Tuesday, September 22, 2015

BCP, I just found out something and boy, am I pissed off!

I can not believe what I just found out. I can't even tell you how upset it makes me. I just found out that you do not need to have a period. Let me explain. I just read several articles, chasing down information from a random comment on a forum and I have discovered that women who are taking the birth control pill only have periods because the last week in the pill cycle contains the 'dummy pills'. Yeah, yeah, we all know about the dummy pills, they aren't anything. We know that. We've always been aware of that. But, I always thought they had a purpose. The purpose, I thought, was to allow your body to function normally by having a period. No. They are there because the manufactures believed women were too stupid to figure out how and when to take their pills. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? No. If you just keep taking the pills, you will not be burdened with a period.

But, wait! Don't you need a period to be healthy? What about all that blood that would build up in you uterus? No, there would be no blood if you took the hormone, your body would simply stop making it. The blood is like a cushion for your uterous, to help cradle and hold a fertilized egg. (As we all know.) If you don't want a child, the hormone obviously prevents implantation, and you do not need the blood. It serves no other purpose. There would be no need to 'empty it out'. You would simply go about your life with no period. I read several comments on diff places made by actual women who are doing this and are fine.

I am so pissed off and hurt and upset. I suffered hard, heavy, painful periods for decades before surgeons convinced me I needed to have a hysterectomy. Hysterectomy, full frontal, is one rough ass bitch. It took a year to heal,(the long incision came open) was terrible and I am still suffering the side effects AND all the time I could have just skipped the dummy pills???? Why wasn't I given this option? Why didn't any doctor tell me to try this? Decades spent taking birth control pills and not one single doctor told me about this option?? WTF? WTF???????

When I think about all the injustice I've suffered over this and the sonsabitches who want women's health care defunded and left up to men, I want to kill someone.


Angie said...

Have they always known this? I know I first heard of it from my daughters. I'm not sure how they came by the information, but found it helpful when their period fell during a time when it was inconvenient, such as vacations, honeymoons, etc.

I, too, suffered greatly from the monthly visits, so much so that I ended up with a hysterectomy. I haven't had problems since and if I had the choice between a one-time surgery in my thirties or taking a pill every day until I'm menopausal, I think I'd take the surgery. If I had the issues you've had, I'd be angry, too.

Dirty Disher said...

How could they have not known, they're doctors! I was never even told about the idea of it! Did you have frontal or vaginal surgery? I've had two friends who had vaginal and said it was a breeze. But, motherfucking fuck that full front. And I ALWAYS tell women now, do not let anyone take your ovaries unless it has to be done. OMG, that is not an optional thing!

Dirty Disher said...

PS, besides the doctors SHOULD have known, because I have always known about the 'honeymoon' option. I had no idea you could do it forever with no ill effects. Damn the doctors to hell, all men. All of them.

Angie said...

I had a partial through the babymaker, so you're right, it was much less trauma to the body. I believe that even now, the doctors are telling women that for "special" circumstances, they could skip a period, but shouldn't make a habit of it. Also, they only give you a RX for 12 months and if you skipped the dummy week, you end up short in 9 months. I would think the pharmaceutical companies would love this option.

Dirty Disher said...

You would get more script from a doc who was on board. And according to many doctors and women, no periods is fine. I'm just so mad that I never had the option. My surgery was extreme. I had no idea what taking the ovaries would do either. I was not told of some of the complications.

Diana said...

I too have terrible periods some times. Cramps so hard that I could feel it in my glutes, terrible nausea,moodiness and heavy flow. I went on the pill even before I lost my virginity to help, which it did, but I had to take them when I went to bed because they all made me nauseous.
After three of my aunts got breast cancer, and the fact that my man and I did not want to procreate, got a tubal ligation. Now I treat my cramps, moodiness and nausea with medical cannabis.
As we all know, it's just a way to keep women in their place. I had to go to 3 doctors before one would agree to do the ligation. They just couldn't believe a 29 year old married woman wouldn't want to have kids. GASP!

Dirty Disher said...

You puff away, girl friend. I wish I could tolerate it, it's a lovely herb. I love the smell of it.

Dirty Disher said...

I had a tubal ligation around that age too. I begged them. I pleaded. I saw several and asked many times and was told NO. I was 'too young'. It made NO sense. Then they told me I had to go off the pill for awhile and gave me a diaphragm. It was the smallest they made and it was too wide, too big and hard to get in. I also always used the spermicide with it, but, it leaked because it didn't fucking fit and I got preg. I had it terminated and finally, finally some man doctor listened to me and gave me the ligation. Best day of my life. Easy breezy too. No pain, nothing.

Of course, then I had to go back on the dang pill for bleeding anyway. The life of a woman with female problems is a damn book. Or a horror movie. But, fuck men making MY reproductive decisions. I DO blame the need for a termination on them. I sure do. Oh, and I feel no guilt. Only relief.

And fuck the diaphragm makers too. I do not believe I have some unusually tiny vagina. I have a normal one. The products are too fucking big!

Dirty Disher said...

..maybe men make them and they think they all have huge dicks. News flash..ya don't.

Anonymous said...

I have heard of this, but I guess it is because I have daughters. I has a uterine ablation a few years ago...it changed my life. They cook the lining and you never have periods again. No messing with your ovaries, so no weird side effects. If you are done with kids, it really is pretty awesome. I wish I'd done it sooner.


Anonymous said...

I knew about it some years ago. Hard to get the right doc to prescribe or insurance to pay. And everybody wants id and ssn so no privacy. Like you can't go to 2 clinics for 2 prescriptions under different names and pay for it yourself. Few docs go with the option and if you want insurance they won't pay for 15 months in a year to get the effect. And that includes women docs, btw. As many or more women docs now as men around here, maybe more. Espicially for women's health. However I stopped bcd's pretty early because side effects like blood clots, strokes, heart attacks etc bug me.

Anonymous said...

My daughter tried this and it didn't work. She would be going on a trip and just start a new pack of pills, to skip her period. But she would get something of a period anyway. Because as the month progresses, the pills get weaker and weaker. So, starting a new pill pack doesn't work. Your body is already letting down the blood flow. Slowly. Maybe it would if you could just afford to take the 1st weeks pills constantly? I have no idea. But my daughter tried this so many times. Forget it. It never worked. And we know why. This is from my gyno.

Anonymous said...

Don't blame it on your doctor Pat. This info has been around for as long as I can remember. Your hysterectomy was for the best. 100% sure you couldn't bear children anymore.

Anonymous said...

In depends on the type of pill Border. Duh.

Dirty Disher said...

Read all the comments and it's very clear to me, I should have had more options. And yes, anono, I could have had more kids if I wanted. I didn't want to. I don't know where you get your info about MY uterus. Doh.

If I had known what I know now, I would have had one more..for my daughter. I would have been her surrogate, if she wanted me to. But, we didn't know we might need that option. And she's the only person I would have gone through it for again, because child birth is terrible. Nothing good about it, if you ask me.

Dirty Disher said...

And do not 'duh' Border. YOU are the duh.

Unknown said...

Malcolm Gladwell writes some thought-provoking books. I think you would enjoy them. The whole 28 day cycle including period was actually due to one of the creators of the pill being a staunch Roman Catholic! I think you will find this quite interesting & ironic. http://gladwell.com/john-rock-s-error/ I'm so sorry you had those medical issues and it sounds as if they were mainly the fault of incompetent doctors
. It is incredibly difficult to find a good doctor. I have had better luck with nurse practitioners but I don't know if that is true in general.