This one is good. The dogs are wagging, but, they make it not hit my small human. Man, these are good dogs. It's a sad world when dogs have more sense than a human mother. And I know from experience, those fucking shoes hurt.
PS. yeah, I think it's a set up too. The thing is..the dogs don't know that. And I would bet money the mom figured out the dogs would do this because the bitch hits her kid with shoes.
It's totally set up and I don't give two fucks if it is or not...that woman is abusing that child because even if she doesn't hit her with shoes, the kid is way, WAY too young to have this kind of bullshit staged. I watched without sound, so maybe I'm missing something being said, but that woman should get a punch in the face, pronto.
I made the screen large for Mikey to watch since he was listening and cocking his head. He howled. What a dear. Woman is an idiot. Dogs do bite. Justifiably so. Medals to Bozo; bites to mom.
What.A.Bitch. Does she not realize that people will figure out she knew what would happen with the dogs, because it DID already happen? For real? I've seen my Hispanic friends mother's go berserk on them. Not a good thing. Bitches.Be.Crazy. And my own mother. Threw iron skillets at me. I dodged them, and she missed. But she did it over and over. She threw my big wooden clogs at me. I ran faster than she could throw tho. But I am in my 50's, my mother died a few years ago and I had not seen her since I was a teen. Zero relationship. Did not attend service. No tears. That's just how life is with an abusive parent. You feel no tears, after a while. They just f'g dry up. This child is going to be F'd up. She may be investigated, and rightly so.
My father (who did not actually ever beat me) used to play like this with our dogs. He would pretend to attack me or one of my siblings and the dogs would bark and grab his arm to "stop" him. I think he thought he was teaching the dogs to protect us, but I suspect the dogs just thought of this as another "game." I like to think that they would have actually attacked a stranger who tried to hurt me, but who knows.
It's totally set up and I don't give two fucks if it is or not...that woman is abusing that child because even if she doesn't hit her with shoes, the kid is way, WAY too young to have this kind of bullshit staged. I watched without sound, so maybe I'm missing something being said, but that woman should get a punch in the face, pronto.
Nope, you didn't miss anything. The kid screams sound real. At the end the kid laughs, but, I think it's from relief.
I made the screen large for Mikey to watch since he was listening and cocking his head. He howled. What a dear.
Woman is an idiot. Dogs do bite. Justifiably so.
Medals to Bozo; bites to mom.
It is staged. At 45 seconds, she says I love you as she is hitting the sofa.
What.A.Bitch. Does she not realize that people will figure out she knew what would happen with the dogs, because it DID already happen? For real? I've seen my Hispanic friends mother's go berserk on them. Not a good thing. Bitches.Be.Crazy. And my own mother. Threw iron skillets at me. I dodged them, and she missed. But she did it over and over. She threw my big wooden clogs at me. I ran faster than she could throw tho. But I am in my 50's, my mother died a few years ago and I had not seen her since I was a teen. Zero relationship. Did not attend service. No tears. That's just how life is with an abusive parent. You feel no tears, after a while. They just f'g dry up. This child is going to be F'd up. She may be investigated, and rightly so.
My father (who did not actually ever beat me) used to play like this with our dogs. He would pretend to attack me or one of my siblings and the dogs would bark and grab his arm to "stop" him. I think he thought he was teaching the dogs to protect us, but I suspect the dogs just thought of this as another "game." I like to think that they would have actually attacked a stranger who tried to hurt me, but who knows.
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