Click that stupid thing to read what these idiot parents wrote on their one year old kid's birthday party pre-invite. (wtf pre-invite?) It's not a problem for me, I got them a great big box of FUCK THE FUCK OFF. Receipt enclosed. Same thing I got them as a wedding gift.
HERE is the orig posting if you can't see it here.
Wow. Control freaks. I understand the logic behind parts of it, but I can't imagine feeling so entitled that I would actually send anyone something like this. It is really nice of people to want to give anything. You can't go ordering people around like this. I wonder if their heads would explode instantaneously if someone brought something that wasn't on the list, and had thrown away the receipt. Do you think they would mention it at the party? Or would they send a letter of reprimand after the event? It' s pretty amazing that they actually included a link to Walmart. So classy. I sure wish I had them as friends. Not.
These people deserve to be guillotined.
I've been invited to parties for infant/toddlers. It insults me. What am I going to do there? Spit up. Pick my nose. Poop in my pants. Show off my amazing ability of bite my toenails. Oh yeah, sounds like such fun.
personally I don't think its real. people cant be THAT much of a douchebag, seriously.
As George Carlin once said:
"Here are some more people who should be thrown screaming into an active volcano."
How the fuck do you get through life if you're one of these people? That poor kid.
What if they gave a party and no one came?
I can understand the part about having the kids name one the clothes. People could coax the kid away from the parents by calling his name, yada yada. But geez louise! This is too far. If it was something I couldn't use I would donate it. There are other parents out there that need more than some whiny fart. Some peopl, god.
These people are seriously messed up!
I think it's real and that some ppl really are this entitled and clueless. I wanted to know if you guys hated them as much as I do. Also, why is their one year old still on formula? Does anyone think that's fucked up?
The level of entitlement is staggering. I hate this. I understand trying to help out grandparents that actually ASK for gift direction, but this seems just a bit insane.
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