Wednesday, July 29, 2015

I wish an unwanted pregnancy on every single forced birther out there

Planned Parenthood had to shut down their website for a day because they've been hacked and cyber attacked twice in the past week. PP announced the news on Twitter and called it 'a new low from anti-abortion extremists.'

When will these dim wits finally understand that Planned Parenthood is not just abortion clinics. PP takes care of women's health issues when they can't pay for regular doctor visits. They also give out free or low cost birth control. Why can't these fucking idiots understand that?? And no, actor dude, it wasn't your daughter, it was a bunch of cells in HER fucking body! OMG. How are the right to lifers even allowed to protest the way they do with a bunch of fucking lies??

Why in the hell are these nut bags showing a nearly full term baby??? Are there really large groups of people in this country who are so unbelievably stupid that they think abortions are all late term?? Do they not understand the laws in America? I am so sick of this fight. I am so fucking outraged.

We've come so far with LGBT rights (thank the powers of the Universe!) , now can we please focus on women's rights? I don't even own a uterus and I am so damn angry I could just hit one of these forced birthers right in the face with a brick. Is anyone out there as mad as I am? Goddamn it! Leave women alone. All this shit is between a woman and her medical care giver. I can not stand it. I am going to have another stroke if I don't stop thinking about it. Goddamn these fucking 'right to life' bullshit people. Women have a right to their own life and this isn't about killing babies anyway. It's about the audacity of women who have sex and sometimes enjoy it. Shame on any woman who doesn't hold an aspirin between her knees until she gets a husband to tell her what to do. It makes me want to SCREEEEEEEAM!


Unknown said...

I think the change with PP was coming because of availability of obamacare, actually not availability but mandatory nature of it, means that women's services should be available at other than PP. I've helped get women across pickett lines in times past, and been horrified at the pro birthers and garbage they yell out. Now, PP needs to rethink selling fetal body parts. That's the big dust up now. I do think they don't need federal funding as there are ways for women to pay. So pay up. And deal with the fetal body parts as a separate issue.

I do have ethical concern with both many ways of getting pregnant and fetal research. There is something that creeps me out and while it isn't an issue I intend to thoroughly research it feels wrong both in the conceiving and carrying as well as the aborted being used in parts for research. $300 for a liver part, 159 for an eye, whatever.

Dirty Disher said...

PP does NOT sell body parts. PP donates them to research with permission from the person they came from. I crossed the lines too. I signed the forms. I read the forms. The only money they get is reimbersement for shipping and storage. That film was a heavly edited lie! Early abortions would not have a liver or an eye. They have cells, used for many things including inoculations. We have probably already had them at some time. Please don't let the forced birthers confuse you with their lies. You are so much smarter than them.

Anonymous said...

Curiously Pat, do you believe it partial birth abortions? 24 weeks is hardly full term. What is the cut off when those cells become a human life? At how many weeks is it "ok" to have an abortion?

Dirty Disher said...

I personally believe there is no viable human in there in the first trimester and first trimester abortions should be readily available to anyone who wants one on an out patient basis. It's quite a simple procedure, which basically just scrapes uterine walls and starts your period. I also think they should be covered by our insurance companies, exspecially Medicaide. Those are the women who need help the most. After the first trimester it is damn near impossible to get an abortion, as far as I know. I don't know anyone anywhere who does partial birth abortions. BUT, I am glad they are available in a hospital setting for woman who find out that the pregnancy, brought to term, will probably kill them. Or woman who find out that there is something terribly wrong with their child. I don't favor laws that would allow late term abortions willy nilly, yet, I still believe it's a woman's choice and if it comes to that, I would support it. I believe some of the right to lifers really have a heart, but, most of them are just crazy and trying to keep women controlled for their own fucked up religious reasons. I exspecially hate it that men have anything at all to say about the subject. And as for that tired whine, "Oh, I don't want my tax money supporting abortion clinics, boo hoo". Well, first, they are women's health clinics. And I've worked all my life up until recently and my tax dollars went to a lot of things I didn't believe in. But, when it's a majority vote, majority wins and you pay up and shut up. Women must be given control over their own bodies, or we remain second class citizens treated like slow, stupid children. We must fight. Be it by voting, protesting, blogging, signing petitions, sending support, any way we can.

Dirty Disher said...

And I'd like to hug you, because I think I know where you stand (from the wording) and that's okay. I'll look at it from your point of view if you look at it from mine. You can leave your name, no one will jump you here. I have decided to tackle the most difficult story to add to my writing site. The birth of my talented, much loved, doomed son. Then maybe people can see where I'm coming from.

Dirty Disher said...

ps... at 24 weeks, the baby has a 60% chance of survival. Got that from a medical site. So, I'd call that a baby, not a bunch of cells. That's a six month pregnancy and it seems ridic to even consider aborting it. You had three goddamn months to make up your mind with no harm to anything or anyone. Why carry that long and then decide, nope? It boggles my mind. Unless the child has serious medical problems which were not found until a later date. But, gross as it is to me, it is still someone else's choice and I support women's choices. There is no way it will affect my life. I can't worry about every woman's decisions. It's not my place.

iambriezy said...

Amen to everything you've said here, Pat! If men could get pregnant, abortions would be free and we'd have birth control vending machines on every corner.

Dirty Disher said...

Yep, but, what kills me is that so many of these right to life crazies, have taken their teen daughter's to other countries to get abortions. Calling the shit a 'family cruise'. AND their daughter's have access to the best medical staff and total anesthesia. No pain. It happens all the time. If caught, some of their reasoning comes off completely insane. "MY daughter is attending Vassar next year, she is not living in a ghetto on welfare." I shit you not. So, some kid in the wrong part of town must give birth to her second child at the age of 16 because she's already considered worthless in their eyes.

Also, and this is the one that hurts me the most and I'll cry now for real, is the very real and still wide spread idea that pregnancy is a punishment from god for having unwed sex. I could have begged and pleaded, please don't make me, I only did it once with my boyfriend and it was awful! But, I didn't because no amount of tears or begging would have been allowed to change my punishment. I would have been given a pass, eventually, IF I had married him (at 17) but, by them I was really scared of him and never even told him about the baby. I was pretty scared. And it turned out I had reason to be. My body wasn't really developed enough for even sex, let alone pregnancy. My son weighed 9.3oz. He was 26 inches long and had 3 teeth. The labor lasted from a Thursday to Sunday night. No epidural for bad girls. Lots of lectures during it and one slap. And despite what troll tried to say, I WAS in a home. An unwed mother's home far from my own home and had no family or friends present for any of it. I took a Continental Trailways bus home with my little bundle of shame and some hospital bottles. This will be my next story. It's the one I have not been up to telling because....yeah. This shit got real. I think I will call it Westlawn, home for wayward girls. It was hospital affiliated, but, it was separate and a work house. A shame house. A hiding place for the permanently damaged and shamed. Sinners.

iambriezy said...

Fuck, I'm so sorry. When you're up to writing it, I look forward to reading it.

Anonymous said...

Pat, getting pregnant is not a consequence from God, it is a natural event that comes from having intercourse. DUH. Your logic is stupid. For all you pro sex, pro welfare hillbillies, teach your CHILDREN abstinence. And point out the fact that even once can get you pregnant. If you are old enough to be having sex, you are old enough to handle the adult responsibilities' that may occur from having sex. See, this is what the right to lifers don't want to happen, a 16 year old getting pregnant, and then getting pregnant again.

Your story will be bullshit and lies.

What you should be concentrating on his how to prevent Allysa from going down the same road. It will only be a few more years till you are blogging about her abortions.

Unknown said...

I agree wholeheartedly. Women should have the right to safe, legal abortions. Late term abortions almost always occur due horrific circumstances. These anti-abortionists need to make stuff up in order to drum up support. Fetal tissue is being donated because the women WANT to donate and PP is not making any money on it. They also act as if only unmarried teenagers are getting abortions. Should married women be like the Duggars? Married women need access to abortion as well even if they are using birth control. It's not like the anti-abortion crowd is willing to help them pay for the child's food or education.

Dirty Disher said...

5:42:00 AM anon, I am actually sorry for you because your reading skills are so rudimentary. As for Lis, we have had the talk. She has not even had her first kiss yet, but, she KNOWS that when she's ready to have sex, Grandma will get her protected. With no judgement and no lectures. And if the protection fails, which can happen, my little girl will have choices and we will talk about each one, she can decide for herself and I will make sure she is well supported. Love, crushes, making out, making love and just plain sex are a part of life and those feelings are a right of every human being. Period. Abstinence is crap. Slut shaming is crap. Choices are not guilt ridden anymore, they are just choices. Which every girl and woman has a right to.

As for my situation, anon, I was 17, got pregnant and was forced to carry and keep as my punishment for my sin and shame. I never said I believed any of it. As for my own termination, that was in my 30's, like I said, even the best birth control can fail. It must be nice to be perfect like you, oh, except for that not being able to read and comprehend thing. Bummer.

Anonymous said...

I comprehend what you put out there Pat. Your GD is what 11? She has been exposed to elements of life she should not have at her age, not just an addict for a mother. You have already allowed her to become sexualized. It started early for her. I am surprised she hasn't kissed her cousin or her neighbor yet out in the shed but she will be giving handies and blow jobs by age 12. You think that is OK? Probably so. Abstinence is crap for white trash like you but it can also be a precious thing to actually be in love before having an intimate relationship. Sure, she has a choice which is heavily influenced by her crap up bringing. And when you take her at 14 for her first abortion, I hope you feel nothing but pride for your over sexualized GD. And again at 16, she will want to keep it and dress it up and the cycle repeats. I know you are tweaked in the head...and it is evident that Allysa will be too.

I don't think there is anything to be proud of being a slut. Sex, love and the possibility of producing life is not for teens Pat. It is for adults. If you aren't mature, financially capable and wanting the very possibility of a child, then close your legs.

So good to know her white trash granny will get her protected so she can go out and get herpes by 14 and carry on the Jones legacy with pride.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:38 enjoys breaking into funeral homes in the dead of night and sixty-nine-fisting the corpses she finds therein.

Anonymous said...

Oh STFU Anon. You really are just a sad little person. Love the internet where you can cast your stones at people and hide don't you? What are you in the real world? Nobody I am sure. If your married and that's a big if, your spouse lost interest in you a long time ago. If you have a job your that one that people go the long way around to avoid you. So enjoy casting your hate here I am sure this is the highlight of your day. Probably masturbating after you post because you get soooo excited.
