Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Old menstual cup thing

Menstrual collection instrument invented by Hiram Farr in 1884. You shoved that entire contraption in your vagina and the cup thing went over the cervix. Every day or two you could unscrew the metal end of the 'canteen' and empty it. Jesus Christ on a crutch. I wonder how many women perforated their goddamn vaginal walls with this thing???


Jane said...

Not to mention the infections it must have caused. I wonder how long it was used?

Anonymous said...

Well now that's a hoot!

Anonymous said...

It reminded me of those pink "cups" that came out in the 80's. Same idea. The cup would fill up and then you'd change it. What were those called? I just know, I would have filled that thing in a minute. And what about clots? After a baby, I started to pass "liver" chunks. No way this thing could accommodate that. TMI. Sorry. But seriously, this thing would be plugged up in a few hours and be overflowing all down the legs of ladies in long bustled dresses. And Oh, the stink. I'm sorry. Just being real, ladies. And I'm sure it got rusty. & Women died. You know they did.

pan said...

Those cups are still in use and pretty popular. One is called a Diva cup. I would have needed it in quart size. It seems very messy to me.

There was a pretty funny rant posted a few months ago by someone who hates them. I can see exactly why.


Anonymous said...

Yeah that was my first thought - no wonder so many women died during their child bearing years. They had a lot of crazy medical science against them. I'm sure the designer meant well but as Rachel Green said No uterus, No opinion.

Dirty Disher said...

Truer words were never spoken.

I've used the diva cup. It's fine once you trim the tail, for most women. I have a short cooter though, so I always felt it. Like when you get a tampon in wrong and it pinches, you know? Plus it didn't hold enough for the start of mine. But, many women love it.