Tuesday, February 3, 2015

New old Kim Kardashian West photo shoot

This is how Prada styles Kim K, with no eyebrows. Like anyone is looking at her eyebrows. All I have to say is, AHHHH HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA HHAH AHHAHAsssssssHAHHAHA!


Angie said...

Sweet Jesus... That is just wrong on so many levels. It's like the world has made her the butt of the joke and she has no idea. I'd feel sorry for her if I didn't loathe everything she stands for.

Angie said...
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Angie said...

Why am I double posting all the sudden? Frustrating.

Dirty Disher said...

Because blogger is a retarded cocksucker..as usual.

Anonymous said...

Ugliest shot of her yet. . . and that's saying something.

Dirty Disher said...

It looks like dwarf wicked witch legs attached to a deflated bean bag chair. AHhh hahhahahhsahashahhahahhsahsahshhshshshhdshhshit! HA.

Anonymous said...

Great picture of her brain.

She fills me with disgust. She's mastered the art of wearing minimal rags showing maximum body. I picture her as being obsessed with masterbating, hence the high boobs in her face or the V's down to the waist so the girls are super handy for her to manipulate. Or the super modest underwear with a thin veil over it. Does she give the baby botox as well so that she also can't smile? Never saw a baby with so little expression.

Jane said...

I can not believe that any company, much less Prada, would pay to have that pic taken and then go ahead and use it in a magazine. These mags are supposed to be tasteful. What a joke!

Angie said...

It reminds me of the tabloid pictures of drunk girls that get caught climbing in or out of cars with no underwear on. We laugh at them, too.

iambriezy said...

Reminds me of dogs wearing pantyhose. http://i.imgur.com/vChww3j.png

Anonymous said...

I had to go look at this again because I first saw it on my cell, and thought (mistakenly) that I needed more detail, and I was intrigued by the "dogs in pantyhose" comment.
It is so wrong, and so repulsive. I am reduced to sitting here, shaking my head. It maybe looks like the view out of an outhouse seat, as an unusually obese rear end prepares to sit. How did they manage to make every part visible, even her ankles, look bad? I guess that takes some skill. Maybe they don't like her either.

Anonymous said...

Yikes! I've spent most of my time since I was 14 trying effing hard NOT to have a butt like that. I'm only happy when it doesn't.

Jane said...

I wonder what will happen to her when the style revolves back to the "Twiggy" shape ? But I guess she made her money so why should she care---after all she always claimed to be a size 0. Picture them trying to photoshop the Twiggy ook!

Anonymous said...

That looks like the backside of a horse. It seriously does. It's THAT big. How is that even remotely attractive? Now Kylie has a big ass too. Saw a pic online from some Grammy event. BIG ass Kylie. 17 yrs old. On her way to be a porn star too, I assume. WHY? Just Why? For black dudes? Lots of black celeb dudes are married to slender white models, VS Angels, etc. So, I don't think that's a good plan. I'd chop that shit off with a meat cleaver if I had that stuck to me. GD.
