You can read the details HERE on Gawker. I didn't watch their show, Ghost Adventures, because as strange as it might sound, I'm not all that interested in ghost hunting. I've seen enough. I've searched enough for answers and now I'm happy with what I believe, so unless there's footage of something VERY interesting, I pass. But, this murder and suicide is not what the paranormal needs right now. I want the paranormal to be explored as a real science, as much as it can be. So, we need to present ourselves (those that do believe and explore it) as sane and rational people. This kind of shit sure doesn't help. Saying this could happen in any community is not going to do it for the closed minded. They are going to use this as an example of how crazy we all are. Which isn't fair, but, it's a fact.
Also, I feel a deep regret for the victims. She should have been helped to get safely out of that situation, show or no show. Domestic violence isn't acceptable in any terms or any degree.
PS, Anyone watch that show Ghost Hunters anymore? I feel bad for Jason, but, every since I decided that Grant was a fake, I haven't watched it. Fake ghost hunters are the fucking worst enemy that the paranormal community has.
I watch them all. Do I believe them all? No. But I would like to think that I might get a glimpse one day. There's one thing that I have realized. Iowa is a haunted state. There are so many places in Iowa that I have seen on different shows. I almost feel like I've been there. Kind of a travel log.
Have you seen the famous Axe Murder house? I hate that place, it's close here. I spent one night in it and I won't go back.
Why do you think Grant was a fake? Is that why he left? I like Steve and Tango. Looks like they have fun together. Steve has a lot of phobias and Tango makes it worse for him.
I've seen the Villisca house on several shows and I remembered that you stayed there. I think the preacher did it.
I like every one on that show except Grant. I saw a Halloween special where he was faking some stuff. He's a bad actor and you could tell Jason was disgusted.
That Villisca house is horrible. I hate seeing people interact with the 'child ghosts'. That thing is not a child. It's bad juju and I think more murders will happen in that house. I am just waiting for the news. I think whatever that thing is, it caused those murders and it will do it again.
I'd like to know the history of the house before the murders. Was it built for them? What was on the land before the house? Could it have a history of Native American troubles? Did they have problems (paranormal) before the murders? I guess these are things we will never know.
Still think the preacher did it.
I can't recall the history prior to the Moore's, but, I know it would be easy to find out. ALL land here is Native American and full of troubled memories. I do know that since Darwin died (and Darwin was a weird old bird, he didn't believe in ghosts, but, bought the place to exploit it financially. BUT, Darwin refused to be in it alone and never spent a night there. His wife was the opposite. Anyhow..) the house has been taken over in management by a next door neighbor. Now, I've never met him, but, he claims he has paranormal trouble in his house and it's caused by the old lady who reported there was something wrong with the Moore house that morning, following the murders. His accounts are pretty chilling in themselves. I don't think he's nuts, or greedy (like Darwin) but, he's fairly young and has a young family there. None of this shit is good. It scares me. Because you know...evil shit!
ps, see to me, it doesn't matter who did it, though perv preacher is a good bet, what matters is..the evil in that house/property looks for weak human minds to do it's bidding. There was a stabbing in there not too long ago. There will be another murder what with all the people who stay there. One will be perfect for this thing eventually.
pps..what's really creepy is how Darwin ripped off the siding and tore out the plumbing and any modern convienience to make it EXACTLY as it was. It's bad juju. It is not 'untouched' history. It has it's own history with that owner. Bad juju.
Can you tell me about the stabbing? Was it someone that stayed in the house? I am very curious about that house. I just wonder if the killer brought he evil into the house and left it there. I did see a show about the neighbor house and that family. I didn't know they tore out the modern conveniences.
On that same show, it was said they felt there were two killers who hid in the attic. I hate not knowing the answer to things like this. Does that make me curious or morbid or both.
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