This piece of shit is the worst kind or megalomaniacal thug and a blight on society! I'm just surprised he's still breathing. My prediction is that he will be dead soon (and in my opinion, it won't be any big loss!)

Anonymous said...

I don't think he can be killed. They shot him many times (they being various people, not Kyle who may have gotten the job done, or maybe not). He's built like a barrel and must wear a coat of invisibility and have on full body armour all the time.

Autocorrect drives me nuts, btw.

Dirty Disher said...

Christina, exactly. Who wouldn't think that? The kids on You Tube think they have 'new theorys'. Bitch, please. I liked Pac too.

Frim, was it as cool as it sounds?

Border, I think many of them wear bullet proof vests. I know Tupac did, but, he refused to wear it the day they shot him. He said it was too hot. Those thugs have to be the worst shots in the world. Seriously. WTF, none of them can aim for shit. I want to show them where the sights are. I guess if you're killed by them, it can always be called an accident.

Dirty Disher said...

ps, I meant to add my point, which is, why would Suge, knowing how bad they aim, have arranged to have Pac killed while sitting next to him? I looked at the car. All the shots were low, downward pointing and into the passenger side. They were shooting pretty much blind, as usual, but, the general direction was nowhere near Suge. Odd, isn't? Is he really that crazy? I think so. I really think so.

Anonymous said...

Tupac survived a gunshot just a few weeks before he was finally murdered. Suge probably wanted to make sure Pac was taken down. Drove him there HIMSELF. To get the job done. Suge Knight is a MF'r and should never have been let of prison. he's a 5 x loser, right? But he keeps on rollin'. Bastard. Yes, he went to jail like it was a press conference or whatever. And I have to plug my new fave sjow, right now. "Empire" on Fox. Watch it. From the beginning. I am not even a hip hop fan. But this show is killin it. I loved Missy Elliott on the SB last night but why didn't Lenny Kravitz get to sing his own songs too? Hell, he would have stolen the GD show, thats why. So, watch Empire. It's on the FoxNow app for your device. all 4 episodes. The music is so strong that its selling very well already. FU*k Suge. He's a murderer. But can't be killed. I have hated him ever since that story about him holding a gun to DrDre until he gave up the masters for The Chroinc came out. I loved Dr Dre and Snoop tgthr, back in the day. Not this new BS. They were real.