Sunday, June 28, 2015

And now, a moment of talking shit about someone I don't know

HERE is the article. Jesus. Michael Douglas, dude, you want your wife back? You said you got mouth cancer from eating pussy!!!! (Now he says he didn't.) How do you come back from that? WTF? Look at her, look at her face, does she look like she's happy? Eww. She looks like she wants to punch you in your old droopy nuts. I WOULD punch you in your old droopy nuts, then I'd take all your money and your dog and I'd LEAVE. You gross old man.
ps. Your dad is a gross old man too.


Anonymous said...

Yeah she looks like she's fed up with him. Their kids are cute. I'm not part of the crowd who sees his films I think I've only seen one and can't remember the title. But I thought he was somethin' when he was on tv those decades ago. And having a druggy kid must be sheer hell.

I read the article and it contradicted what I thought I read earlier - this one says that oral sex can CURE oral cancer but I thought he used to say It CAUSED it. wtf? When I first read that I thought he was saying he was dipping his tongue in every stray he could find, but now he has embarrassed Catherine? whatev.

Dirty Disher said...

YES! The fucking article is a bass akward lie. He said it CAUSED it, I remember that. Jesus, I read it several times in several articles and I remember being just horrified for her. She will always be that chick who's pussy gave her old man cancer. He is such a fucking washed up douche. He makes Charlie Sheen look like a great guy.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the writer got anything correct. I don't blame Douglas for the inaccuracies in the report; piss poor writer with no fact checking. Must be on drugs. I blame Douglas for being a piss poor man.

Jane said...

I just realized that I have never watched his movies. I must be the only person in the world who has never seen Basic Instinct or Fatal Attraction or One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

Dan Zinski said...

Welsh pussy is dangerous for many reasons but I don't think it can give you cancer.

Dirty Disher said...

Melvin, you made me spit at my screen.

Jane, Cuckoo's Nest was Jack Nicholson, unless they remade it or something. Jack is gross too, but, somehow still hot.

Anonymous said...

I liked him in Romancing the Stone, and in Jewel of the Nile, but otherwise no.
He is a jerk, just like his rapist father.
In that picture, he looks like he is desperately grabbing her, trying to hang on for dear life. She looks like she is trying to be pleasant, but having none of it.