Let me see if I can make this short. We had some real bad ice chunks up on the square, nothing would scrape or melt them. You can't avoid the square here sometimes. I was trying to be very careful, but, it was impossible to spot them under the new snow. I looked down at my spedomoter and I was doing a whoping 7 mph, when I hit an invisible block of ice. I heard it smash the undercarriage of my car. Those Ford Focus' sit real low to the ground. I knew it was bad, it was loud as hell. When I got home I checked underneath and things looked odd. Not right. But, what the hell do I know about cars? Nothing. The next day, it started right up, but, there was a loud chugging sound and then it quit. I tried again, but, couldn't keep it running. (I had a feeling it was bad off.) I found a ride for Lis to school and went to call the repair shop and the damn cable was out. I have a cable phone. So, I went over to my mother's house and said, hey, can I use your phone to call the car service? She said sure, but, demanded to know what was wrong with the car. I told her I didn't know, I'm not a mechanic. Well, she apparently thinks she is. She said, 'It was -20 last night, the battery is dead.' I said, no, it's not the battery, please can you move and let me use the phone.' She said, 'Oh, you don't know, it's really cold, it's just the battery. Let me call them and have them bring the big charger.' I said, please don't do that, IT IS NOT THE BATTERY and they will charge me for the call. This crap went on for a good 15 minutes while she blocked the phone. I screamed at her, 'It is not the fucking battery!!!' I left and went home, checked the cable again and it was on. Yay. I picked up the phone and the modem lights went dark. Great, cable out again.
Five minutes later, I have my Winter gear on, I figured I'd walk to the closest gas station and use their phone. (Fucking old bitch, making me walk in this weather, I fucking hate her.) Here she comes. Big smile on her retarded face. "I called the car service, I told them it was the battery. They're on their way!" Jebus creebus. Where does she get off? I know nothing about cars, but, even I know, if it starts up and runs for a minute, it is NOT the goddamn fucking battery. So, here comes the guy in the truck, he's hooking up jumpers before I can get out there. I ran out and told him it's not the battery. He looked underneath the car and said he couldn't see anything wrong there. I told him I know something is different under there, it doesn't look right. He ignored me and opened the hood. He looked around, scratched his head and said, I think you shook loose some sensors and lost them. I asked him where they would go? He said he didn't know. And I said, no, I am asking you if they could have fallen into another part of the engine, like an exhaust valve, fuel line, manifold, ect. I felt stupid asking, but, he was stupid, so I sucked it up. He scratched his head some more and said, 'Uhhh, yeah, I reckon that's been know to happen.' He asked me if I wanted it towed in and I said yes. As he left to go get the tow truck, he said he was sorry but he had to charge me for this trip because I DID say it was the battery. I told him I didn't say jack shit, it wasn't even me who called. I was fucking hot by this time. But, I paid his stupid ass. $25 goddamn bucks to watch some greaser scratch his head. Oh and he only drove five blocks.
The cable came back on and I called down there and got a dude I know, who owns a brain and I repeated what had happened before the car quit. I also told him I thought the undercarriage was damaged. He said, the 'boys' had it up on the lift and he'd call and let me know what they found. I gave him MY number. I felt a little better then. That dude has always been square with me and he's a good mechanic, a bit slow sometimes, but, fair. They kept it over night and yesterday they called back. Only guess what? It was that fucktarded greasy head scratcher and he called MY MOM. What the fuck? He told her the guy I talked to had gone on vacation so he worked on my car. He also told her that 'sensors were lost' and could not be fixed for less than $3,000 cash. He said he'd have to use 'one of them computers' to fix it. What? Come on. You don't repair cars with a computer, it's just a diagnostic tool. But, mom panicked. She panics every time she hears the word computer. Or car. Or money owed (even if she doesn't owe it.) So, you will not believe what she did then. She told the greaser that I might as well buy a new car because that repair price was more than my car is worth. (When did the old cunt become a blue book?) So, he asked her what she wanted to do with the car and she said, well, we don't need a junk car sitting here, so why don't you keep it. I swear to the fucking universe, she gave away my car without even asking me. I almost went through the roof when she came over and told me today. Yeah, she waited a whole day to tell me this shit. I was still waiting for the call and I figured they were just being slow or they were busy.
I had to work with every muscle in my body and every nerve ending in my brain not to kill her. This isn't the first time she's done stuff like this, but, this is the last time I'm letting her controlling crazy senile shit slide. I said, calmly and slowly, right in her fucked up old face, "YOU WILL CALL THEM BACK, RIGHT NOW, THIS MINUTE AND TELL THEM TO TOW MY CAR HOME AND PUT IT IN THE SOUTH DRIVEWAY.' She started arguing saying the car was dead, done, and I need a new car and she's already called the two used car lots here and found me one. I said, really? You're picking out my car again? She said, no, I just know what's best. I said, listen retard, that dip shit lied to you. I did some research concerning these so called lost sensors. He's lying. And my mechanic is not on vacation because Glena just drove by there and his blue custom Chevelle is right there. There is no way he would leave his prize car on the main drag and go on vacation! This fucktard is scamming you. Besides, I think it's in the undercarriage. Even if it is a lost sensor, all the auto sights online recommend taking apart hoses or exhausts and using a magnet to retrieve them. They don't ruin motors, they stop up fuel or exhaust lines and cause the car to stop running. They only ruin motors if you keep driving them a distance at normal speeds. I only drove a few blocks on it after the damage and I was doing 5 mph. I think I damaged a fuel line or something with the ice and I want a real mechanic. I demanded my car back.
The crazy bitch had the nerve to say no. She said, I found you a real nice car and I know you have some money saved and I'll put in some more to help you make a good down payment. I lost it. I screamed at her, 'Listen bitch, I may need a new car, I probably do anyway, my car is an old piece of shit, but, I will have it back in the driveway. It belongs to me, not you, it's in my name and I hold the fucking title. It has four brand new custom ordered tires on it and the trunk is packed full of items for the new house. I WANT THEM AND MY CAR IN THAT FUCKING DRIVEWAY TODAY OR I WILL CALL THE COPS AND REPORT YOU AND THAT GREASEBALL LYING MECHANIC." I topped it off with a loud, 'Do you understand me?'
She finally got it in her head that I wasn't letting it go. That she wasn't going to do this to me again. She went and called them (I went with her) but, it's Sunday and they closed early. I have no idea how greaseball got this scam past his boss, but, I imagine he has his ways. Maybe he just told him since he towed the car, he'd do the calling and hoped the guy wouldn't find out what he was up to. And he might have gotten away with it too. But, he won't. I left a message on the answering machine that I wanted to speak to the boss and I wanted my car towed to my house as soon as possible. Even if greaseball goes in early tomorrow and erases the message, I can assure you I will have that car back...and it will have ALL my belongings in it. Or I will call the police. My mother is fucking insane. I have told you guys that all along. Here's more proof..
I couldn't write the greaseball a check for the first service call, I had to pay cash. You know why? Because Friday I went to the bank and found out I was several hundred dollars overdrawn! I was so shocked, I never overdraw. I may have it down to the last couple of dollars, but, overdraw? No. I hardly ever write checks. I use cash for almost everything. I just could not figure out how this happened and it's bad because though the bank covered the checks, the amounts combined with their service charges is enormous. At least to me. That IS a down payment on a nice car.
The teller told me that bank statement should be in my mailbox today, so I went home and asked Tuwella if she'd seen them. Remember, we share a mailbox and she throws a hissy from hell if anyone touches that mailbox. So, I always let her do her mail thing and she puts my mail in a pile by her TV and I collect it there. It wasn't there. She hemmed and hawed and made excuses, but, finally acted like she just remembered where my mail was. It was in her purse. What in the hell was she up to? She held on to my bank statements and said, 'Before I give you these, I have something to tell you. Now don't get mad.' Oh, jesus, I knew this was going to be epic. I stood there, saying nothing, waiting. She said, ' I got mixed up because I had too much going on around here what with your aunt and cousin and all the animals and stuff, so I accidentally wrote on your checks.' I just stared at her. Then I said, 'Again?' She'd done this before when she came over here and 'accidentally' picked up my checkbook off the kitchen table. I asked her where she got my checks from? She claimed they were just some old ones from two years ago that were still in her purse. I told her, 'I asked you a long time ago to throw those away. When you made this same 'mistake' before.
She told me I was being stupid to act upset, she must have forgotten a few and it was just a mistake. I said, 'Your 'mistake' is costing me hundreds and hundreds of dollars I don't have right now.' I asked her how in the world the stores and the bank cashed these crazy checks? They have my name on the checks and she signed HER name on the signature line. How the fuck does a bank accept that? Her name is nowhere on my checking account..or any other account of mine. I can not believe she got away with this again. So, in the last week, this crazy old bitch has managed to totally deplete and fuck up my bank account AND she gave away my car! Not to mention all the supplies and items in the trunk of the car (I have no place to store things here, I need a place that locked) and I'd estimate that loss at around $800.00 dollars! Are you fucking kidding me?
The weird part of the check thing is, I'm not convinced it was a mistake. She has money, but, she's the cheapest penny pinching depression era whore I have ever met. I think she might have gotten a bout of senility and thought she could get away with it because I have house repair money saved and I wouldn't even notice. I would have. But, even if I was a moron, it wouldn't have worked because I don't keep the house money in that account. I keep it separate because I need to be sure it's safe, even from me. Emergencies seem to happen every week, but, I am NOT touching the house money. I want the fuck out of here.
So, I'm making the old koo koo bitch get off the crazy train long enough to take a cab ride to the bank on Monday and we WILL straighten this out. I have no plans for me and the kid to live on Ramen noodles and boxed mac and cheese for a month. No fucking way. She's going to transfer some of her precious damn cash into my account to cover all of it. I am over being mad about it. She's just crazy. But, I'm still pissed off at the bank for cashing them. It's illegal and just plain stupid. Oh, and I demanded the rest of any of my checks she had and she claimed she couldn't remember where she put them. So, I took the remote to her precious flat screen and told her I couldn't remember where I put that. She came over in five minutes with a book of checks. She claims she doesn't have any more. I don't believe her, but, what can I do? Tear her shithole apart? One of those creepy old ladies is always there, so that can't be done now. Oh, the best part is that the book of checks she gave me is not old at all. They came out of a box of checks I ordered last month and never got. They were supposed to come in the mail. I think the smartest thing I can do is close my accounts and change banks. There is one other bank in town. I hate it, but, it will do.
By the way, I am driving on a temporary license. The real one was supposed to come in the mail no less than 30 days after I got it redone. That was on December 15th. Yeah. The old lady claims it didn't come and she doesn't have it. I already called for a new one. Let's see if I get this one. I definitely miss my car. I have to have a car and I haven't decided what to do about that. I am lucky I can pick up something locally, if I have to. They will finance and let me owe them without going through any rigamarole. That's the only good thing about a small town. Everyone knows everyone. But, I am telling you, SHE is not picking my next car. No way. She can get that shit right out of her crazy head. And if one shows up in the driveway, it will just sit there. I aint havin' it anymore. I am tired of her controlling, lying, crazy.
Sounds like you need a po box too. I wouldn't trust your mail in the box even at the new place too.
I'm moving soon.
What a goddamn nightmare. I hope everything gets straightened out tomorrow. This move can't come soon enough.
Not far enough away though. I wouldn't trust it there either.
I don't buy her crazy act. She knows what she's doing. The bank should be on the hook for cashing the checks and you could easily press charges against her for theft, if you wanted to go that far. As for the car, they couldn't junk it without the title...what was that dude thinking?
Briezy, you said it! I can not wait to be out of this shit hole and away from her crazy. I know it's only a block, but, that one block will stop her from coming over at all in the Winter and she will seldom walk a block in warm weather. It takes her forever, not the walking, but, the preparing. She thinks she needs to pack a bag for her and the dog every time she walks anywhere. Sweaters and jackets, just in case. A flashlight in case she gets caught in the dark, drinks, tons of personal items, her purse, the dog's extra leash..on and on. It's a production and she hates walking anywhere.
Speak, see the above comment. And yeah, it's not far enough away for me, but, it will do. Also, Lissa can walk back and forth between us. She likes going over there sometimes. Those old ladies are like children, they either play with her or fight with her. She also gets a dollar every time she does a chore for them.
Mate! Do what I did, report this to the police.
Angie, I'm going to ask to talk to the bank manager. I'm going to ask him why they wouldn't give me the $2,000 that was in my son's account after he died (that money should have gone to his kid, not the state), but, they let someone write obvious bad checks on me and held me responsible. I am seriously pissed because I told them about this before.
As for the car, oh, yes, he can take it, repair it, drive it, sell it, without title. They're a used car place as well. They have tons of titles laying around from junkers long gone. The Focus is a pretty common car and anyway, no one actually looks at the car when you register a title. This is Guntown, I've seen that shady scam go down many times. Besides, my mother fully expected me to hand over the title.
Lia, I told her if my car is not back in that driveway, I will press charges against them both. She looked scared for once.
Make it a fucking police matter. You have no idea how helpfull it is to to the minior (but major) law busters to have the cops on your side. I've come out of my situation wishing to Christ that I was a damfuckingCOP,
PS, Lia, did your mom do something like this to you?
Fucking blow this shit wide open and put THE FEAR OF HELL up those CUNTS. Just do it, its the only way to make these fuckers behave. You've tried everything else. Just fuck them... with the cops. That's all these ass holes understand. So make them understand. What you have described is truly beyond the pale.
Yes Pat, I realized today that both my mum and Michael lost their opposite sex parent at 6 and were, as a result, farmed out of their families into hostile environments. Yep that's sad. But two generations later, everyone is still paying. I changed the rules to save my son and you changed the rules to save your kids as well as your grand daughter. So the victims, who are still punishing us CAN GO SUCK LEMONS, EGGS, SHIT. The buck stops here. call the fucking cops, that's what cops are for . Seems like nothing else us going to stop your family from abusing you, and yours.
Just blow it wide open and get some peace into the last fucking quarter of you life. You've done enough, and they have done fuckall for you. I have never been happier than what I was since my mother died. She sabotaged my entire life. I'm glad to at least see the last years/decades of my life free of conflict and abuse. It's all I ever wanted. Sheezzzz..... That shouldn't be so hard. Yeah?
My jaw actually dropped. Where on earth does she get the balls to try to pull this shit off? That is a felony, is it not? Multiple felonies? She does need to know that you are done. That the bank and the police will be notified, and that you want the rest of the damn box of checks. She needs to know that you know she stole them recently, and that there were more in the box. She must be on notice that neither the police, nor the bank, nor you will tolerate so much as one more check, without a ride in the back seat of the paddywagon. Can you open a new checking account at the bank, and just arrange to have your checks sent to the bank, where you can pick them up? I think Angie is right. She knew exactly what she was doing. She just thought she could get away with it. The bank needs to rescind every charge that resulted from her forged checks. They also owe you a huge, fat apology, and a "never, ever again". If they do not produce on both counts, they need their governing organization notified, with specifics, and the fact that this is not the first time this has happened. If they don't take action, I think that would fall under the heading of fraud.
As far as your car, it is hard for me to even envision how bad the ice and snow situation is for people in your area. Ice blocks. Hard for me to wrap my head around that, and now that I've heard it, I will pathetically add it to the mental list of things I watch out for here. Can't help it.
I will add my voice to the "you can't move soon enough" chorus. That old lady is bent on trying to make you crazy (like her) or miserable, which, I am betting, she likes better. I love your posts, but am so sorry it is like this for you. You are a good person, and deserve so much better.
I hope you get your car back in working order, ASAP.
Well, I don't see anything I could add to what has been said. I would make the bank aware that the checks are not your responsibility. They are not signed by you and should be considered as a fraudulent activity. If "MOM" doesn't make it good, take it to the law. Then talk to the mechanic with the "brain" and tell him you are holding him responsible for your car because you talked to him about fixing your car and you want only him to work on it.
At this point, if you have to press charges, do so. She can pull the old lady act on someone else.
And I would switch banks.
And why did the state keep Eric's money? I think that money should have gone to Lis. Is this the same bank?
I hope things work out. You don't need this, I was going to say aggravation, but it is well past that. It may be time to get the law involved and make them aware of what's going on. Just in case you need this on record for the future. If she has done this (theft), I wouldn't put anything past her. Try to protect yourself for the future.
Talking about bat shit crazy...Kanye did it again at the Grammys. I wish Beck would have punched him in the face. Does he really think he's a god? Such an asshole. Does anyone even listen to his music?
Why can't you pick up all your bank mail at the bank? They should hold it for you if you tell them your mail service is unsafe. A nuisance, but safe.
They are fully responsible for processing your funds and should be afraid of you pressing charges for what they've done.
Also, is there someplace that would hold your new licence for you to pick it up?
Whenever I get my credit card replaced or something similar, I always have it sent to my bank to be signed for only by me (with my picture ID).
While I am intrigued reading about her antics, I'd be a raving lunatic if I were you. If your own checks bounced for funds you authorized, they owe a letter of apology to every single recipient. Naturally you don't owe overdrawn fees either. I sure hope everything works out with the car, either a reasonable repair or a new one in great working order.
Federal offense to open someones mail. Federal offense's to steal and write a stolen check, and she's probably trying to get you to forget all that by "helping" you get a different car. That's some crazy ass shit there. If you don't press charges, what's to stop her in the future? This is a matter for the Feds. Let them handle her ass. You'd be free of her while she sits in jail. Sounds like a plan to me. & Hell yes, I'd do it if they did that to me. Crazy? My ass. Thief and a liar. Press federal charges or you cannot complain anymore. It's as simple as that. & That bank is complicit for cashing the stolen checks. I wouldn't pay them shit. Press charges against them, as well. & get Lissa's money while you're at it. That is stealing from her. That's a bank? That's f'd up all the way around. I couldn't even live a block away from that asylum. I'd blow my brains out. I nearly stroked out just reading it. Dear god, get the F away from her before it kills you.
You should sue your mom in small claims court. With any luck you will make it on Judge Judy, but at the very least you will show your mom you mean business.
Either that or beat the hell out of her! LOL!
I'm not sure about filing charges. She's so bat shit crazy but yet so wiley and such a drama queen she'd have everybody turn on you, I'm afraid. Better shot to have her declared demented and let the social workers or judge appoint a court ordered guardian. Now they could make her life miserable.
Sally...I was thinking this would be perfect for Judge Judy!!!
Freezing in Bad Axe
No way in HELL should you be responsible for those checks! Her name is NOT on your account!!!!!!!! Press charges and get YOUR damn money back. The BANK is responsible for that shit. Guntown or not, they're still a bank. Fuck, this pisses me off, so I know your head is about to explode.
Even your low class pathetic commenters are outraged. Your story is a lie. You didn't think it all the way thru. Slipping up. Hey, I called your bank btw. Haha! It's been a fun morning. And the repair place too. Commenters...don't fall for her shit. She is looking for money.
Gosh it sounds like a nightmare that you cant wake up from! I can't even imagine! Mom wants complete control and it does not matter to her how she gets it. Illegally is just fine with her. Has she ever been held accountable for her misdeeds? Ever had to pay the piper? Time to scare the crap out of her.
I hope it all gets straightened out.
I've never lived in a small town - so I don't even know how a bank or mechanic could even operate like that! Shoot I'd call the FDIC and file a complaint and demand an investigation on the bank and ask a lawyer for a favor and send a letter to your mom designed to make her crap her pants.
In the meantime - maybe buying a new mailbox that requires a key - which only you have - to retrieve the mail from it would stave her off.
If your mom does not have signing authority on your accounts the bank and your mom are responsible for returning your funds to your account. They should never have processed the cheques. They will have to suck it up and write it off to their cash loss general ledger or whatever the American [insert bank name] equivelent GL is if they can't get your mom to cover it. Meanwhile, regardless of when you are moving or if you press charges, the Anon above is absolutely right you need a PO box NOW and you definitely need to change banks. Your new bank should be made aware that you have had issues with family fraudulently using your cheques and they will need to ensure the is a note on your profile in their system to ALWAYS verify signatures and ID.
HOLY shit. Involve the law, but I'm also with the declaring dementia. I'm sure she'll put her sweet old lady act on the cops. That's fucked up.
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