Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Marion Cotillard doesn't want to be a feminist..because..


..she thinks it means separation of the genders and she doesn't want that. Great. Another fucking idiot in a designer clown suit who can't be bothered to look up a word. Bitch is an actress, I don't expect her to do brain surgery in her spare time, but, for fuck sakes. What a fucktard. I will give her points for not running for leader of any country. Once she buys a dictionary, look out though.


Anonymous said...

Actors should leave their emotions and words on screen or on stage. Their public pronouncements usually make me so mad I won't watch anything with them in it anymore in protest, which has seriously limited my viewing pleasure.

Dirty Disher said...

I wish they would. I have a hard time liking them in a role, when I know how stupid they are in real. And why do these idiot interviewers ask them shit, like they know jack?

Jane said...

First of all, I don't know 75% of the young actors. What they think about anything doesn't really impress me. And I really hate when they get into politics.

Jane said...

I just looked down at the little kittens pic. How old is she now? She still looks so tiny. Is that the name you settled on?

Anonymous said...

designer clown suit!! you nailed it!