Thursday, June 4, 2015

Just when you think you know it all about a subject..

I am having some trouble finding my cameras. I remember cleaning them and changing their batteries and putting them away. Somewhere. I have to put that frustration aside. What I wanted to tell you (and would have liked to show you) is that I have now spent a night with this Raccoon and he acts like no other Raccoon I have ever had. He is no trouble. None, zip, nada, zilch. Let me copy and paste an answer I gave in comments yesterday. Here...'Well, he's way bigger than he should be for a raccoon who's eyes aren't open yet. His ears are open and he has a couple of teeth. All odd. He has a very strange mouth. His tongue is too big and flat. Way too big. His palate looks..well, different. He won't suck, but, he swallows fine. His head is very square. I am wondering if he's just a super big coon or what? The wild life people noticed all this too.'

So, he's odd in appearance and size. But, he's very odd with his quietness. He didn't wake me up all night. I fed him at midnight and went to bed. I got up late, around, 7 am, and he had not made a whimper! I actually had to wake him up for a feed this morning. I felt so guilty. This boy is strange. Hence the title. Just when you think you know everything about a species, you get introduced to one that fits none of the molds. Nope. I have no idea if he's 'alright' or not. I'll just have to wait and see. He's ambulatory, he's at the crawling stage. He can get out of his box, if he wants to. If I rub his back, he chirrs and purrs, normal. If the cat sniffs at him, he hisses and growls, normal. He can hear and some of his reactions are reassuring. But, this quietness, this non-demanding nature and his closed eyes are making me feel some worry. I have a few things to do today, including physical therapy, so I guess I don't have to worry about him being alone for an hour or so. I won't leave him long. I took him on, so he's mine to worry on, I reckon.  If you have anything to add or suggest, I'll sure listen. This is just strange. He loves affection, but, he won't beg for it. He won't ask for one single thing. I just can not figure it out. I really want him to be okay.


Noreen said...

Hey Pat, I found this very informative, in case his symptoms could be disease based- hope this helps-

Dan Zinski said...

He's very chill.

Dirty Disher said...

Noreen, I don't have what it takes to open that link. Could you possibly just paste the important parts in here?

Melvin, I sure hope that's all it is.

Dirty Disher said...

I just set his box on a heating pad. Should have done that sooner, but, I had to get it back from the chickens and clean it. Baby Coons have no heat source from their own body when they're newborns. A cool baby usually won't eat well. I warmed him with my body earlier though. All this could be that he's just dehydrated and starved though. Maybe he just needs time. We don't know how long he was abandoned before she got him yesterday. All I know is, he needs help and I'm doing my best.

Unknown said...

Ask your cat where your cameras

Angie said...

Do raccoons have chromosomal abnormalities like people, I wonder? He sounds like he has downs. (I double posted this)

Dirty Disher said...

Lauren, he has managed to steal one, but two at a time seems a feat. Even for him.

Angie, I don't know, but, another rehabber suggested that too. He might be retarded. He might be blind. He might be just super tired and worn out from trying to live. All I can do it keep feeding him, keep him pooping, keep him warm and love him. We wait, I guess.

Dirty Disher said...

ps, the only time he moves on his own, is when he pees the bed. Only once in awhile, because I do the warm rag thing after feeding and catch most of it. But, when he does, he will dang sure move. He will get clear out of the box if he can't find a dry spot. I've watched him.

Jane said...

I was thinking blind but I wouldn't have a clue about the rest. I sure am interested to find out though.

Dirty Disher said...

He's still doing well this morning.