Sunday, June 28, 2015

Prank on Paris Hilton..not funny

Some assholes from some show or radio station, I don't know or care, thought it would be a blast to take Paris up in one of those cookie cutter tour planes and make her believe it's crashing. Yeah, real funny to watch someone lose what little dignity they have left in what she believes are her last moments of life. It's not the least bit funny and not just because it's in poor taste, it's just not funny. None of her reactions are funny. Some people actually jumped out, which added to her hysteria. I would have actually strapped on a chute and jumped it if had been me. And I might have landed on live wires or who knows what. I wonder how they would have dealt with that shit? These people are the idiots here, not Paris. For once. HERE is a vid of it. Move it to the halfway mark to avoid the other bullshit. It looked like the pilot actually cut the engines to make it believable. I don't know if that's the edit or real, but, I used to fly with an asshole who'd actually do that to me. While I never lost my shit like she does, I did not find it amusing.

The so called prank doesn't bode well to me, these are the sort of clips media uses when celebs actually die later in plane crashes. Well, they are!


Dan Zinski said...

I wish everyone else had jumped out and left Paris on the plane to die. But knowing that bitch she would have somehow figured out how to land it.

Dirty Disher said...

And then made a reality show out of it.

Anonymous said...

That video is as fake as Paris herself. I guess her name hasn't been in the tabloids enough lately.

Anonymous said...

She could have the video taken down if she wanted to. She gets paid per hit.

Jane said...

I didn't get to see it. It was blocked before I got to it. I wish it had been Kim and Kanye. I would have paid to see that!

Anonymous said...

Disgusting that there are jerks who will do this to people. I don't like her, but I would never wish this on her. It could have gone completely wrong, so easily. They just aren't smart enough to know that they are playing with fire. I hope she sues the heck out of them.

Unknown said...

And it hit the news, Christina, she's planning on suing!

Dirty Disher said...

Yep. I knew it was real because I watch every vid and reality show she does. I am always amused by her, she has a split personality. She's a real weirdo who's unintentionally funny.