Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Piss on this now

I was going to show you this pic of the garden yesterday, but, I got distracted. It was just beautiful out there and nice to be the first boot prints in it. Yesterday was warm, Lissa walked home from school with a jacket and no complaints. I was not paying attention to the weather at all, I had too many things to do.

That's today. Oh, fuck me sideways. It dumped a bunch more on us, like we didn't already have enough, and it's still snowing like crazy now. You can't see shit out there. I did see the temperature warning, late, thank goodness. I have my water running. It was around -20% below last night and it's below zero now, I'm sure. It's not a Winter Wonderland anymore. It's dangerous. School was cancelled, so Lis whooped it up and went back to bed. I haven't been to bed yet, I was up all night. ~Shrugs~

This is the shits. I went to the store yesterday, so we have groceries. But, I didn't get smokes. I know, no sympathy there, but, I'm almost out. I actually don't give a shit today, but, I have six different med refills that should be ready soon. And they aren't the kind you can skip. They're like, ulcer meds, diabetes meds, blood pressure, seizure meds, etc. So, I'm going to have to try and get out in this. It just takes more effort than I have energy. I hope they plow again soon, because you can't even tell they did it.

 I made sure all the animals, wild and semi-domestic, have been fed. Mom fed the birds and squirrels and I got the rest. Some inhuman asshole has dumped a little dog on our street. I thought it was a puppy and I thought I hit it yesterday. It ran out, right under my car. I slammed on the brakes and slid on solid ice, clear up in a neighbors yard, but, the dog came out okay. He was under the car while it was moving though. I can't believe I missed him. He or she, I don't know which, is so scared and shy, it won't come to me. I got close, but, no cigar. I guess I should have been holding hot dogs. That usually works. It is too damn cold for a small animal to be out in this. Hell, livestock need protection in this shit! I left him some food and I know he's eating, but, man, it's so cold out. I also made sure all the animals had an opportunity to drink some water. It's frozen now though. I guess I'll go out and try to coax that dog in again. If it freezes to death because some ass-wipe left it here, it will be heartbreaking. How the fuck do people live with themselves? They could have taken it to the dog pound just as easy. He found the food I left him, so hopefully, he found the sheds with open doors and hay bales inside. Sorry to keep harping on it, but, god damn, people piss me off. No good sonsabitches. What could this little tiny mutt have done that was so bad, you'd throw him out on his own in sub-zero weather and a fucking blizzard?? Man, the pieces of shit who dump animals, do not want to let me catch them at it. That is the truth. I think THEY'D be the ones calling the cops for help. And I'm not even blowin' smoke today. I really think I would drag them right out their vehicle and open a can of Guntown whoop ass. (I've been savin' up.) I mean, do they think I have nothing better to do than hobble my scrawny, half crippled ass out there in that shit looking for THIER goddamn dog? I have boots that go up over my knee, but, it's deeper than that now. You get all snowy and wet and it's fucking freezing. You trip all over and skid in the ice. I hate it! At least stray cats have the sense to get shelter. Little house dogs? Fucker please. He was hiding under cars yesterday. That won't do. I don't know where he spent the night. Hopefully in the shed, but, he also seemed afraid of the lazy cats and fat coons. Those two species eat and room together around here. At least the younger ones do. Doggie didn't seem to get the memo that he could bunk with them. I had to put his food separate or he would have gone hungry. If someone doesn't take that critter in tonight, he probably won't make it. And no, I do not want another dog. But, he can hang until I find him a place to go. Cute little thing, with great big eyes. Someone will fall for him.

Do people do this to you? Dump animals on a regular basis? We get more strays here than the animal shelter and that is not an exaggeration. I guess they know we won't turn one away. But, it's not fair that these worthless fuckers just take it for granted and pile them on us. I just can not, for the life of me, figure out what's wrong with them. Every time I hear a car door at night, I run to the door to see if it's an animal dumper. God damn them.

Oh, I just saw my sweet little Skunk out the window. She wants some dry cat food. I've been worried about her, I haven't seen her in a few days. I'll bet she had sense enough to hole up somewhere warm and cozy and nap it out. I'll fill her up again, so she can go back to sleep the rest of the week. I have a suspicion that this Spring, I will be seeing my first litter of baby Skunks from a tame Skunk. It should be fun..if they're as mellow as she is. If not..oh, my. I won't think about that. Do you call Skunk babies a litter, or is there another word? I have to look that up. They sure are cute though, but, I've never been around a baby one that I could pet. I wanna pet 'em!

Adding..yep, they ARE called a litter, but, are also known as Skunk 'kittens'. (Yeah, I had that dumb commercial in my head when I read that too. Heh.) Birthing starts in May. Good to know.


Anonymous said...

I can only access comments in the a.m. for some reason, and everything slows to a crawl or doesn't load at all in the p.m. So if it works in the morning it must not be the computer.

That stuff is nasty. I wonder if you could get your meds delivered. There are some mail order outfits too. I have to get meds this week also. Nice weather here but one I have to get an original prescription for every month and it's a bit of a piss off.

I don't know how people can be the way they are with critters. Breaks my heart. People post stuff to Facebook all the time about poor animals. This week they found one in bad condition where some creep had also cut off one leg of the dog. Animal terrorists is what they are.

Nothing bad enough can happen to people like that. Nothing bad enough can happen to terrorists of any kind. I saw the last part of the highly produced IS video yesterday. They need to be wiped out. Now. Cruelty beyond belief. They do it in the name of religion and I think nothing is about religion, it's about power. They are doing this to fellow muslims. Power and Control. Not religion. Handy excuse. Like the jerks who torture animals because they can.

Anonymous said...

That first picture is so beautiful. Totally miserable to get out and about in, though. We almost never have snow of any significance, but about 6 or 7 years ago we had a freak snowstorm before Christmas. I stopped measuring when the snow was 18 inches deep in the center of the front yard. Our little street never got plowed, so it was terrible trying to get enough oomph going to get the car out of the driveway and down the street. I hope you are able to get what you need safely.
I haven't seen any dumped animals here. We are such a tiny neighborhood, though. No-one would come down here to do that, because they would be caught red-handed before they could even turn around to leave. The end of the street here, is not convenient at all. It is difficult for a lot of people to navigate.
As far as the dipshits of IS, I think they are the scum of the earth. It doesn't get any lower than they are. I have been watching CNN, and according to people that have infiltrated that organization, they don't even have a Koran to refer to. They call themselves muslims, but it is a meaningless label. They disgust me. Totally brutal, and without morals of any kind.

Dirty Disher said...

Border, that story had me in tears. I usually don't go on and on about it like today, but, my god, it's below zero! They are heartless. I found out the neighbor animal lover took the little dog in. Cool. Her problem now. She's a bitch, but, she loves animals.

Dirty Disher said...

Border, also, do you mean you have trouble with just this site? I've been having trouble with it too.

Dirty Disher said...

Christina, you're lucky to live in a place where it's hard to dump the unwanted. It's too easy here, plus we have the sucker rep. Yeah, I got out with little trouble. Still not plowed, but, I can gun that old Ford and it holds the road. The only prob I had was stupid men in huge sliding pickups.

You goddamn right those IS animals have no morals. They are sub human and make me want to hang out with a skunk. May Allah smite their ass's.

connie45 said...

I just can't imagine dealing with that much winter! As much a pain in the arse living in L.A. is (and it gets worse everyday) I tell myself at least we don't have to deal with snow - just earthquakes, gang wars, blight, water shortages....
No dumped animal problem here thankfully, though there are alot of posted Lost or Found flyers. The bulk of the animals in local shelter are rescued from dog fighting rings or surrendered.
Someone who could abandon an animal and just go on like it's nothing, makes my blood boil! That person is capable of anything and not in a good way.

Dirty Disher said...

I just worry about the plumbing here. I have heat tape on it. But, it's tricky. I can't wait to move to a real house. This snow makes you so tired, every time you go out, you're physically fighting it. I don't mind driving in it a bit. But, other people are retarded (see men in trucks).

Dog fighting rings! Those animals should be locked up more often, with LONG sentences and I don't mean the canines. Assholes. Animals aren't for fighting! Who raised these people? We only have one guy now in Guntown who does that shit and he lost his dogs. (One was that pit I tried my best to rescue.) I just absolutely hate people who are mean to critters. There is something mentally off with them and they do not need to live in our midst. Ever.

Dirty Disher said...

Oh, Connie, I forgot, Lis wrote Rox and Marina a letter. I have to mail it. I may not get out the rest of this week though. This may be touchy, but, have you thought about a kitten yet?

Jane said...

I think the pics are so pretty, but I wouldn't want to be in it. You people in the frozen "nauth" must be made of stronger stuff than we are down here. I've been fighting bronchitis for almost 2 weeks and it just won't go away. It gets a little better for a few days and then it gets worse. Just a bunch of up and down. As much as I hate our summers, I would not make it where you live.

connie45 said...

The girls will be thrilled to receive something from Lissa! Roxie thinks of her as exotic and mysterious!

Yes, the subject of a kitten has come up. Hubs and I would prefer to wait a bit. Marina has always been allergic. Puffy watery eyes, throat crap, etc..sometimes it was fine and then it can become quite bad. But she didn't care, hugging and sleeping with the cat was a priority! Since the cat passed, not one breakout or Benadryl drop has been consumed. Even her sense of smell has improved. What is the heat season for cars? That might determine when we seriously consider it.

connie45 said...

Not cars! Cats, of course. Crimeny.

Anonymous said...

Pat, I have problems in particular with yours. It's better right now. But everything is slow and night, and yours was impossible. Just for today, it's a might better. I'm SO glad the little one got a new home. Even is the woman is a bitch, if she takes good care of her animals, that's a good thing.

Anonymous said...

I know I shouldn't post this, it's going to sound antagonizing - I really miss having snow. It messes normal life up and sometimes endangers lives, but everyone slows down and seems to enjoy their time more when they don't have the choice to run at the usual pace. Snow gives me an excuse to be.... peaceful?
Anyway, it looks really pretty. We don't even have enough on the ski hills so no one's skiing this year.