Friday, April 17, 2015

Today, the chicken house!

Cute little place, it has real shingles and a bolt lock. I hope they learn to enjoy it. I'll fix up a real box later. And a perch thingy. Right now they're in and out all day and when they're out..they scream and screech for me. Of course, I go right out there to see what they need. Me. That's what they tell me. They are so spoiled and getting too big for me to hold and fuss over them all day. Sunny is almost a real chicken now. Geez.

Oh, there we go. "How you get in this thing?" He just wants to play, but, if he can't get in, hopefully, nothing else can either.

Oooops, they screeched him. Chickens, why you scare my kitty? I put the pics on big, if you want to click them. So, what do you think? I can't move this. It's heavy. It was my friends first time building one and my first time explaining what I wanted. Oh, well, I'll figure it out later. I think it's pretty cool. This can be their permanent chicken house and I can build on to one end. Yeah. Maybe I'll just be a chicken farmer, who knows?

PS, I found out we can have hens in this part of town, but, no roosters. So, we're not even breaking the law! Awesome.

I just realized I put the pics on WAY too big, sorry. I didn't even know my camera took pics that big. Indie must have changed some settings when he had it.

Stinker! Notice how he lays with it, like, hey, I'm not doin' nuthin', just hangin' out here, la la. I took him inside. Gave him a treat though, for not being mean. Today. Interestingly, the snake is not striking there, it was checking us out to with it's red tongue. Aww, everyone played nice today.


Anonymous said...

Adorable. Very cute chickie hut, but it doesn't look like there's much painting for Lissa to do. I am sure that is heavy. Maybe one of these days the guy can put some wheels and handles on it so that it will be movable. They are so big already. It's amazing how quickly that tiny chick phase goes by.

Dirty Disher said...

I know! The pan frier, Cher, is still tiny, but, that Broiler, Sunny..OMFG! She can visibly change in a big way, just while Lis is in school. Lis has accused me of getting another chick and telling her it's Sunny, like for a joke. I said, that's not funny.?.

I think they can just be IN this, to live, since they're pets. They aren't always confined or out there, so, ehh. I can clip grass n greens for them. I just love them. I might not this Winter, but, hey, I hated the cat box all Winter too. Come to think of it, Winter with a kid isn't the nicest smelling...nevermind.

Anonymous said...

There was a guy I worked with who just loved to build things and asked me a lot of times to tell him what I wanted him to do. Well, I always got Way Overbuilt stuff. The guy was brilliant but this was his hobby. I told him once I wanted a flyball box for Murphy. You load tennis balls in it and it's spring loaded, so you have the dog run over some jumps and hit the lever on the box and the ball comes out. The thing he made was so heavy. Yeah it was sturdy all right.Told him it may not be something she ever would learn, but as soon as he set it up, she used it. Immediately. Ball vouches out, she catches it and off she goes. So that was his real reward right there.

Your coop will last a hundred years. Maybe it needs a high roost and heating pads, which electricity out to it. Heat lamps too. Hell, you may have to sleep with them in winter!

Unknown said...

I was wondering what you plan to do in winter. Looks idyllic now though.

Dirty Disher said...

I had no plans. I never do anymore. Only vague thoughts that leave as swiftly as they came. I just like birds. I figured, I'd work it out as I went, like everything else around here. It's nice to sit out there, smoke my steam and watch them. I can see the whole pen from my desk here too. The predators are amazing too, as I knew they would be. Interesting show, all the time. The only regret I have is that I am so slow now and have to be patient and if some things don't get done or aren't perfect, I have to just shrug 'em off. As long as all the animals are safe and my house isn't a total stink bomb, I'm good.

Man, having someone who loved to build things would be my dream. I could keep them busy until hell froze over.

Dirty Disher said...

PS. I am thinking about roosts with heat and electric now. I'll betcha they make things now that I haven't even heard of! It's sad when a farm store is your dream shopping Remember that Kate Gosseling chicken house? I just did and realized for a psycho B she sure had a good set up. That nesting box could be added to the end of my pen. Easy lift roof for hosing it out. Oh, yeah, nice.