Saturday, June 27, 2015

Song for today..John Prine - Dear Abby

I can never remember the words to this so I always just make up some as I go along. I've never been called out because no one else can remember the words either, but, everyone knows the song. I love him. Why do I adore John Prine and can't understand Joni Mitchell? Is it a mental illness?

Okay, I just listened again and realized John Prine can't remember the words to Dear Abby either. His best song, if you ask me, was 'Please Don't Bury Me'. Remember that one? Go listen to it. Come on, for me? I don't ask for much. I chose the one with the lyrics written know. I might just write the words right up my arm.


Jane said...

Now you are getting into my neck of the woods. Don't have to look up his songs, I know them well. My husband was a John Pride fan so I heard a lot of his music, and enjoyed it.

Jane said...

Like the new heading!

Anonymous said...

I listened to Dear Abby and enjoyed it. Did not enjoy the endless tongue scraper commercial that came on first, to cure you of bad breath. Therefore, I didn't mess around trying for more songs.

Dirty Disher said...

Jane, my girl friend, Shirl, had an extensive record collection. I used to pick through it when she was at work and I became addicted to Prine. It amused her. She didn't listen to most of it, she collected it for umm, guests. I got her hooked on Prine. She was a Fleetwood Mac freek and that's how come I know all their songs. I now love FM, but, that's recent. I also wore out Tapestry by King and any James or Carly. Or any Stones, but, that was mutual. We both loved Janis Ian. No one else we knew did, back then. She was a Joni fan. We all know she never converted me on that one. Amazingly, she had NO Motown! Was she kidding me? I had to complain.

Dirty Disher said...

Border, I'm so sorry you didn't get the commercial that's the new promo for Orange is the new black. "A little spray here, a little spray there, a little spray in my UNDA-weah!' I never get tired of it.

Anonymous said...

That was to the commercial I saw. Mine was for a tongue scraper.

Jane said...
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Jane said...

Sam Stone was a good one. Made me cry.

Marilyn said...

donald and lydia was my all time favorite....saw us thro all the rough times...marilyn