Sunday, September 27, 2015

Medical question

I tried googling this, but, I didn't get a clear answer. Where is the best place to do a daily glucose blood test when you can't use your fingertips? Mine are so calloused from guitar strings that the needle won't penetrate the tips. I can use the sides of my fingers, but, I find that makes me sting for an hour. It's not acceptable. Can I use my arm or would that give a false reading? I know there's someone on here who knows.


Anonymous said...

I just called my pharmacy, as I really didn't know, myself. The pharmacist had an accent, and very clearly didn't understand what I was saying, part of the time, but in the end, he agreed that on your arm, or where ever you choose should have the same reading. It is only a matter of comfort, and making sure that the area is clean.
Hope that is helpful.

Tricia said...

When I worked in a major hospital in Boston, the nurses would do the ear lobe.

Dirty Disher said...

Thanks, I can do either one of those suggestions, with no problem. That finger deal hurts. I must have sensitive nerves in just the sides of my fingers. Will do.

PS, I guess I couldn't just use Coon Err, cat. Large cat. That's what I meant. 25 pound cat.

Dirty Disher said...

BTW, I tried calling my pharmacy too and got the middle eastern guy. He never understand what I say. So, thanks.

sally said...

My aunt is diabetic and uses her stomach for tests and for the insulin shots. Very discreet, so she can do it in public--hidden under the booth at a restaurant for example.

Anonymous said...

Fortunately I don't have to do that. My husband used to have some sort of a thing that had a little blade or something and I think it did it anywhere. But he wasn't very good about it. In the hospital he got tested and got shots every day but at home I'd ask him and he'd say the readings were good so no shots. Maybe he didn't do it all. But that month I spent in the hospital all of my many, many roommates had diabetes related problems. Or maybe if you have diabetes they just say all further problems are related to it. Like if you had a cigarette when you were 18, your lung problem at 80 is related to smoking.

Dirty Disher said...

Sally my midsection is the only thing on me that still looks alright. (Weird after those horrible surgeries, but, it does. I must have good skin there.It resists scaring.) LOL, I aint fucking with it there.

Border, mine is just a little needle on a spring. Pop and it sticks you. Nothing radical, but, for some reason it stings my fingers. No way any needle is going through these guitar callouses. I worked hard to get them back and they're useful as hell. Callouses give you a real clear string sound.

Dirty Disher said...

BTW, I never smoked until I was around 40 or older. I had a brain fart one night and liked it.

Unknown said...

Yep, ear lobe. :)

Anonymous said...


I asked the in-house doctor (AKA my partner) here and he recommends that you try your palm. Apparently the fingertip and palm hold the most recent memory of what your current blood glucose level is. Other test sites (thigh, forearm or calf for example) can give a result that is 20-30 minutes old. These are called "lagging" test sites.


Dirty Disher said...

Lauren, I have 10 earrings though.

The arm reading was high. I will try palm.