Thursday, February 26, 2015

Pot babies?

Oh, man, I knew this would happen. There are 'experts' bitching about Colorado and other places where pot is now legal because supposedly, a woman can be 'addicted' and pot can potentially cause low birth weights and other problems in fetus' and newborns. First of all, who the fuck is addicted to pot? Even a heavy pot smoker has no withdraw symptoms, like when they go to jail. At least none I ever knew. Who came up with that? And even if it's true, fuck it all, because everyone knows that alcoholics suffer terrible withdrawal symptoms and still, booze will remain legal. Alcohol also causes the worst fetal deformities and brain damage I have ever seen. Yet, there will never be another prohibition. So, why the fuck are they even discussing this issue?

So, what are they thinking? If some dumb woman smokes pot constantly through a pregnancy she decided to continue until birth, has a fucked up kid, then make pot illegal again for everyone? I mean, wtf kind of backward thinking is that?


Anonymous said...

It may be a case of moderation in everything. I have seen people who are constantly outside to smoke, because they have a card, and they can do what they want. I have also seen severe pain, nausea, vomiting, etc. from people who have seriously overdone mj, but who will never admit that is the reason they are sick. There is actually a method of treatment for those patients, and I have seen it work, but still, those people will deny that is their problem. I have to be very careful about what I say, and where because of my job. But, I think the jury is still out on what the long-term effects of marijuana are.
For the casual user, or medical user, it might not be an issue, but chronic, it might be. No pun intended.

Dan Zinski said...

So your baby comes out super-chill, I don't see the issue.

Anonymous said...

My sister, the bitch, agreed to take me to eye doctor yesterday because I was getting shots in my eyes, and she gets psychological gagging if she thinks I might have cigarette smoke someplace. I think it's just one more way she has to make my life miserable. She was in full bitch mode again yesterday.

There are a lot of women, PG, who takes things over the top and would not be around cigs or booze or anything and chew out anybody else who doesn't eat, drink, exactly like they do. Moderation is the key.

BTW the last time I was at the doctor he suggested pot for arthritis pain. I said no, but it is bad so I said I'd think about it. I was never into it. But then thought I could get in a cookie or tea or something. But would it work, do you think? Seriously, anybody with serious pain issues where pot helped?

Anonymous said...

Another stupid argument against legalized pot. I fail to see where the legal status of this substance has anything to do with expectant mothers.

Jane said...

I have heard of people having stomach pain and nausea (on E.R.)from excessive smoking. It really shocked me. All I can see (or understand) is that chronic (weed) is really a lot stronger than what was smoked way back when. Seems like that might be an argument to make pot legal. That way the type of weed sold can be monitored.

Dirty Disher said...

I was a grower, never a hobby smoker, only a social weed smoker. I never liked it. To me, it does nothing for pain, but, for some people it works.

Border, I think you should try it. In food form it's weaker. What's up with your eyes?

Dirty Disher said...

I think the whole issue should lie legally on a woman's shoulders. If a woman continues a pregnancy past the legal abortion date and does substances, she's a fool. Charge them with something.

Anonymous said...

My eyes=active macular degeneration. Dry kind in the right eye, wet in the left. I was in study at UCDavis for over a year and it stopped the bleed in the left eye and got vision back to normal or better. So it started bleeding again so have to get shots in the eyes again.
Regarding pregnant pot users, you are 100% right. If the baby is damaged from any drugs, and you got and stayed knocked up, you're iiable IMO
I grew it and traded it for a stucco job on my house. I just didn't like the drug culture period.

Dirty Disher said...

MD sucks. My mom gets eye shots too. She's having surgery on them in a week. I think it all sounds hideous.

Anonymous said...

Hey Border,

Are you on twitter by any chance?