Thursday, June 4, 2015

New Full Interview

HERE is the new Megayn Kelly interview with the Duggar whoresofgod. Fuck these back peddling, back woods, hick, redneck, ignorant, child abusing, flat out liars. Who do they think they're brain washing here? I am not an 11 year old girl and this is not my fault, nor will I ever swallow such nonsense and pure bull shit. I want to punch these two fucked up hair balls in the throat.

No, Jim Boob, it is not the 'secret lesbian agenda' that's out to get you. Jesus Christ! THESE GODDAMN PEOPLE ARE DANGEROUS!


Unknown said...

Statistically, you can't have that many people and somebody not be messed up...but i also wonder if someone abused Josh...that whole cycle of abuse thing.......wouldn't surprise me.

sally said...

I can't stand to listen to these cretins speak so here's sort of a transcript I found of the interview if anyone is interested:

awhile ago I read an article by a Catholic Bishop of some sort stating that the reason there is so much sex abuse in the priesthood is because abusers are drawn to the church for two reasons:
1.) They recognize their sickness and hope religion & being pious can cure them.
2.) They realize that the job of priest will provide victims for them.

I think it's a combination of the two, and I think that fundamentalist cults like the quiverfull movement are very similar to the Catholic priesthood in the sense that EVERYBODY has to act like a saint, not just the clergy.
Not to mention these people are obsessed with sex: No touching, no holding hands, only side hugs, no sitting on laps, chaperones on dates, women must "submit", have as many kids as possible, etc. It's perverted.

And I always thought their last name was pronounced DOOGER, but just recently learned it's Dugger, easy to remember because it rhymes with: sister fugger. :-)

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm old, was taught by Jesuits for 12 years, taught logic and reason. I thought it was certainly only a few people, even if they presented as orthodox or fundamentalist, who actually believed in literal translation of the bible, did not believe in evolution, were, you know, kind of flat earthers. I thought these extremists were the Warren Jeffs FLDS molesters of the world. I found it incredible these people would follow somebody like him, or a few other cult leaders. Now I see there are millions of people who are nuts.

The interview segment that I saw were devoid of parents understanding, let alone telling, the truth. Their delusions are so deep. I'll bet the only counseling the kids got is the counseling offered by their extremist "church" the ITL or whatever it is. I grant you there are indications from official files that child services in Arkansas was involved somehow to some extent, but was likely to rubber stamp the ITL procedures. It's all terribly unfortunate, and at least some of the victims, Jesse and Jill, were all over social media being moral monitors for the world. So their indoctrination is part and parcel of who they are now. Good job, Duggar parents, you've raised intolerant, biased, prejudicial kids who are now out spreading hate and nonsense on Instagram.

Dirty Disher said...

Lauren, these cults are started by child predators, ran by child predators. The Duggar's are not very bright. They are perfect for the needs of these cults. It's the truth. Research the Quiverful movement. Research 'blanket training'. It will horrify you.

Sally, that was well worded and the truth. I get you. Act pure, act happy=be pure, be happy. One religion puts pedos in touch with their prey, one religion is founded in order to fish for prey. They both put themselves out of harms reach.

Dirty Disher said...

Border, you really DO get it. Like me, you were raised by similar idiots. The child predators in my family of bible thumping 'former' sinners can not be counted. These religions ARE child abuse by the very nature of their teachings and like me, I am sure you still suffer from it. The nightmares of their teachings never go away. People don't understand that the things they pound into your head are far, far worse than anything anyone could do to you physically. We have to make these religions culpable under law and watch dogged. All religious fanatics should have rules. Freedom of religion does NOT mean you get to hold your own children hostage. OMG, I am so fed up with it. And these people don't intend to sit back and let you do as you please. They are in our government. For Christ sake. Jim Boob sat on our House Of Reps. I shit ppl not. Why aren't people scared?? ISIS is not as powerful!

Dirty Disher said...

All it would take requirements for children. It's so damn simple. OMG, it's so fucking simple.

Dirty Disher said...

BTW, no one has mentioned Bill Gothard. Look him up. The Duggars follow his curriculum for raising children.

Megan said...

So much bothered me about this. First that it was Fox News. I have nothing against Fox News but the interviewer seemed to not follow up with contradictory things, everything was just accepted as is. Second, Jim Bob seemed to brush off the victims and the actual term. He kept repeating, they were asleep anyway, as if to say it was no big deal. Everything from these two was about the heart and the feelings, but what about the mind and what is going on with that! I also was disgusted that it took THREE times of Josh telling them that he was touching the young girls before they felt they needed to do something. They were given the questions ahead of time and they seemed to rehearse it all.
Now on Friday when they interview Jessa and Jill it'll probably be 30 minutes of, "I'm not a victim, it's the media now, God will forgive us all."

Anonymous said...

Actually Pat, I was never taught biblical creation, far from it. We were taught, rather led to determine, that evolution was reasonable. I don't know one single bible quote. We were always told these biblical tales were obviously allegorical stories. We were led to reason, not blind belief. It works better. It really does, as you well know.

Dirty Disher said...

Meagan, aren't they weird? They sit right there and tell us this utter crap and expect us to pat them on the back.

Border, excuse me, sounded like you were raised by Jesuits.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes Pat, I was. That is true.

I was also never molested by a priest, brother, nun, or sister nor by any classmate.

The Jesuits, along with many other orders, are known for their tough academics, but the Jesuits in particular. And you would never hear anything about them indoctrinating anybody. You are taught to think and dissect information and apply reasoning.

No literal interpretation of anything. I didn't know anything about 666 until I was in my thirties, and then I had to ask somebody what it referred to. Go figure.

iambriezy said...

What Megan said. Over and over, the Duggars talked about the "safeguards" they had in place to protect the girls and NOT ONCE did Megyn Kelly ask them exactly what those safeguards were. Maddening! This wasn't an interview. They were given a platform to spout their bullshit...but it seems to have failed them anyway.

Jane said...

Sally, you hit the nail on the head. There are only 2 religions that I know a lot about. One is Catholic, and the other is Baptist. (I grew up in an area that was 99.5% Catholic. The public school kids even walked to the church for services for certain events during the school year.) I grew up a Baptist and attended that church until I was old enough to decide for myself. It seems like most of all the preachers and deacons and Sunday school teachers I ever knew were either crooks or perverts in some way. These are things I found out or figured out as I got older. I never told my mom what I knew because she was one of the few people in that church who actually practiced what was preached. I do believe she figured it out eventually (some of it was in the newspaper), I just didn't want to be the one to tell her. As my daddy used to say, "These were some trifling heathens!"

Dirty Disher said...

~Shaking head~

sally said...

Yes Pat 100% agree the homeschooling BS has GOT TO GO. Why is it OK for these morons to take kids, especially girls, out of school at the 8th grade?

School districts get eviscerated every year for failing to educate kids well enough to graduate high school, but it's ok for families to fail ON PURPOSE as long as it's in the name of religion?

Believe what you want JimBob you motherfugger, whatever, I don't really give a shit. But refusing to educate or socialize your children to be able to survive and compete in the real world is not only immoral it is ILLEGAL.

Same goes for the Amish, Mennonite, FLDS, and all the other retards who dress up like pilgrims and pretend to be Laura Ingalls Wilder. UGH!

Dan Zinski said...

MMM delicious semen.

Anonymous said...

I hate this family of pedos. & The dad is the head pedo. IMO!

Anonymous said...

My daughter developed young. Is a beautiful girl. She was kinda the swan thing. Wasn't the cutest little kid, but adorable. And then one day she was this gorgeous girl of 15. Well, the JW men noticed her too and her boobs. More than 1 elder commented to me about her looks. One even persisted in adding that Playboy would be knocking on our door one day. Pervert! How many times a day did he knock on his own wood thinking about young girls? I had to stop being associated with them, permanently, because of my kids. The damage religion can do to a teen is immense and sometimes irreversible. My kids went the normal school route, and college. And have normal adult lives. But many JW's believe in home schooling too. And it makes the kids weird and they almost always go nuts when they break free and go on crime sprees or go around having babies with every person they meet. They have no social skills and have ruined childhoods. One we know is now being sentenced today, for attempted feticide. Religion just fucks up some peoples minds. & that's what their leaders want. They don't want educated people to join. They ask too many questions. Most people are born into a religion nowadays. They don't know any difference. It's hard to convert people now. People know too much shit about religions.