Thursday, June 4, 2015

ORIGINAL: Kitchen Spice Cabinet Snake: And Then THIS Descended into our ...

If I saw this crawl out of my kitchen cabinet (I have no damn cabinets!) I would jump just as hard as most of you. Can you imagine reaching for coffee first thing in the morning and seeing that? I would have pissed myself for sure. But, I would also know what that is only 5 seconds later. Because, we all should really. This could happen to any of us, anywhere. I see..non constricted neck. Not venomous. No viper pits. Not venomous. No diamond shaped head. Not venomous. No cat eye pupil. (I just found out about that sign.) Non venomous.

He or she is a common Black Rat snake. They are generally, large (yes, that's a typical size), non aggressive, curious with great dispositions and even one this size, that's wild, will make an awesome pet for a kid or anyone who likes reptiles.

What would I do? Watch this and feel privileged to see it. Let him get the egg swallowed (because he deserves it for the show). Then, I'd gently grab him with one hand around his neck at the back of his head and with the other hand around his middle. I'd take him outside and let him go. He'd live to eat many more mice and mosquitos around my yard, hopefully for years. Then, and this is the most important thing, try and figure out how the hell he got into my house and plug that hole.

I know many of you would say, wrong. You'd scream like a banshee and then burn your house down. I understand that. I understand fear. But, this is still an animal and everyone on here loves animals. Let him go. He really won't hurt you. If you can't touch him, use oven mitts or towels. (Or call someone like me.) They won't even offer to bite you, unless you really hurt them. A still of this film has been circulating that FB site. The video is much more interesting. I would have really liked to see him climb up into that cabinet.

Indie was pestering me yesterday. Acting a fool under my desk here where my feet go and I thought he was trying to crawl into the drawers from behind. He does that to bug me. But, no, he eventually brought out a snake. I said, good boy! Then I took it away from him and released it. I gave Indie a nice treat though. I don't mind snakes, but, even I don't like the idea of being surprised by them in my own house.


Anonymous said...

Great time to post this, right after the news about the house in MD that had an infestation of snakes. They spent $50,000 they say on eradication since they moved in back in December and now moved out and are suing the realtor and former owner for nondisclosure. I would too. Creepy to have the whole house infested with them. I can be startled by almost anything, including inanimate things, so would never walk anywhere in that house without a flashlight.

Jane said...

I had seen something like this years ago. It seems the house had been built over a "nesting area". I don't know if that's what it's called. I guess they just would all get together for an orgy.

Frimmy said...

I wouldn't want to have hundreds of snakes nearby but one here or there would be fascinating and I would definitely release it into my yard. I would be more bothered by the body substances it excreted in my house than by the snake itself but I have that hang up with all animals and that's why I prefer not to have pets. Not saying there isn't a cat living in my house. I call it exposure therapy. I'm heading off topic. I totally agree with you about letting it have the egg because it earned it, gently putting it outside and plugging the hole. You always know the right thing to do with animals. You could be The Dirty Disher Dolittle.

Anonymous said...

Just read a lengthy article,last week, about The Snake House in Maryland. FULL of these bastards. Filled the walls! Attic. Crawled up and down the stairs. Skins and scat everywhere. This was a $400G+ home! People had to take all their kids and leave. The house is now in a lawsuit between this family and the realtor saying they were lied to and the neighbors told them the house had snakes and the realtor told them the neighbor was a trouble maker. The home was invaded. This is not the old snake house we have all read about. This is a different one. Not a new house, built in the 80's? I think. But dayum. Yes, I'd have to leave the state too, as that family did.