Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Terrifying Dogs of Westminster's

You want to laugh? Go HERE and read this funny review of the working dogs at the Westminster Dog Show. It cracked me up. Also, that dog in the photo looks a lot like Sarah and Alex's dog.


Anonymous said...

Great article! I always watch Westminster even though I am not a fan of the AKC, Mikey watched with me of course, only dog I've ever had who is a huge TV fan, and he want's a Subaru.

connie45 said...

I watched it all last evening and loved it! So much more entertaining than watching a beauty pageant. So many breeds that otherwise we would never see. If I ever had a chance to get a pure bred it would be the Chinook I've decided.

Jane said...

Border, would Mikey be eyeing the poodle? My neighbor has a white standard and she is a beauty. So regal for what was once prized as a hunting dog. I just could never imagine seeing her in a duck blind but I can imagine her in jewels like royalty.

Anonymous said...

Jane, ever watch Duck Dynasty? Uncle Si went hunting with a poodle, was laughed at by his family, but the dog got the job done!

I known a couple of wonderful standards. My sister had one as well, a white beauty but low on brains. Oh well, Mikey is a herding dog who doesn't care to work.