Friday, June 5, 2015

Thinx, period this a joke?

THIS article is about some panties, invented by women, that hold your period. Yeah, the panties themselves are the protection, eliminating the need for tamps or pad. Or cups. The thong is for light days, etc. The heavy days one holds two tampons worth of blood.

They are called Thinx. Those things would not have held back the flood I used to deal with. Even if they worked for some women, they'd be hella expensive. How many pair would you need?? Either this is an elaborate joke or someone is crazy. Can you imagine trying to change them and deal with them at work or at school? WTF doesn't even cover it.


Anonymous said...

Gross. Wouldn't they smell after a couple of hours? They would be too expensive for most people, or so shoddily made that they would fall apart. There's not a lot of room for middle ground with something like this. I understand that they were trying to find a way to make life better, but unless they come up with a way to immediately funnel period blood into another dimension, it ain't happenin. And, if they were able to do that, it would probably spark an interdimensional war or something. It's just not going to work.

Kim Kardashian said...

Kanye likes to vacuum the periods out of my twunt. They're even gonna get their own show on E!. Kanye wants to call it Keeping Up With Some Totally Not Gross Clumps Of Congealed Menstrual Fluid That Were Sucked Out Of Kim's Twat And Also That Freak Bruce's New Show Is Gonna Suck Ass So You Guys Should Just Watch This Instead Because It's Legit Awesome. We're gonna be so rich, you guys!

Dirty Disher said...

Christina, can you imagine changing it at work. "Hey, guys, I rinsed these out, mind if I hang them over this door? Cool." Uhhhh, no.

Danny, you can get your periods sucked out. It's a rich people secret. They do it if it interfears (sp?) with a wedding date mostly.

just wondering said...

I used to wear two tampons at a time and changed them every 3 hours. Woke up in the morning looking like I'd been gutshot for all those years. Did a thank you Jeebus dance when I finally hit menopause. Now I get to buy something other than burgundy sheets for once in my life. Those pants would only work for maybe some light spotting.

Anonymous said...

I think they have some bcp type pills now that cut you down to only a couple of periods a year. Luckily I simply stopped having periods for a long time. When it finally returned after years, I was in white culottes on a ferry up in Canada. OMFG

Those panties remind me of the rags our ancestors used to use all the time. A mess. A gd mess I don't want to put up with. Women have so many inconvenient and painful problems. It ain't fair I tell ya.

Imabastard said...

*yawn* old news. 'Period pants' were even featured in my school books 25 years ago as some of the choices women have...

Anonymous said...

How about 'liver" chunks? Where would that go? And the immediate rush and flood that precedes a liver falling out? Graphic. But after a baby, that's what I dealt with. I knew one was coming & would rush to the RR and try to make it. Otherwise, I'd have to change almost all my clothes & shower, and this went on for 10 days. Everytime. After I had babies. These panties are a joke. Or are for pre teens with no flow. A woman has needs and these aren't it.

Anonymous said...

One word: Depends. :)

Anonymous said...

Pat, you posted that Ball jar suction thing a few years ago. It was a home made period sucker. It was interesting. You should re-post that.