Sunday, June 14, 2015

Flooding destroys zoo in Georgia

Oh, my, some of the saddest images are coming out of Georgia today, this is a rather happy one. The darted Hippo is being helped by so many good people. But, the zoo was gutted and there are Bears, Wolves, Lions and I don't know what all loose there. The floods have killed 12 Tbilisi residents so far, some of them zoo workers. Residents are being urged to stay in their homes, but, that's pretty hard when you're treading water! At least the poor people have a clue and can understand directions to help centers, but, the animals are just lost. Hungry and frightened, they could become dangerous real quick. Man, I hope they find them all in time. It just breaks my heart. This is exactly the sort of disaster I would have responded to in my younger days, but, now, it's all I can do to get a cup of morning coffee with a screaming coon clinging to my head and Indie tripping me underfoot. Getting old sucks, but, Georgia, my heart is with you. Maybe our government could stop making bombs and bullets for one fucking day and send some help down South. Or is that just too much to hope for? Sometimes, this country seems so fucked, I feel like it's the 1960's all over again with the same old problems.


Dan Zinski said...

Georgia the country.

Dirty Disher said...

Geez, crabs, sometimes I don't know if you're correcting my spelling or making social commentary. You would have been an awesome hippie though.

Anonymous said...

But it is Georgia the country. It's a horrible thing, tho. And the people do seem to be trying. Even a zoo keeper who lost an arm to one of the animals 3 months ago.

Anonymous said...

It bothers me like crazy that the bitch has a pit tethered 24/7. That's like death to a dog. I'm so glad you feed and treat it for fleas. Still it's a hell of a like, and the dog needs to be taken just like her kids were. They obviously should not have responsibility for any living thing. Are they travelers/gypsies perhaps? It's in their DNA to steal. I got taken big time last year. Just what I don't need and you can't find them once they move on. No paper trail at all. They really are off the grid.

Anonymous said...

Georgia is part of the old USSR, isn't it?
I heard they lost some of their lions, etc. already. It's really heartbreaking when you think about these poor animals, that didn't choose to be there, and then they wind up in a situation like this, where they are totally disoriented, and their every natural instinct puts their lives in danger.
With the fall of governments in the middle east, a number of zoos have closed, with their animals literally starving to death. Horrible. I don't know how you fix things like that, with politics and cover ups the way they are, but you would hope that someone gives a thought to it before things get that bad.
It must be terrifying for people in those flooded areas, to know about all the animals that are out. I guess that if you absolutely have to leave your house, and venture out, you just keep an eye out and hope for the best.

Anonymous said...

hahaha she thought it was in Georgia USA