Thursday, June 25, 2015

How do you entertain yourself when the net goes out?

I know, he's really getting cute, isn't he? He's not to ornery yet, he's still sweet. Still a baby. He likes to go out in the grass, but, not too far. He likes it when he can touch one of my feet. Today's fav toy is a clothespin. A nasty old spongy one that laid on the ground all Winter. Yum. Or his feet. Or me. I think the oddest thing about Raccoons is, thier feet and hands feel very Human. There's no fur on them and they have opposable thumbs, like us. This is all I did while the net was out. I just played with this baby and the other animals. I was going to read, but, I never got around to it. I got a little yard work done while the animals were all outside playing.

I'd call that last pic, 'Restraint'. It's amazing how  Indie knows that he can't have the chickens or the baby. He wants them...bad. But, he won't. I watch his muscles tense up and his stalking, but, he won't. He knows it would be wrong. It's weird to me that a Cat can know right from wrong, but, I see it. I know it's true. Weird, isn't  it?

Another favorite thing is the stuffed hanging dice. He LOVES them. It's pretty entertaining. Then he finally, FINALLY, gets sleepy. And I get to go surf and find out what's been happening in the world. How have you been?


iambriezy said...

These pics can't possibly be any cuter. He's looking like a real coon now. Your hands are FULL.

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures. If I had him when the net was out, I possibly would not go nuts. But I simply can't bear it when I can't get online. Borrow it from a neighbor is the last thing I did. I know in case of an earthquake, that's when you would really need to be on line, and you can't be. Probably no radio even. You just can't do that to the connected world without widespread insanity. Sorry for any typos. My eyes are so bad I can't see what I've typed.

Dan Zinski said...

Momentarily consider interacting with people then say fuck that and climb into bed.

Frimmy said...

I love the way a raccoon will take something you offer to them with their paw which feels exactly like a little hand. You hold it out and they take it. Hand to hand. Delicately. It elevates them somehow from an animal to a gnome.

Dirty Disher said...

Briezy, he's adorable, isn't he? I wish I could show him to all of you personally, so you could love him as much as I do. On the other hand, I know he needs to stay shy of new people. It's best for him.

Border, my neighbors steal my net. I'm shocked they didn't pound on my door demanding to know if I'd called the company yet.

Melvin, I relate too well. Do you ever get weird from being alone? I do. Sometimes, it's hard to go back out there.

Frim, you have felt it! Yep. They are, indeed, higher than animal. Gnome is a great word/name for them. Gnomes can be thought of as scary or cute, dangerous or friend. Yep. Great name.

Dan Zinski said...

My social skills have eroded from barely existent to don't even ask. I'm not at the staring blankly into people's faces until they get creeped out stage yet thankfully.

Jane said...

You ever look at something like a baby or in this case Jag and just get a little teary eyed because they are just so damn cute? Makes me smile! And isn't Indie being so cool?

sally said...

Cute pics!
Reminded me of a British documentary I watched that theorized cats think of people as other cats-- Strange,large, clumsy cats--and if you have a cat from kitten-hood he will think of you as his mother. So since his instinct is to copy you, he's not going to do what you don't do. If you don't look at chicks and baby coons as food, neither will your kitten.
It would be different maybe if you got him as an adult?
I've had my two cats since they were 8 wks and I let them outside where they freely kill mice, chipmunks, bunnies, squirrels--but rarely a bird. And since reading that article, I've thought it might be because they see us setting mouse traps in the house. But we feed wild birds year round, and basically treat them as pets. My bird food bill is atrocious! (watch, they'll probably kill a bird today and bust my theory all to hell!)

& you know how cats always bring their prey home uneaten? (I found a mouse on the patio this morning) And we tend to think they are giving us a gift. But this documentary posed the idea that their instinct is to bring their food back to home base, and eat it in relative safety. But house cats, once they get home, remember that friskies taste better than mouse so they just discard the dead critter and go for the kibble/fancy feast.
I think that one makes A LOT of sense! I just can't imagine my bitchy cats EVER being grateful for anything, let alone giving me a gift!

Anyway, thought those theories were sort of interesting. Cats fascinate me as well (sometimes--when they're not annoying the hell out of me!)

Dirty Disher said...

Melvin, I have those people around here. Cousin Coat comes to mind, when he isn't being EXTREMELY polite and cheerful. (Makes me puke) Or when he isn't giving a sermon. OMG. He's insane.

Jane, yeah. I hate it. When you feel that way, you become responsible for them. I have enough on my plate, yet..still. Sigh. Indie is very cool. Also he's a cold blooded murderer, so, his restraint amazes me.

Sally, I can figure most animals out, but, Cats, I can't. You just can't put any straight foreward idea or theory on them. They will fuck with you every time because they are such individuals. So diff, each one. My Cat is a terrible nightmare to wildlife, he has to wear TWO bells and a light AND he has curfew hours. He's just terrible, yet I trust him with my own pets. He just knows. Fuck, that alone should scare Like, is he an alien secretly here to fool me or what?

Kitty said...

Sally, we took care of a stray cat for a while. He was a kitten to a stray mother cat we had around here. But anyways, we would let him come in the house to sleep and he would go back out. One day he brought us and the neighbors across the hall (we live in an apartment) parts of a bird, her the feathers and heart, and us the stomach. So maybe with wild cats it's different. The cat we have now is strictly indoors, so he's never had the chance to catch birds. He loves watching them through the window though!

Anonymous said...

He is so cute, and it's just perfect to not have to actually take care of him and get the little love bites. I love just being able to see all these adorable pictures and read the stories. Some years ago we had a mama coon with her babies in our chimney. That was interesting, but, enough for me.
I sometimes miss our kitties. We had three, and they all lived to 15 1/2 to 17 1/2, and they were all different. One of them, the little female (Bimbo ) was a huntress outdoors. Another one, (Gizmo ) hunted mice, indoors. It seemed like he didn't have any use for them once he killed them. He was the sweetest, most intelligent boy. We really bonded, and if he had been human, I probably would have left my husband for him.