Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Vampires are real and I sleep walk

This is two posts in one, unrelated. Aren't you lucky? (~eye roll~) HERE is an article talking about how real Vampires are loath to tell their doctors about their Vampireyness (?Word or not?) and it can cause them to get the wrong treatment or some shit. (Too much to type, just read it.) I just wanted to gloat because I've been telling you guys and other people that VAMPIRES ARE REAL for ages. I've met several of them. They came to me because they'd heard that I'm not judgmental. (Just mental.) The ones I knew or know would never, ever take your blood without your permission. They don't turn into fucking bats and they sure as fuck don't sparkle. They also, unfortunately, don't look like Brad Pitt. They don't look like that freak Tom Cruise either, thank goodness. But, there are many things that the article doesn't mention that relate to Vampire's lifestyles that they suffer from. Aversion to bright light or the Sun is just one. And there usually does seem to be some paranormal stuff related to them, even if it's just ESP. So, yeah, that's all I wanted to say about that. That they are real. Oh, and most of them don't drink blood because they're 'tired' like that article says. That's just fucking stupid. So fear not the Vampire...fear the psycho, who may or may not be a Sanguinarian. Psychos suck.

Sleep walking. Fuck. It hardly ever happens to me, but, it happened big time last night. Unless there's a ghost who feeds Raccoons, cleans cages, makes coffee and eats pickles. This is so goddamn weird it's freaking me out. Lis spent the night with her aunt, so I can only blame this weirdness on myself. The only door was securely locked. WTF is up with me? It really freaked me out. Have you ever done this???


Anonymous said...

I've sleep walked. I mess up, not clean up, though. I even dumped a portable tv on the floor and threw a lamp and generally made a huge mess one afternoon, and when Ron came home he wanted to know what happened. I was lying across the bed, sound asleep, had no idea. I still am weirded out by stuff like that.

Dirty Disher said...

Oh wow. Well, it seems like I was doing morning chores. The coffee was still okay, I drank it. But, I did spill chicken feed and I peed and didn't flush. That is not me. I am not a mellow yellow person, flush the damn thing. It was all really weird and I am seriously freaked out. I am out of Ambian and pain meds, so I can't even blame drugs. I am just weirded out, I had to have been up quite a while. Fucking freaky.

Dirty Disher said...

ps..thank you for telling me it's happened to you to. I am creeped out.

Kitty said...

My youngest sister, when she was about six, sleepwalk over to a chair and peed in it. At least you made it to the toilet, lol.

Anonymous said...

You've really got me laughing. I am so fussy about food and drink and I aways flush the toilet. I keep a plunger in the bathroom just in case.

The rest of the house you have to pick your way through, at least when I had furniture and stuff. The kitchen sink collects mail and everything else until I run out of room and then I dump it into a couple of plastic bags and put it on the floor so I can start all over. I need a keeper. I just wont' do mail. I throw out circulars before I come in and never go through the important stuff. I've been known to have checks about to expire before I ever opened the envelope. I only opened it when I was moving and was looking on cutting down on stuff to relocate. I hate myself. I just won't stop this destructive behavior. BUT I got a new air purifier delivered today to help with the probable dust and dander allergies. Still in the box on the floor. I don't have much that isn't in boxes from the warehouse but in the little that I did get out, I don't see my cheap tablet or my alternate phone. Shit.