Monday, March 2, 2015

R.I.P Cool Dude

Leonard Nimoy's funeral was yesterday and I haven't said a word about it. I feel bad. I'll miss him, he always seemed like such a nice man. I'm a major Trekie, but, there just wasn't enough Spock in the first round of the Enterprise to make me love that series. I hate Captain Kirk. Sorry, but, I do. He was a bad Captain and the only interest I had in that show was in Nimoy's character. I'm more of a Captain Picard or Captian Sisko chick. Or even Captain Janeway, but, please, no Kirk. I am just being logical. It is the Vulcan way.

Did you know Leonard was a photographer and a champion for women's rights? I didn't know that. Then, I came across this article about his photos and looked at some of his photos. I read the article. It was amazing.  HERE is the piece about him, he was actually very cool. Which I knew, but, he was even cooler than I thought.


Anonymous said...

I watched the original series when it was in reruns, as my parents would not watch anything but westerns, and war stuff. I liked it, but I always thought Captain Kirk was a jerk. I remember reading that other crew members didn't like him because he always did whatever he had to do to keep the spotlight on him. I think they said that he used to keep his back to the camera between takes, and when they told him he was on, he would suddenly whirl around to the camera to try to startle everyone into looking at him. I liked Spock, but liked Scotty and Bones even more.
I love me some Captain Picard. Not sure why, but I think he is very hot. I like the Deep Space 9 guy, and Captain Janeway, too.
Leonard Nimoy was great in other things, too. Do you remember In Search Of ? I loved that. All kinds of mysteries, and he was the host. It was on, on Sunday nights, if I remember right. In the past few years he was on Fringe, as well. He was William Bell, and I was impressed with how well he was doing, considering his age. That was an awesome series.
He will definitely be missed.
RIP, LLAP, Mr. Spock.

Anonymous said...

Capt Kirk did not go to the funeral as he had a Red Cross charity event to attend. Nitwit.

Anonymous said...

I read today that the Westboro Baptist crazies were planning to stage one of their hate laden protests at Nimoy's funeral BUT the Nimoy camp was so hush-hush about the location they could not find out where to protest. Best piece of news I have read all day!!!

Jebbica said...

Loved him. I never knew he was the voice in that song "Pure Energy" by Information Society.