From the other room I hear 'BAM!' I run in yelling, ''You fuck with my guitars one more time, I am going to ki...", But, he's just decided to re-arrange some books. Yeah, Cat, you should read that book. Then you can go live with Jack Nicholson. (Then I leave the room.)
One minute later, I come back and he's in my chair. He knows that's where I sit in the daytime. It's my computer chair. Lookin' all cozy there. Get out.
Yeah, acting all sweet, purring, turning upside down to show how cute you are. Nope, it won't work. Get out. I mean it, get out!
Oh, careful there, Indie. The real you is starting to show and no one will buy your innocent act anymore. Be very careful...oh, and..GET OUT!
Uh oh. There is is. The look I was waiting for. The "I will tear you a new asshole" look. Not so sweet when he draws blood. But, guess what? I don't have much feeling in my hands or arms. So, you are OUT!
That's right. Get your dignity back, then mosey on off to torment the fish or something. But, I won fair and square and you know that's my chair. I need a bandaid. Or two.
Still won. Asshole.
You must be mistaken or I'm SURE you did something to upset him. He's too cute to be a maniac. Just don't turn your back to him...or sleep!
If I'm sleeping, he's fine, all he wants to do is sleep on me or above me, and pat and stroke my face. (He's weird.) But, all day he either fucks with MY things, or lies in wait to get me. And he bites. He bites hard. He aint playin'. I carry a towel around to smack him with, but, he gets me from behind too.
That is a pretty kitty! Right now my girls would give anything for Sharona to be active and even naughty like your cat. Sharona is not doing well. Another UTI, hyperactive thyroid and her kidneys are possibly failing. Blood panel should be back tomorrow. We are, yes even me, monitoring her every move. She isn't even keeping water down and has not eater for over 24 hrs. Don't know what else to do. She is on meds but we are gently trying to prepare the kids for the worst. Any advice?
Cats seem prone to kidney disease. It doesn't sound good. Awww, I hope Sharona comes around and stays awhile. I've seen that happen too, so don't give up. I'm sorry. And thanks for saying Indie is pretty, I think he was the prettiest in the whole litter, but, the only one not picked. I wonder if they somehow had a clue? Did you notice his Harry Potter lightning bolt. Uhh huu.
ps, how old is Sharona?
DD, he is trying to be ur friend. Dont do that! He is so sweet! The look is hurt and frustation because you wont indulge him. Poor guy. :-/
That is a beautiful kitty! I think he seriously loves you, too. He may be a pill, but he is gorgeous. I don't know anything about how cats who love other cats treat each other, but I would almost wonder if this is his interpretation of that, towards you. If I remember right, they do bite each other, right?
BTW, I love the skull and crossbones on your guitar!
I'm sorry to hear about your kitty, Connie. I hope she recovers well. It is so hard when they are sick. They don't even let you know until it is so serious. I guess that's how it is in the animal kingdom.
None of our kitties appeared to be sick until it was beyond fixing. The same with our beautiful dog, Mia.
I was excreting bricks a week ago when our big dog, Harley developed a very bad cough. Coughing repeatedly until he was gagging, and just winded afterwards. $700+ later, having done chest x-rays, blood and urine panels, needle biopsies and antibiotics, it was found to be bronchitis. We were very worried, as it came on so sudden, and he had a fever and very swollen lymph nodes. The fear was that he might have lymphoma.
Despite the money, I am feeling very fortunate that it was only bronchitis and he is feeling better.
They just don't live long enough.
Hope your kitty is on the mend very soon.
Sharona is 15 yrs old. Calico. We've had her longer than the kids. Im not a huge cat fan but my husband is and the girls are extremely attached to her. Seeing them so worried is not fun.
Thank you Pat and Christina for your kindness.
We'll see how the next couple says go.
My neighbor and I pulled her cat through by giving him IV fluids sub-cue several times and day and by some awful medicine she gave him. It took a while but it worked. It is possible to due the fluids under the skin yourself. Vet supplies the bags and neeldes.
Hahaha purrrrfect timing! Cause I saw this in the news just this week.
Yes connie, don't be put off if the vet suggests giving the cat sub q fluids at home. You may even want to suggest it to them. It's very easy. I've had to do it to 2 of my cats and it does help.
It goes right between the shoulder blades on the back. They get a little water hump which they will absorb. It may be good especially if she can't keep down water by drinking.
My cat does the same crap. It's because they want your undivided attention. Mine also has this weird thing about pajamas. He'll bite my legs if I'm wearing a certain pair he doesn't like. Especially a plaid night-gown.
Anywho, Indie is a very pretty cat with a very pretty name. And he just wants to be with you and around you.
And sending good vibes towards Sharona, another cat with a very pretty name. I hope she does well.
Thank you everyone. We are taking her back to the vet later today and Ian definitely bringing up the sub cue treatment
Sharona passed away at 2:31 this afternoon, at the vets. She was in organ failure and we could all tell she wasn't going to make it - so we decided to let her go. The girls chose to stay at her side, hugging her, till the end. They are devestated and cried out for now.
Thank you all for your kind thoughts. Marina read through the responses and she is amazed that people who have not met are so supportive. Thank you Pat!
I'm so sorry about your kitty, Connie. We lost our girl a few years ago the same way, ironically named Marina. She was 16, kidney failure after doing the fluids a few times. It was so hard to let go, but when they get that bad, there isn't much quality to their lives. My thoughts are with your family.
I'm so sorry Connie. I know it's losing a part of the family. As hard as it is on us humans, know you did the right thing for her.
To Connie and her girls...I'm so sorry you lost your kitty. When you have had a pet for so long, it just doesn't seem right when they are gone. A part of life is missing. While I am writing this my baby girl cat is sitting on my shoulder. I just can't imagine not having her. She is pure love and doesn't have a bad bone in her body. (Now the 2 boys are quite different.)
Connie, I am so sorry for the loss of your kitty. Sometimes there really just isn't anything you can do.
Your girls were very brave, and did a really nice thing, being there with her to the end.
My thoughts are with you.
Connie, I am so sorry.
Christina, the skull and crossbones were my addition to Eric's Schecter, which I now play every day.
Cats can not be trusted and are assholes by nature. They spend a great deal of time trying to own you often mistaken for affection. Least that's my opinion. Cat people need not scold me or try to change my mind I respect your feline love.
I have love for all critters, you know that. Cats are indeed assholes. That's part of what attracts people to them. They can game you. Keeps ya sharp.
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