Thursday, June 4, 2015

Duggar/Gothard educational (for us) links

NO Longer Quivering.. a site ran by women who have managed to escape the Quiverful Movement.

Gawker ..Police report reveals the Duggar's discipline methods.

Gawker.. Quiverfull Of Shit, a guide to the Duggars religion.

The Secretive World Of Bill Gothard and his teachings. He's still at it.

Bill Gothard reveals new website..then promptly deletes it. OMFG with this guy!

If it seems like I'm freaking out over the Duggars, yep, and I always have. From episode one when I checked into their real beliefs. These are not people who live and let live. They multiply (keep their quiver full) to send their arrows (kids) out into the world of politics. And they are there. In our government in droves. People really should be afraid of them. There is no live and let live. THEY will have it their way. If we don't open our eyes, they really will.


Anonymous said...

I remember years ago hearing about the Palestinian plan to breed as much as possible to provide plenty of boys to throw stones at Jews or go blow themselves up in Israel. Also to be sure and quarter their fighters with families so any attempt at mano o mano would of necessity also kill women and children and thus make a political statement. Later, when forced into Gaza, there was not enough room to separate fighters from families, but by then families were fighters. But I digress. The provision of fodder for somebody's political fight is not a new concept, but new for the U.S. What I find ridiculous is that if you are saved, you can apparently go sin as much as you want, ala Gothard, and since you are saved you go to heaven anyway. I know Gothard must be wrong. Like good ol boy Jim Bob, "but the Lord forgave him" uh, maybe, maybe not

Jane said...

They are so full of shit!

Dirty Disher said...

Border, and one horror I have not mentioned is that in the Duggar religion all sin is the same. So, touching yourself or looking at porn IS exactly the same as raping your baby sister. There is no division of sin, no sin with more severity. It is all sin. And it can all be forgiven. Of course, if you're female, then all sin, even by men, reverts directly back to you.

Jane, full of shit doesn't cover it.

Anonymous said...

im telling you, Jim Bob is the primary molester in that freak family. I hope he fries. I hate his stupid face, and that zombified useless twat michelle with him. She her face kind of looks like a twat peeking out from all that hair.


Unknown said...

Found this doozy today

Sarah Palin calls Lena Dunham a 'pedophile' and defends Duggar family

Anonymous said...

Map. I am here to say I am with you 110% on that mans pedo face. I have never even watched the show but the dad is a creep-master! I have no doubt whatsoever, that he molested some of the kids as well. Including Josh. Thus, all the secrecy and non-reporting to authorities. It wasn't just about shielding the son, dad would have been outed too. This is my opinion. The mans face is vile and nasty and creepy and child porn filled. I am not liberal. I am conservative with moderate things here and there. But never in my life would I defend this shit show or the people on it. Those girls should have been removed from their parents custody and given the chance to tell their whole story. But it was hidden. The filthy parents are full of lies and deceit. I hate them. The mom seems the type to turn a blind eye if she caught her husband coming out of one of the kids rooms, zipping his pants. She wouldn't say shit! I hate this family and yes, they are trying to evangelize the world into a bunch of Chesters! Molesters! Liars! I hate.

Anonymous said...

Some religions ministers/priests, like the dad(?) will call women parishoners and make appointments to "bless" their wombs. The Young, unmarried or newly married women, usually. And by "bless" their wombs, I mean F*** their brains out. And its OK. ????? It's RAPE. &/Or molestation. But it's "God's Work", that make's it ok. I doubt the women have much say in this procedure either. Nor the father of the girl, fiance', boyfriend or husband. As it is required in some churches. It's a MAN made up rule. It's never ok to touch, molest or rape another person or animal. Muslims rape young girls, fuck goats. Then they kill the goat, because it is unclean(no shit) and stone or kill the girl because she made the man sin. The man is ALWAYS off the hook. In every religion I have ever known. Only the female is ever punished. Females are always made the victims. During and after the deed.