Friday, May 22, 2015

And I'm not through with those god damn no good lying pervert Duggars..

There's plenty of stuff coming out now that has been well known but, hidden for years. HERE the Defamer calls them out on this horror they have hidden and tells about the people who knew about it trying to tell the world but, were shut down and called troublemakers and rumor mongers.

And HERE The Gawker takes them on talking about their goddamn homeschooling program and how the kids are so isolated and so ignorant about sexual things and their own bodies that it's no wonder they're all screwed up. Even masturbation is considered a terrible sin you must confess and be held accountable for. Yet fucking with your baby sister (the youngest one was only five!) is just worth a stern 'talking to'. The Duggars still follow that nasty pervert Gothards training institute rules, they just renamed it so as not to be guilty by association to a man who was forced to resign as head of the institutes religious training bullshit because of accusations that he sexually abused or assaulted 34 or more females! Yeah, but, the Duggars carry on his traditions and if you read the manifest for molestation or rape there are pages devoted to how much blame the female has in the assault. As in, how were you dressed? What could you have done to avoid it? It's the most sickening thing I have ever read, except for the parts where the parents should never allow a male sibling to diaper a female sibling least he be excited by her female genitalia!? OMFG, in what life is that excusable in any way? What kind of teenage boy gets excited seeing his baby sisters butt and vagina covered in poop and in need of a wipe? OMG, these people are sick. That isn't temptation, that's just plain sick pedo shit. Also, how dare a toddler run around only wearing a towel after their bath in front of an older brother?? Oh My Fucking God, now they're blaming innocent babies for their own molestation? Which means the older girls must have totally been at fault. Yeah, sleeping in night clothes in their own god damn beds while their horny older brother prowled the hallways deciding which of them slept the deepest. This is nothing but a horror story, this is not some kid who made a mistake. This is a goddamn sexual predator and criminal in the making. And this was not a one time deal, this went on for years. Years! These poor girls get no kind of help, instead they get blamed and have to publically forgive their pervert brother from finger fucking them in their sleep! Not only that, they still have to cook for him, serve him, hold his hand to pray and a million other disgusting things that can only leave emotional scars that haven't even had names invented for them yet. Fuck these god damn Duggars. Fuck the Quiverfull movement. Fuck that mentally retarded Anna for marrying that peedo Josh knowing full well what he did to those kids. Fuck her for exposing her own little girl to him. Fuck that god damn Mike Huckabee who stands behind them. Huckabee's son killed a dog by torturing it to death, by the way. That the sort of politician he is. It's time to take a stand and get rid of all these lying hurtful people who make excuses to step right on women's heads and make them believe they are nothing and count for nothing. It's time to end this mess.

TLC has pulled the Duggar' special from their line up, but, they have NOT fired them yet. Why? How long has TLC known about Josh Duggar and this sickening scandal? A long time. They actually had the nerve to run the Duggar marathon in the wake of this scandal. But, there are no endless reruns scheduled as usual. The Duggar camp is trying to blame this whole thing on those darn homosexuals trying to take them down. Are you fucking kidding me?? HERE. How stupid do they think people are? Pretty stupid if they think Josh Duggar commited a one night mistake against his sisters who have all forgiven him along with god. This went on for years. Check out the timelines. Do the math and figure out how old he was and how old his youngest victim was. I am outraged that anyone would have you believe a five year old girl is guilty of seducing her teenage brother. May Jim Boob, Michelle, Josh and Anna Duggar burn in the flames of their hell. May these crazy perverts and liars be roasted slowly and scream for a long time.

By the way, Josh has 'resigned' his position as as Executive Director for the ultra-conservative and ultra-right-wing Family Research Council ( a certified hate group) and he asks for your prayers for himself and his retarded wife, Anna. Not one fucking word about a little prayer or two for all the children he molested. That tells a lot, doesn't it? They simply don't matter because they are just females who should get over it and stop wearing suggestive clothes. The only person that matters to this pervert is himself. I guess god will forgive you for raping your little sisters, but, he won't forgive you if your gay, black or a woman who wears tight shirts or a female toddler who dares to sit on the lap of her older brother.


pomegranatetears said...

The Bible says that what is done in the dark, comes out into the light.

If the Duggars really believe the Bible, then they should realize that this is what's going on. ;)

Also, perhaps the Duggar parents should utilize the let the person go to Satan (i.e. don't support the sinner) with their son Josh.

Josh has been protected for way too long. It is time for him to reap the consequences of his actions. Maybe that will help him (although I doubt it). I've not know any sexual abusers/abusers who have actually changed. Maybe it's possible, but I'm skeptical.

I'm glad this has come out, and I hope one day the girls realize that this is a good thing. They don't have to hide anymore, they don't have to pretend nothing is wrong. Everyone knows. They might put on the party face for a while, but eventually I think they'll realize that they can be free of this monster.

I can't even imagine having to live with their abuser, be in that RV with that abuser, have their parents make them forgive him. They have had no relief from him. How awful!

I will say that protecting one's loser child isn't just a Christian thing, I've seen it in all walks of life. It baffles me though, if my child had done something like that he would have been kicked out on his tuckus, in juvie, somewhere else. I would protect my other children at all cost.

Dirty Disher said...

So would I. So would anyone sane, yet the Duggar made those girls write a book on their fucking morals and courting and go on tour to sell the fucking thing. All the while these girls were not allowed to so much as hold a boys hand, yet inside they knew what had been done to them and NO ONE not one damn person stood up for them and got them any kind of help. The Duggar parents are no better than that damn Jeff Warren.

Dirty Disher said...

There's WAY more to this story and it will come out.

Dan Zinski said...

Fuckin' Duggars.

Dan Zinski said...

Huckabee is on their side so they must be okay.

Anonymous said...

Huckabee's political and tv career probably just went bye bye. But hell, what do I know. The actual do-ers of horrendous acts have made comebacks. He can say all he did was offer support for a 27 year old who did things 12-13 before, when he was only 14. IMO the horror of this is that Josh was confronted by JimBob after the first reported incident, and continued to touch 4 other girls over the next year. The behavior continued after he was confronted. That makes me very nervous.

Dan Zinski said...

Huckabee is an assclown who has probably violated thousands of little boys.

Unknown said...

Blame the victim, especially if the victim is female. It will never end.